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Everything posted by Artorius

  1. Pretty sure this is a copy/paste error from a different mod, just ignore it.
  2. Just make sure it's loaded after all it's masters, for me that was just after CACO but it could be different for you. If you run LOOT it should do this automatically. Another thing to check for is if the masters are in the order the plugin expects them to be. If they are not then in Wrye Bash they will show up with an orange checkmark (instead of green). This can be fixed by loading said plugin in SSEEdit and right clicking on it and selecting Sort Masters.
  3. Make sure that the World Encounters Merged patch is loaded below all of it's masters, when I updated my World Encounters Merged Patch I had to move it down below CACO as that was now a master of that plugin.
  4. For me Classic Classes automatically pops up after you have selected your start in the prison and slept in the bed, so just let all the MCMs load, set your settings and then pick your start and sleep in your bed, then you should get the classic classes popup.
  5. Thanks, I've spotted another one under [beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch] Files to download : MAIN FILES - Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch
  6. On your update for the Forgotten City Consistancy patch you've put Skyrim Sewers Consistancy Patch instead, did you mean to write Forgotten City Consistancy patch instead?
  7. Hey there, thought I'd like to point out this really interesting looking mod: Penitus Oculatus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061 Someone has finally decided to flesh out this underwhelming vanilla faction. Looks like good stuff :) Naturally it would story conflict with Brotherhood of Old so it would be an either/or install.
  8. Well I went to check out my handiwork after going through the process, aaaand the heavens opened so I couldn't see a damned thing beyond about 100m, curse my weather mods :)
  9. Thanks for the quick reply! Good to know that I was on the right track :)
  10. I've been using Dyndolod for some time and been pretty impressed with what I've seen so far. I was looking at the latest version and the means to switch it from 2D Billboards to 3D Static Lod and was unsure about one of the instructions: Does this mean I should copy nolodtrees.lst to OUTPUT PATH\Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Trees and then rename it to Tamriel.lst? Then do the same with all the other Worldspaces I currently have and rename the file appropriately (eg copy nolodtrees.lst and rename it to Falskaar.lst inside OUTPUT PATH\Meshes\Terrain\Falskaar\Trees) ?
  11. I did a clean reinstall of version 1.3.2 after backing up my profiles and downloads and most things seem to work fine but after trying to run PerkusMaximus.jar (including having the argument -Xmx1024m -jar added to the argument line) and letting it go through the entire process it crashes without building the PerkusMaximus.esp and leaves the following error: DEBUG (15:21:43.0268): createfile w: ..\..\PerMa_USKP master patch.esp -> C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches\PerMa_USKP master patch.esp (80000000 - 3) = 00000EE0 (0)DEBUG (15:21:46.0904): createfile w: Files\tmp.esp -> C:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\Files\tmp.esp (80000000 - 3) = 00000CB8 (0)DEBUG (15:21:48.0156): add mod file C:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\SkyProcDebug\Consistency\Conflict Pruning.txt (SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\SkyProcDebug\Consistency\Conflict Pruning.txt)DEBUG (15:21:50.0251): move (ex) C:\Users\Jamie Atkinson\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyProc\ConsistencyV3\PatchusMaximus.esp_ConsistencyTmp to C:\Users\Jamie Atkinson\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyProc\ConsistencyV3\PatchusMaximus.esp_Consistency - 1 (183)ERROR (15:21:50.0253): failed to remove virtual file PatchusMaximus.espDEBUG (15:21:50.0474): remove mod file C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\PatchusMaximus.espDEBUG (15:21:50.0474): using path from previous deletion: \PatchusMaximus.espDEBUG (15:21:50.0474): remove mod file C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\Files\tmp.espDEBUG (15:21:50.0474): handle opened with backup semantics: ..\..\Skyrim.esmDEBUG (15:21:50.0474): handle opened with backup semantics: ..\..\Update.esm This worked fine when I used it with 1.2.18 earlier today. Note that I don't think the plugin it brings up is important, it previously gave the same error with Enhanced Lights and FX,esp at the top ,so I deactivated that and all plugins that had it as a master, and it then failed again with that above error. Someone else on the Nexus has also reported this same issue and has posted this error: DEBUG (23:39:54.0010): createfile w: ..\..\Apocalypse - More Apocalypse - PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp -> C:\Mod Organizer\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim\Apocalypse - More Apocalypse - PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp (80000000 - 3) = 00000C78 (0) DEBUG (23:39:58.0506): createfile w: Files\tmp.esp -> C:\Mod Organizer\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\Files\tmp.esp (80000000 - 3) = 00000958 (0) DEBUG (23:39:59.0687): add mod file C:\Mod Organizer\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\SkyProcDebug\Consistency\Conflict Pruning.txt (SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\SkyProcDebug\Consistency\Conflict Pruning.txt) DEBUG (23:40:04.0254): move (ex) C:\Users\Sevrick\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyProc\ConsistencyV3\PatchusMaximus.esp_ConsistencyTmp to C:\Users\Sevrick\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyProc\ConsistencyV3\PatchusMaximus.esp_Consistency - 1 (183) ERROR (23:40:04.0256): failed to remove virtual file PatchusMaximus.esp DEBUG (23:40:04.0291): remove mod file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\PatchusMaximus.esp DEBUG (23:40:04.0291): using path from previous deletion: \PatchusMaximus.esp DEBUG (23:40:04.0291): remove mod file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_PatchusMaximus\Files\tmp.esp DEBUG (23:40:04.0291): handle opened with backup semantics: ..\..\Skyrim.esm DEBUG (23:40:04.0291): handle opened with backup semantics: ..\..\Update.esm
  12. Sheson on Skyrim Nexus has suggested this workaround: In the MO Modify Executables windows, please add the same directory TES5LODGen.exe is in to the "Start in" field. See if that makes a difference. Next you can also add a specific output directory away from the game files so nothing gets accidentally overwritten and it might help with this error as well. Add something like -o:"C:\TES5LODGenOutput" to the ""Arguments" fields If the last is used and worked, copy the created files to the appropriate game directories or into a custom mod. I've tested it and it seems to work fine so this would be a recommended workaround for the time being.
  13. OK I've reported the main thrust of the issue on the tracker, however I can't currently attach the bug dump since I'm a new user of the site and haven't been cleared to upload files to the site. You can see it here: https://issue.tannin.eu/tbg/modorganizer/issues/1037
  14. I've been trying to run TES$LODGen (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62698/?) through mod organizer but it keeps crashing on me. It leaves the following bug report in my mod organizer log : DEBUG (06:20:55.0163): add mod file C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\\meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.8.-24.-24.bto (meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.8.-24.-24.bto) DEBUG (06:20:55.0479): add mod file C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\\meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.4.-8.-28.bto (meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.4.-8.-28.bto) DEBUG (06:20:55.0651): add mod file C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\overwrite\\meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.4.16.20.bto (meshes\terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.4.16.20.bto) INFO (06:20:55.0662): Windows Exception (c0000005). Last hooked call: int __stdcall FindClose_rep(void *) ERROR (06:20:55.0662): Windows Exception (c0000005). Last hooked call: int __stdcall FindClose_rep(void *) ERROR (06:20:55.0681): This is a critical error, the application will probably crash now. DEBUG (06:20:55.0697): hooks removed ERROR (06:20:55.0899): Crash dump created as C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Mod Organizer\hook.dll.dmp. Please send this file to the developer of MO DEBUG (06:22:02.0348): hooks removed ----------- LOG END ----------- I'm running on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64bit
  15. Ah well I guess I'll have to make do with not having tes4ll for the moment. Thanks for trying anyway.
  16. Thanks for the reply! Indeed I also spotted that in the nexus changelog and asked about it in the thread there. Having tes4ll working properly will make MO more or less fully usable with all of Oblivion's tools. It's also good to see that gruftikus is still working on the tool so hopefully we will see an even better tool :)
  17. I was wondering if any more progress was made on this particular issue. I've been trying out Oblivion with Mod Organizer and have had success with everything important except for tes4ll. I'd like to be able to see my pretty lods rather than the ugly ones I currently see :(. Artorius.
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