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  1. This Parallax is not the same as the one used in ENB series, also these textures were created before that feature's release. The Ice/Glacier models include parallax feature themselves, I think the main difference to make it none parallax is to remove any transparency from the main surface texture. As to rootsrat's question: Probable chosen for best appearance, based on screen shots I guess.
  2. It's a cool effect, very cinematic, but not actually realistic; arrows don't spin when released from a bow they sort of shake or wobble. I wouldn't say it''s a necessary mod for STEP.
  3. Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly Should be a welcome fix to anybody's mod list. Just speeds up the stand up from being knocked down; animations files only no .esp, recent update includes clipping fixes.
  4. Could it be an after the fact fix? As in if you go threw the dungeon again and can't get out then?
  5. I'll post some screens as I can: Vanilla                                Smim Also, Chesko's Lanterns have a different texture(just a re-colour/re-size of vanilla) and STEP includes a retexure for the Lantern as well(not sure which mod adds it though, Skyrim HD probably): Chesko                               STEP (Notes on Texture sizes[diffuse & normalmap]: Vanilla=128 & 128, HD=512 & 512, Chesko= 1024 & 512, STEP= 1024 & 1024, SMIM= 2048 & 2048[!])
  6. Skyrim's never liked being Alt+tabbed. As for SFO, if you still want some of the changes it makes with less performance hit you can try the grass .ini tweak found in the wiki page, if you haven't already.
  7. It IS identical to Realistic Smoke and Embers. Moder's quote: "Based on vanilla textures and some files from the mod Better Smoke and Embers: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/836" The only change he made is too the fxember.dds file, and all he did was combine the ash01_g and fxember together. "*** Another one of my Steam workshop files, now shared here on the nexus." ('nuff said)
  8. Okay, back from sleeping and looks like i was wrong but it no longer matters. As for vanilla lanterns they aren't "lore friendly" either, if you look at the HD DLC textures it's clear that the lamp was welded together, this is not mere brazing either it looks to been welded by modern day MIG/stick style techniques. Therefore these lanterns MUST be from the future and thus are completely Un"lore friendly"!(orbethtexartitsjustsuck)
  9. This patch only supports Wearable Lanterns 2_2a, shouldn't effect the Lanterns for Guards Optional Add-On.
  10. This should be an obvious change, but maybe not suitable for performance STEP: Wearable Lanterns SMIM Patch On hold as of STEP v2.2.5 -Pending availability of reduced texture res options.
  11. Your right but. Water will get cloudy when the river bottom is disturbed. However dirt, sand and rocks will settle back to the bottom fairly quickly, more so in fast flowing rivers, leaving the water translucent enough to see the bottom clearly. I know some rivers are very cloudy all the time but I'm really not an expert on why some do and some don't. Also, just had a thought about colour changes to rivers and water, just another thing to consider what looks better/more real.
  12. In a recent update Laast fixed that, by popular demand:"Update 4 (March 2013): Slightly less transparent water in some areas (requested by many users)." - Everybody has their preferences; myself, I like Pure. What should also be considered is the Scale of effect the mod has, because WATER changes more then just the water textures now, so is that good or bad for STEP?
  13. problem post sry.
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