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  1. I also have Book of UUNP installed, but on an older version of the pack. Like Alkira said, it generally works without problems with the exception that a few records from Legacy are not forwarded (i.e., leveled list items where it looks like paintings and some of the fate cards would not be added to some lists without a patch). The only other thing is that gamefever has added crafting books that are supposed to be needed in order to craft the new armors. I think the idea was to not clutter the crafting menus with the large number of armors added until the user gets the books. However, I see the armors show up in the crafting menu even without getting any of the books. Some posts on the Book of UUNP site seemed to indicate a possible conflict with Ordinator where Ordinator might override the requirement for the books. So that's only an issue if you care about needing books to craft the armors. Oh, and I am using the no skimpy patch which has not yet been updated for the newest version. Not sure if that is working or not since I haven't had time to test it. Despite those minor conflicts, it generally works and I love the huge amount of variety it adds to the armors in the game.
  2. Good luck! I know it can be frustrating trying to track down issues with such a heavily modded install. I'd suggest re-starting with installing SRLE LotD as close as possible to what is in the guide. You should be able to do it a lot quicker this time due to your experience with going through it before. Once you've tested that and verified that it works ok, then go and customize it to your liking. I say that because it is tempting (for me at least) to add my own list of desired mods early on before completing the guide or before testing it thoroughly. If you do that, though, you never know if an issue is coming up due to the mods you added or whether it is due to an issue with the main installation based on the guide. Always keep that complete SRLE LotD build as a separate profile in Mod Organizer and then create a custom profile for your specific mod additions and tweaks.
  3. Haha that's awesome! At least it wasn't a clown...
  4. Hi, welcome to the club! Going through the SRLE (Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition) guide and the SRLE Extended LotD guide requires a lot of time and attention to detail but is so worth it in the end. In answer to your questions: 1) when the guide calls for a manual installation or it says to not install certain files, you can accomplish this through Mod Organizer. When you select a mod to install, a pop-up box comes up with the name of the mod and a couple buttons that say "manual" "automatic" or "cancel". You would select the manual button. You then are presented with the file tree of the files in the mod with check boxes next to each folder. You can deselect whichever files or folders that the guide says to not install. Alternatively, you can install the mod automatically and then open up the mod folder on your hard drive and manually delete the files/folders from there. 2) There is an integration page for SRLE LotD linked at the top of the guide. This gives a high level overview of what mods are added, renamed, removed, merged, etc. in comparison to SRLE base. In general, if there is a mod from SRLE base that is changed during the LotD guide, you would first rename the mod "<mod name> SRLE", untick it from the left pane of Mod Organizer, and then reinstall it as a new mod with the name "<mod name> SRLE LotD" or something similar. The SRLE LotD guide mentions this at the top of the guide. Hopefully this makes sense.
  5. Side note - hats off to you two (Darth and Lexy) for creating and maintaining such an awesome guide on top of an already great SRLE base. (And of course, to everyone else who is supporting and maintaining the guide). Ever since I heard about Legacy, I have wanted to build it on top of SRLE and your guide has 99% of everything I had wanted to include! So thanks! It's amazing that you two can keep up with the guide at all with having twins. When I first had my son, he knocked me out of commission for months, and that was only 1 kid!!
  6. I agree and I personally like having dragons represent a significant challenge even if it means delaying main quest progress a bit. The fact that we have additional follower mods makes me want to use 2 or 3 followers as well, but that means the difficulty should be a bit higher or else it is a cakewalk with them. I like the idea of having AAE handle the other creatures while having the specific dragon overhauls handle the dragons. I haven't yet finished building the pack yet so I can't comment on how these mods actually play out.
  7. It doesn't get any better than that! Huge congrats to you and Lexy, and happy birthday as well! Although sad to say you probably won't be celebrating your birthday for the foreseeable future... the twins just took it over ;)
  8. I personally haven't tried adding Requiem to SRLE in a very long time. However, I know Mr. Moal is building a STEP + Requiem + other mods guide called Everything + the Kitchen Sink. You can check it out here: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Everything_%2B_The_Kitchen_Sink and he posts his progress here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/. This might give you a decent starting point at least.
  9. Out of curiosity, what armor replacers did you choose for UNP? I'm thinking of switching also but haven't gotten around to finding replacements for SRLE's UNPB armors.
  10. Hey, thanks for putting this together. I love Requiem and it's nice to see an updated guide to adding the STEP packs, etc. to it. I am in the middle of an SRLE + MMO + parts of SRLE Extended playthrough, but will definitely keep an eye on this for my next one!
  11. Block1 is the one you need to worry about. Block 2 isn't that important as far as I am aware, and you can run with it maxed out at 256 without problems.
  12. I use Morrowloot Ultimate as part of Dreadflopps packs and I love it. I like mods where you have something to work towards. Normally, being able to get Ebony or Daedric equipment early on kind of spoils it for me. With MLU, though, getting high level equipment is a treat and makes it feel like more of an achievement getting an ebony or daedric weapon, for example.
  13. Awesome, I can't wait!
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