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Everything posted by A_Dim_Mismatch

  1. Time for another update! I've put dozens and dozens of hours into testing this. I still can't isolate a culprit: Additional observations about the crash: -It doesn't appear to be INI-related. Doesn't matter if I use Bethini, a vanilla ini, an ENB-generated ini or anything in-between. The crash still happens with the same frequency in the same places. -It doesn't matter if the player character is on a horse or not. My prior suspicion was that it was related to riding on horseback but the crash can be repeated even without a mount. -It doesn't look like a single culprit is responsible. This is the crux of my crash woes. I can't exactly determine what is breaking the game because even when I individually isolate plugins, the crash still happens. I even put together two "Dueling profiles" which only shared the following things active in the left pane (while making sure no files were missing their masters), but both profiles experienced the same crashes in the same places: All DLCsUSLEEPHigh-Res PatchCrash FixesBug FixesAlternate Start-It might not be memory-related at all. It frequently happens when I'm around 60 fps and pushing the graphics to their limit (Moving so fast grass can't render quickly enough to keep up) doesn't seem to have any effect on the frequency of the crash. -Moving between exterior cell transitions in the Whiterun-Riverwood vicinity still appears to be the problem. I've never gotten the crash while standing still. I have been able to get a slightly different Crash Fixes log before, but the transcribed dump file didn't turn up anything in xEdit.
  2. It does; removing it from the game world doesn't solve the crash, though deleting the object from the CK doesn't remove the reference. Its ID still exists with the [D] next to it so it isn't technically gone. I really do think this is a memory problem. It looks like the game only crashes during exterior cell transitions around Whiterun. On my last game installation where this problem occurred, I occasionally saw bizarre glitches like banners not moving in the breeze (like the one on Whitewatch Tower or the ones on the rock piles on the Throat of the World) and fire from braziers turning into huge, flat, rhomboid shapes. One time when I loaded the game around a cell transition between Whiterun and Riverwood, all NPCs were in the t-pose.
  3. What about if I created an esp that loaded after the esm but removed the tree from the worldspace? If I load the game with such an esp active, the game couldn't make a crash refer to a nonexistent world object, could it?
  4. Unfortunately, I've tested the game with all of the mods in the previous load order screenshot disabled via the left pane. The crashes don't appear to be caused by USLEEP or the high-res patch, and it doesn't look like they're caused by SKSE, or FNIS, or any other mods. I can't find any evidence that any mod is directly responsible for the crashes' occurrence.
  5. How do I go about that? Right now, if I open Skyrim.esm in xEdit, I don't have an option to remove or edit any records.
  6. I do run Bug Fixes, yeah. Had to get that one as soon as I saw it dealt with the Lip Sync bug. :P How do you recommend I delete the reference?
  7. Yes, though I couldn't tell you if something was wrong with it looking at it in xEdit. When I open up the game and cow Tamriel 43,-25 and then move to the three using its reference ID, it looks like an ordinary aspen tree located next to a rocky outcropping in between Riften's outside wall (near the east gate) and the road that runs out of Riften toward Dayspring Canyon and the border with Morrowind. Didn't see anything unusual about it there, either.
  8. That I don't know. I thought it might result from SFO's Summer Edition (since that places aspen trees in various exterior cells), but even when I start a new game with that deactivated in the left pane, I still get the same crash that points to the same aspen tree at coordinates 43,-25. It doesn't look like anything outside of Skyrim.esm has anything to do with it.
  9. Alright, so I've opened TESedit with that load order I posted the screenshot of earlier. There are some conflicts, but nothing that immediately jumps out at me. It's not as if I'm running any poorly-documented mod with this setup so nothing stands out as being troublesome in this context. Oddly, the logs from Crash Fixes almost all point to the same exact reference ID; 000AEF0C, TreeAspen05. But that's from Skyrim.esm and it's not involved in any conflicts.
  10. To what end? I did try to resolve conflicts with a merged patch before but that didn't result in any noticeable improvement. I can try it again though.
  11. Alright, I'll run some tests as such. Running it that way with a complete load order doesn't appear to work, but that doesn't mean I can't test it otherwise. Windows 7. If it's of any use, here's a screenshot of a load order I ran which did not work; this used the original Skyrim masters (not cleaned): What's curious about this is that I excluded these mods in other tests (ran a test without SKSE and any mods which depended on it; ran a test without Realvision ENB; a test without FNIS, a test without USLEEP and the high-res patch, etc.) but even that didn't change the outcome of the crash problem. It becomes more difficult to replicate the crash the fewer mods that I use, but excluding anything in particular does not seem to suddenly fix it.
  12. How should I handle the cleaned masters in the load order? Put them in left pane immediately after each corresponding original master and likewise for the right pane? Should I disable the uncleaned masters in the right pane or keep them enabled as well?
  13. I think it might be something memory-related too, because I tried a very light load order that occasionally resulted in the crash, then switched all of those mods out of the otherwise full load order and it didn't make a noticeable difference. Setting the custom memory block to 128 didn't solve the crash, but I'll run tests with higher settings and see what happens. Either way, I appreciate the help!
  14. Vanilla with no mods is really stable, that's the thing. It's that adding mods - even a limited number of mods - doesn't play nicely with the game, and only in a very specific area on the in-game map. Outside of the vicinity of Whiterun, my load order doesn't give me any problems. And a crash can happen only 5 minutes in, or not happen after 60 minutes.
  15. Indeed, I've verified and recently did a total reinstall. Reinstalled Skyrim, MO, LOOT, FNIS, SKSE, etc. A couple other things I've noticed: -The crash is extremely difficult to replicate while on foot (even moving at 5x normal running speed) but much easier to replicate on horseback (particularly when moving faster than normal) -Since I reinstalled, the crash between Whiterun and Riverwood doesn't seem to happen anymore, but the game can sometimes crash in the area west of Whiterun (in the fields just west of the main gate, but east from any dungeons or map locations) -The crash seems to occur around exterior cell transitions (especially between Chillfurrow Farm and the walls of Whiterun)
  16. Right, so here's some tests I've run via Mod Organizer (used Bethini accordingly):-Original master files (not cleaned) + my total load order. Resulted in the same type of crash.-Cleaned master files (not copies loaded separately in MO but the four .esm files that need to be cleaned) + my total load order. Resulted in the same type of crash.-Original master files (not cleaned) with high-res DLC and no mods. Did not result in a crash after 90 minutes of riding around the vicinity of Whiterun on horseback. Looks like the base game is alright. I've yet to load cleaned masters in Mod Organizer as mods--would that make a difference? Thus far I've just cleaned the original masters and used them in MO that way and didn't notice a difference in game stability.
  17. An update on this subject: With only one mod enabled (that being Alternate start, which was used for starting a quick game to test), otherwise only running the Skyrim master files and the high-res DLC, I'm still getting the crash. Any ideas? Anything ini-related, perhaps something that could be related to hardware settings on the GPU?
  18. In the vicinity spanning just west of Pelagia Farm, northeast to Battle-Born Farm and southeast to the pathway to Whiterun just beyond the crossing north of Riverwood, I've been experiencing pretty frequent crashes. No ini tweaks, bugfixes, etc. (even a clean Skyrim installation) that I've yet implemented appear to address this problem. Oddly, the crashes don't appear to occur anywhere else in-game. Resource-heavy interiors and exteriors elsewhere in the game have been stable outside of the usual FPS drops. Using information from the Crash Fixes forums on the Nexus, I put together a dump file which pointed to an ID of 0x000aef0c. Looking up the aef0c ID in TES5Edit gives me a tree from Skyrim.esm. I'm not sure how this could be the cause of the crash. I can include the contents of the dump file for more information, if needed. This particular error is one that I have seen other people report, but no research on the matter points to anything in particular being the cause, or anything being a solution. Below is my load order, per LOOT: Below are Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini, respectively: Below is some Skyrim Performance Monitor information: Please let me know if there's any other useful information I can provide. This has been going on for over a month now, and the crash is frequent enough that, in spite of my game otherwise being almost perfectly stable and crash-free, the game is practically unplayable since I don't use fast travel and the area around Whiterun is my single most frequent destination on the map. As mentioned earlier, I have yet to see any particular cause/solution to this crash, and if this information (and subsequent information) can be of use in helping others resolve the issue, all the better.
  19. I'm going to offer a perspective from a far less talented modder who searches the Nexus for new things weekly. There's hardly new mods I can find worth downloading. SkyRe isn't getting updated anymore. PerMa is too much work to run with my load order. CWO is on hiatus until Mannimarco is ready. Skywind is still far away. Shadow of Morrowind likewise. No new great armor, weapon or hair packs have been released that I can find. Good new gameplay mods are being waited on to make sure they're stable. Right now it's mostly HD goodies and follower mods. I already have HD textures that look fine to me and I don't use follower mods. That doesn't leave me with much to download.
  20. It's good that it has so few issues at release. I think I'll still wait until my next playthrough before I download, but thanks for taking the time to playtest it!
  21. This is what I suspected but maybe with the new system that'll be implemented on the Nexus, this could change. I'm surprised that this happened. I was expecting the paid workshop to continue as a very meek feature, but they must have decided that it wasn't worth the cost. If what Gabe said on Reddit is correct, then the initial costs far outweighed the tiny amount of money that they made. Not to mention the damage to PR and prestige. This is the biggest victory for gamers since the Mass Effect 3 Endings. It had some costs and many people were far out of line, but when you have hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people in protest, that's unfortunately quite likely to happen.
  22. This is a great victory for the modding community. And content developers didn't totally lose out. The paywall barrier to collaboration is gone, but donations are now more prominent than ever. Will that prominence last? Only time will tell. But they listened to people and I'm glad.
  23. Timing-related mods are some of the finest of all mods when they work. Timing is Everything for example, I first used it on my current playthrough and all future playthroughs will use it, too. Like most new releases, I'll track this and see if it's stable, and if it is, I'll give it a shot on my next character.
  24. Yeah, I didn't see that at first. I feel bad for liking the above post before reading through the linked post all the way, because that at the end ruined it. All that research and he delegitimizes it by not paying. I don't agree with that kind of action at all.
  25. That points to another problem with selling on the Workshop. A great deal of people downloading are going to be novices who know next to nothing about effectively using mods and maintaining load orders and mod managers, so they're going to experience far more issues than the Nexus crowd would. More issues = more bad ratings and negative comments, and since people are paying for these instead of downloading for free, they're going to be much more likely to be unhappy if things do not work out as they anticipate.
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