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Everything posted by Mr_Moal

  1. Added a pile of screenshots, to get a reference to what the lighting looks like. I also have a foler of Lantern On/Off comparisons, so you get an idea of what "darkness" really is, but also how the lantern helps deal with it. I had the lantern turned up one tick, to get a little more light. I personally like the light from the lanterns compared to the mage light because of the nice warm glow from the lantern, compared to the cold blue light from the mage light. Its really personal preference since you can get a ring of magelight which gives you the same effect as a lantern but in colder blue. Play with each, and see which you like better. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0nkmknh9ke65kas/AACD6LjJ-_3UrO77FbXUfVyea?dl=0 Note: the night time pictures I show are from a clear night with both moons out. If its a cloudy night, or both moons are dark, then the landscape is VERY dark. Whether you go out at night to collect resources is dictated by the moon and weather. Dark can make your screen black, and the lantern only lights up a short area around you. I've had times where I give up trying to travel and just make camp where I am, only to find I'm 1 min away from an inn in the morning. When there is a storm, well, its worse.
  2. I have updated the MCM menu notes. These are now in alphabetical order, and contain a few new changes. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=162230
  3. I've gotten several more hours into my new Skyrim build, and I've only run into a few CTD's and other bugs Minor bugs a group of Vigilents of stendar, while they had armor, had no weapons. Probably a leveled list I screwed up somewhere (Maybe?) big bugs? I've had several HUGE papyrus logs. we are talking 200+ Megs, and one (after a 3 hr session) was 1.7GB! Never seen a papyrus log that big before. Previously, papyrus logs were around 10-50 KB, maybe 100KB on a large log. Needless to say, at this size, the logs are essentially useless. If I want anything out of them, I would have to write my own program to parse out the log. Which isn't a bad idea really, something like LOOT but for papyrus logs. So far, no continuous crashing around Whiterun yet, My character has explored a fair bit, and will spend the next few days in and around Whiterun to see if the CTDs come back. I'll include my notes so far below (better organization than the previous post I hope). 0.7 NOTES Load order and Patches Here is a link to the load order, and my patches. As always with patches, these are VERY load order specific, so if you change things, you may need to make your own custom patches. I've split stuff up as much as possible to make re-patching easier. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0nkmknh9ke65kas/AACD6LjJ-_3UrO77FbXUfVyea?dl=0
  4. yes, hopefully this weekend. I want to at least put a few hours in and around whiterun to see if the constant CTD came back with ICAI-overhaul.
  5. Version 0.7 Notes: Edited: Se:veral:times I'm going to post my notes/changes for version 0.7 here for now. Once I've done more testing, I'll update the main PACK page. So far, the game loads and runs rather choppy, and I've had 1 crash as well. I definetly need to use the Normal STEP Compilation, not the High Rez , and use Regular Settings on Vividian ENB even though I got a 4 GHz CPU and a 1070. FPS has been as low as 12 in cities. For others with low frame rate, may want to try lowering the ENB settings. Edit: And those darn blue reflections on rocks are still there, so I still have blue shiny wet rocks. Mods Removed: Birds and Flocks.simplifies install, don't really miss it either, and it changes a bunch of random stuff. Mods Added Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Install Notes:
  6. I feel your pain 3dot, I really want Immersive Citizens as well. Its just that back when I was putting this together, I spent over half my debugging time just trying to figure out why Skyrim CTD around Whiterun, and didn't have it in me to put more hours in after I stumbled across Immersive Citizens as a possible cause. Several months later, I'm willing to give it another try. I really hope that stuff has been patched, and what ever the conflict is, its been solved. The best I can do is make a basic patch using TES5Edit, anything more has to be left to the modding wizards and their black magic.
  7. Good to know Nebulous. if thats the case, people can safely try out the new version while keeping their old one intact. I still suggest out of paranoia that people really should archive their current set up just in case. --------------------------------------------- Note: Post is a work in progress. I'll be adding mods to consider dropping/adding to the lists below. I'm currently in the process of updating the mods in my load order, and reviewing the PACK. there are a few mods i was thinking of adding (like that awesome looking animal textures pack suggested earlier) and I'm going to make another stab at getting Immersive Citizens AI overhaul working. who knows, maybe it won't conflict for some strange reason and the game will stop CTD in Whiterun all the time. https://s2.quickmeme.com/img/11/1143673838600c38380e40bfe6afd357cd93af865f6498dfd0dd9ba233585cde.jpg Its a great mod, just finding that thing that conflicts is the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mods I'm looking at adding (or at least considering): Please let me know what you think. Does anybody know if these can cause problems or are incompatible with existing mods? Relationship Diologue Overhaul. Animallica (thanks potato Knight)Adds lots of varied textures to animalsThe Notice Board by MannyGTThink old school questing. lets you get side quests to go kill/do stuff. Windstad Mine by SkvindtAdds a player owned mine. I don't really care for player owned houses too much, but this seemed kinda neat. have to look into compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mods I'm thinking of dropping. I'll be adding on other mods that I don't think I'll miss. Birds and Flocks.
  8. As noted on the PACK page, please do yourself a favor, make a backup of your skyrim installation, and do NOT upgrade to the new Skyrim Special Edition if you have any interest of playing Requiem and other awesome mods. I have also read on some pages that mod authors are not planning to patch their mods to work with the new Skyrim Special Edition. Other mods will need major rework, such as SKSE. I would personally give the modding community a full year before considering upgrading. Some mods will be ready right away, but others will be so big that it will take a while. Still others, the authors have moved on to new projects.
  9. hello El_Ploplo, good to know you are having fun. As for the studdering, yes, your 660 Ti is to blame. I ran a 760 4GB model and was averaging 25-30 FPS, with occasional screen tearing and studdering. Currently I have upgraded to a 1070, and it gets about 50-55 FPS, rarely hitting the 59 FPS limit I set on the game (if I set the FPS limiter to 60 FPS, then in dark areas the game blips past the 60 FPS limit for a fraction of a second, which is enough for the physic glitch to occur in all its wondrous glory :) ' What Kind of FPS have other people achieved? Its also good to note that in the STEP install, I picked the MIDDLE quality graphics, or, if I had a choice of High/Low, I would pick the Low quality. The Open Cities does add to the load, but the primary load would be the HUGE number of scripts running. Massive script load has been known to limit Frame rate as well. I have an Intel 6700K 4 GHz processor that boosts to 4.2 GHz. If people are running with a 3GHz processor (or an AMD processor, my sympathies) then you will have a much greater impact on FPS due to Open Cities and all the scripts that run. ---------------------------------------------------- Recently I've found a new bug with Frost Fall. I get wet, and my character will not get dry afterwards. I am just eternally wet, always dripping. I also do not get cold afterwards either. No idea why, but my game seems bugged, even loading earlier saves have this problem now. I can only think that I upgraded something, or overwrote some setting when I did a different character. Either way, no frost fall means I can't freeze to death, normally a good thing, but in this case kinda annoying. I'm thinking of going back through the pack, and downloading the most recent mods, and see if any of the patches have been updated. That won't happen for a few weeks though due to work. ------ For those of you who have installed the PACK within the last month, have you had any problems with the most recent versions of mods, or patches?-------- Have fun and keep killing dragons (or feeding them, either way)
  10. Hello all, sorry for being silent for the last few weeks, been on vacation on the coast, and Internet is spotty (yet my computer still managed to drain several gigs on my phone, all well). Back in a few days, and I'll go through the pages of posts I've missed. Looking forward to getting back to my battle Mage and finally reaching BFB (without getting killed :). As for de bugging, I do use the papyrus logs. Yes, they are not a de bugging tool, but it's the best I have. That and my intuition. I keep in the back of my head what the last few things I've done, and go from there. I would like to point out that a crash per play session, with the 300+ mod's installed between this pack and step, is awfully good. It has taken a lot of work to get this far, and I have done far worse with a fraction of the mod's in the past. Personally, as has been pointed out earlier, when skyrim crashes, it's my indication I need to return to earth and get back to real life. A 3 hour skyrim session with no crashing is rather good, and as long as the frequency does not increase (something I'm always worried about) then that's the best you can hope for. Oh, and someone was saying Gorr has way over powered stats, I don't know what you are doing, but Gorr for me has lowish stats and he slowly improves (using EFF functionality) as I level up. There is always the chance that something somewhere got updated. After all, my instructions are a couple months old now. There is no way I'm updating until my current character dies, as updates (except for critical bug fixes) typically does not go well for me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit Ahhhh (picture running around flailing hands about) I can't edit my first few posts anymore.... I was reserving the first bunch of forum posts for important instructions, I'll have to submit a ticket or something to find out what is wrong. Anyways, until then, the first page is great for reference, but I'll have to post my updates somewhere else. https://67.media.tumblr.com/17db4fd77efbc0e2095d010750e50578/tumblr_mwnv9b52Kp1rj480so1_500.gif https://youtu.be/CwBNpIoPQz8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit Edit Turns out it was just a new permissions thing that I didn't know about. Lol. Above gif and clip about sum up my initial thoughts. And they reflect my level 10 charname's response when he runs into a troll for the first time... in heavy iron armor... alone... No horse... On a no reload run... AND has no source of fire.
  11. Thanks for the note of the mistakes in the patch, I'll look into those when I get a chance DynDOLOD has probably been updated, I"ll have to look at the new process for patching. For Helgen Reborn, basically, with my set up, you can't do the vanilla start (wagon ride to Helgen), and you MUST NOT read the Helgen book until you have visited Helgen and done the initial few quests afterwards, (and had several days pass). The Helgen book is the quest trigger, and you botch your game if you read the book before certain things have happened. Otherwise, the Helgen Reborn esp's should be enabled while patching. Since I always use Alternate start for the game (and have not touched the vanilla start with wagon ride for a long time) I didn't consider the fact other people may want to start at Helgen. The closest Helgen start you can get right now is do the "Camping in the Woods" start, which puts you just outside of Helgen. You miss the starting story line, but you at least get right back on the quest line and you can loot Helgen for all its worth. After that game is like usual.
  12. Yup. â€just" install STEP extended, and then "just" install this pack. Should have on order of ### (Edit:censored) mod's by that point
  13. For the Ruffled feather, it does not need anything different. I'll update that properly For Interesting NPCs, Looks like you only need to do one patch (from V3.10 to V3.18). I'll make notes to the changes in a Change log.
  14. You can't be the first person to wonder. Let me know how the delay works out for you, I did not look for an MCM menu setting myself to disable that delay. I play Skyrim Requiem as a role play mod (with Death alternative + no-reload rules), so my characters don't typically make it to the first dragon before dying :). I think one character so far made it through BFB, but don't remember fighting the dragon, so something might have eaten him before that. Lol. Good job making to the dragon by level 14. I've made it to level 30 without fighting the dragon yet. Sometimes the game feels like it's just a butterfly collection game... Have fun with mud crabs. One trick I've found (thanks to EFF) is that if you have followers, you can set them passive, train on the mudcrab, and as soon as it starts kicking your a$$ (or you accidentally agro one of those really really big mudcrabs) you use leader telepathy and set them aggressive again, and they save you. Good to post a confirmation that the main quest line works as intended (i.e. Dragon seen works properly). I do know the initial Mage quest line works though (it's easy thanks to all the scrolls you can get your hands on)
  15. nope nope nope nope, this is no bug, its a mod feature. you are experiencing the mod that slows down the main quest. you need to wait 7 days before the option to start the next stage starts. In that time, feel free to buy a house, fit it up, and (since you know what is coming) gather a follower or two and prepare your equipment for fighting a dragon. I would advise gathering some very strong poisons, as well as some decent arrows/bolts (even with no archery points, a cross bow with poison still works wonders, and uses "minimal" stamina) The No animals report crimes requires the use of TES5Edit to move forward a few entries, refer to the mod website to learn more. Also, for the step extended patch, and the custom patch, please take a look at the custom patches I have a link to on the main page: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6CD5A015B674439D!120&authkey=!AJ9pPrnpwGYBd6k&ithint=folder%2Cesp This will also have a sample load order as well. the 3 patches look at different areas. The one labeled merged patch was indeed created using the TES5Edit automated merged patch, but then I went over every entry added and adjusted it manually. Edit: you mentioned merging mods, typically I have found that if I don't need to merge something to save room, the best that happens is I have a shorter load order, the worst is some kind of unforeseen conflict and bug pops up. Since the Pack leaves you short of the max by 20 something, I can see you running out of room if you added some more to it. Otherwise, I just stay away from merging esp's if I can help it. I'll check my load order later, but I don't recall removing any of the patches. I just updated the appropriate stuff into them, and left them all there.
  16. Good to know people are having success with installation. I've been playing the pack over the last few weeks, and while I get CTD's, they are usually 1-3 hours apart. Got to remember to save often. ----------------------------- One annoying bug I've yet to solve is the drunken huntsman, the hunting store across from the blacksmiths at the entrance to Whiterun. That place seems to think I'm "not supposed to be here", with the owner constantly telling me to leave or he will call the guards. Don't know what has caused this. Its annoying because 3DNPC's has a follower you can grab from there, and if you are playing a hunter, it sucks because you loose a good place to buy bows and stuff. ----------------------------- I have not played through a huge amount of content yet, mostly because I keep trying to build a no-reload character, and while Death Alternative does give you some grace, if you are knocked down to knee, and then hit for 200% of your health, you die (ie game tells you "you suck" and you need to reload an earlier save), which sucks as a mage. Walked into Markarth, haven't been there for a while, and met this fellow claiming to belong to some order, wearing full plate. Walked into the house to look for daedra worshipers, then the voice, then tried to get out, with stuff flying all over the place, and then he kills my followers, then he shouts, wacks me with his great long sword (heavily enchanted), and I go down, then for good measure, he power attacks me and that was the end of that charname. Needless to say, I'll be playing a heavy armor char for now, so that at least I survive a little more. (just remember dragons and other annoying stuff can still hit you hard enough to kill you outright) Have any of you tried a no crafting play through? i.e. no points in alchemy/smithing/enchanting? with honed metal, it certainly is possible, but down right hard at first. You can pick up some decent equipment if you are lucky, but that only works if you are playing a normal type of class, if you play a hybrid class which needs custom gear, it becomes a problem. On the plus side it does save you some skill points for combat abilities, which makes you stronger and slightly less likely to die. but then no potions, and the good stuff costs a lot....
  17. If nobody has any further problems, I'm thinking this is ready to exit beta and transition to version 1.0 If you install this, please post a short blerp on your experience, how the installation went, and if anything needs rewording to be clearer. Thanks and have fun!
  18. Just like to give a heads up that I missed at least one item when updating the Pack page, ----Civil War Repairs---- is a CTD suspect, and was last updated in 2012, and apparently is no longer supported, and I have no idea if it is compatible with Open Cities Skyrim. On the V0.4 --> 0.5 page, I'm adding dated entries for what I've added, Please check that page regularly, especially if you notice the version get incremented (ie 0.5 --> 0.5.1 etc.). I can only assume that there will be other stuff I may have missed. I will review my install notes and make sure the pack page reflects it.
  19. I have updated the Pack page to version 0.5. Change log is here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=163916
  20. Thanks PotatoKnight for catching skyrim Sewers, I'll make note of that. Hadn't tested the sewers yet. and to micasa for finding that the Book Covers Skyrim Nexus page now says the patches are on their own page. I'll update the Pack. When you get everything installed, let me know how it goes. I currently have 1 sort of bug that I want to solve, when the weather is clear and sunny, the wet rocks can reflect the sky (the ambient lighting) which makes them shine a little blue, looks bizarre really. It has to do with the ENB reflection settings. I need to find a way to either reduce the reflection level on the rocks, or find a mod which does this (I don't have time to manually go through all the rock mesh and textures, and change the values. There are lots of them). If someone has a solution, please let me know. for now, since this does not contribute to crashes, its quite low on my bug fix list. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: For those installing this pack, please let me know about any CTD you encounter. So far, I've played 2-3 hours, and had 2 CTD. First was what I think was due to too many scrips running and when I existed a building, weather did a "raining" then "not raining" switch instantly, and Real shelter and Wonders of Weather had a fit because they are just starting up, and suddenly there is no rain, and boom. I'm advising the performance version now on Wonders of Weather. Second, I don't really know why it crashed. I was fighting some mud crabs, and the had the CTD. It was sunny, wasn't doing anything overly out of the ordinary etc.Edit: I have played another 3.5 hours, and during that purposely fought mud crabs (letting them hit me, blocking, me hitting them for a good 40 min) and the crash has not occurred again. I can only guess that the CTD was a fluke. If anyone else experiences CTD during combat, let me know, especially if the CTD is repeatable. I would ask, if you find a way to reduce script load (like a performance option) then let me know. I've a feeling script load will be contributing to CTD's. As a pole, how many CTD per playing session to people generally tolerate? I would love if the game never crashed, but if it crashes once every 4-5 hours, I think I can mostly tolerate it (this being Skyrim and all)
  21. I'll try to answer your posts all at once here: Post 39: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=165940 Good point, I'll make a much bigger deal of the patches and the load order information. Post 40: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=165952 latest wyrmstooth is 1.16 Don't know how the .esp is among the .esm, that is how it was sorted by loot Post 41: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=165970 Mod organizer is telling you that your Installation order is out of wack. I have no Mod Organizer warnings, so I am assuming here that you need to check your installation order again. One of the files I uploaded has the installation order (although listed backwards bottom to top) that you should look through Post 42: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=165971 I do not know the consequences of disabling Requiems MineOreScript. There could be all kinds of things that will happen, or nothing. I have tried disabling mid game play (early on testing) and the game didn't immediately crash, but for all I know, something from the requiem script could be in the save, there is just too many variables I don't know. Post 43: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=165974 The load order you posted has a few problemsAlternate start should be loaded after everything, except skyrim unlocked. definitely after Requiem. (the patchers come last again) With STEP Extended Patch.esp loaded after requiem, a pile of stuff gets over written for Requiem and you will have funny values for some spells and such. I'm currently advising not to use Immersive Citizens because during testing, I would get regular and predictable CTD in Whiterun (every 5 to 15 minutes), especially when sleeping or waiting, entering buildings, etc. With immersive Citizens removed, the only CTD I've had in whiterun was related to a weather change where rain ended immediately as I exited, but with too many scripts running, Real shelter and wonders of weather had a fit (using performance mode with Wonders of Weather seems to reduce the script load)
  22. If you got mouse lag, there may be other problems. I have a 760, and I get about 30 fps, but no mouse lag. Make sure you follow all instructions on the STEP pack for setting the base game, and follow all Vividian instructions for setting up the ENB. Mod Organizer is not reporting anything (except when something is in the override folder), so I don't know whats wrong there. I've included a load order and Install order files in with the patches (Top of Pack page), so check those out and see if you have things out of place. good reminder about the FPS limiter, there are massive physics glitch that happens over 60 fps, I find I need to limit to 55 fps in the enb settings or I get fun stuff happening sometimes (plates and furniture exploding everywhere)
  23. I've got a new "minor" bug of sorts, related to the ENB. Basically, wet shiny rocks are reflecting the sky sometimes (depends on the weather) and will appear to have a blue tint to them, easily mistaken for a missing textures bug. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop the wet rocks from being mirrors.
  24. yes, don't deactivate anything for the first step, only deactivate esps (are activate them again) when told to. I advise you to use the back up and restore functions to get esp's back in the correct load order again (the Blue arrow to the disk is for saving, the Yellow arrow is for loading) Remember to do a back up of both the Install order (left panel) and the Load order (right panel) and you aren't being stupid, others have probably had the same question and didn't bother to ask.
  25. I've been doing some more investigation into some CTD's I'm having in Whiterun, and when I removed Immersive Citizens AI from the mix, the crashs went away. Investigating what could be conflicting with Immersive Citizens AI in Whiterun. I suspect Requiem is some how conflicting because I get a "REQ_MassEffect" script error just before the crash. Reading up says this is related to when an NPC is spawned and removed too quickly before the MassEffect script can run. Edit: also gotten a "BanneredMareSceneTriggerScript" script error as well.
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