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Everything posted by SatyriconX

  1. Nevermind, I found the issue..for whatever reason, my LOTD profile skyrim prefs.ini was slightly different than what I had setup, so I just swapped it...
  2. So I've confirmed that my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini file both show correctly in the */MyGames/Skyrim Special Edition/* folder as well as viewing them through MO. But the in game settings still show values that don't reflect the .ini configurations (I.E. Save on Wait, Save on Travel etc. are showing as enabled) Is this normal? If not, any thoughts as to why that might be?
  3. Petr87, on 26 Jun 2018 - 7:12 PM, said: Not spotted this but them again I don't get the claw that way I know this is an old forum post, but I also encountered this issue myself but was able to resolve it by: Re-organizing my .esp load order to match Lexy's exactly Chose an alternate start other than the Vanilla start Not sure which of these 2 things actually cured the issue, but one or both of these steps resolved this issue for me (if anyone still cares :D )
  4. 2 more Noob questions for the gurus: MXPF - Mator's xEdit Patching Framework - Instructions state to manually download and install into Edit scripts folder in SSEEdit. Does this mean I should copy the entire contents of this archive into the Edit Scripts folder in SSEEdit? (Edit Scripts, ESPs, Documentation, license, README.md are the contents inside) Essentially, this would be nesting the MXPF Edit Scripts folder within the SSEEDit Edit Scripts folder. This seems odd to me and my gut feeling is that I should be extracting the scripts inside the MXPF Edit Scripts folder into the SSEEdit Scripts folder. Thoughts?Mators Smash - I just want to be clear I'm understanding this correctly. When patching with Mator Smash, I am to add everything from Update.esm down to Bashed Patch, 0.esp to SMASH.ALL EXCEPT the .esp's listed below (Animals Merged.esp, Conflict Resolution.esp etc...) which are not being REMOVED from the patch but rather set to SMASH.FORCEALLSorry for asking so many noob questions today - I've just found some anomalies within my game, like odd NPC behavior (NPC's sitting on invisible chairs in the middle of the street), and I want to run through the guide a 3rd time and make sure I'm doing everything exactly right :) Thanks in advance for any tips!
  5. Just to be clear - You're advising that I just use the FOMOD instructions from the 4.33 version with the 4.50 version. There isn't a download link to the 4.33 version listed anywhere, correct?
  6. Does anyone know if there are old versions of XP32 Skeleton hosted anywhere? The 4.20 version is no longer on the nexus and I hate deviating from the guide. The 4.40 and 4.50 versions fomod installer is totally different than the 4.20 version and it seems the settings are now controlled through MCM, but there is a bunch of stuff in there that frankly I'm not sure how to configure for compatibility with this guide. Thanks in advance for any help :)
  7. Just wanted to give a BIG thanks to DarkLadyLexy, Darth Mathias, and Shadriss! After a failed first attempt with this guide and having to start over from scratch, I've finally got it up and running and the results are breathtaking! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Cheers!!!
  8. Hi - Noob Question here: When generating DynDOLOD - Should I leave the 'Generate tree LOD' box ticked? It was ticked by default but the instructions don't include this box as one to be checked. Should I uncheck it? Thanks in advance for any advice here :)
  9. Hi SRLE - Extended Team So I've just completed my first pass through the guide and have the game up and running. My FPS seems good until I reach areas like the tundra outside of whiterun it bogs down and gets kinda sluggish. Do you think running in fullscreen instead of borderless windowed with One Tweak could help with this?
  10. It should display. My inventory screen now shows 0/60 for weight.
  11. There is a setting to reduce encumbrance by percentage inside the mod options for Ghost mode. If you set to 100% percent, all your items will become weightless, causing Geralt to lift from the ground and float into outer space. :)
  12. Hi Neo - I see the Reshade preset section is still marked TBD. Are there any presets that you've been considering? Or are you waiting for something new and of quality to be created with the new Reshade 3.0 framework?
  13. As for the conditional CTD's, like when hovering over a certain item, I'm not sure, but if you're getting a lot of random CTD's frequently, it could be because you are hitting the 3.1gb max memory load for Skyrim which usually occurs when people use all large textures in their texture packs. Â I did this myself by using all 2k textures and that was the problem. Â If you did this as well, you should try using 2k textures with 1k normals, or just using 1k textures outdoors and only use 2k textures indoors. Â If that's not your problem, then I apologize, just thought I'd throw it out there. Â -Cheers
  14. Okay! Thank you both for the swift responses, this is exactly what I needed to know. Â Cheers!!!
  15. According to Neovalen's guide, in the 'Creatures of Skyrim section' it instructs to hold off on installing Automatic Variants until a later. Â What I'm a bit unsure of is whether I should hold off on installing all of the AV Packages (I.E. Bellyaches AV Package) until later on when Automatic Variants is finally installed. Â It seems to me that this would be the case, but I'm not 100% sure. Â Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way. Â Can anyone shed any light on this? Â Thanks :)
  16. Thanks for the swift reply Farlo. Â Do you recommend Wrye Bash over MO? Â Or are you a masochist like the Compiler and install manually? lawl
  17. For some reason Sky UI is not recognizing SKSE when I am installing it through MO's fomod installer. Â I was wondering if I could simply create a new zip that just contains the esp and bsa for Sky UI and load it into MO that way. Â Would this be a viable method of installing Sky UI or does it need the scripted fomod installation to work correctly? Â If anyone can answer this, It'd be appreciated. Â Thanks. P.S. SKSE is installed correctly and is recognized by BOSS as well as everything else that utilizes it. Â Only the Sky UI fomod gives me trouble. Â I didn't see a loose files version of it on the nexus unfortunately. Â
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