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Everything posted by EnaiSiaion
SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified
EnaiSiaion replied to paul666root's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Just gonna update the patch myself. Proves once more that you can't count on anyone but yourself. -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Update since I'm leaving the scene soon: - The recent Ordinator (9.xx) and Wildcat (6.xx) updates were pretty big, but there will be no more content/feature updates to Ordinator, Apocalypse, Wildcat, etc; only absolutely necessary bugfixes. (Stability is finally here.) - Summermyst is no longer being pushed since most people prefer Wintermyst (or more accurately, don't care either way but Wintermyst has more patches). - Permissions will be opened across the board to allow anyone to do anything with them as long as they give credit. - The Requiem patch for Apocalypse will be made. -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
There's nothing that doesn't need a patch for Wintermyst and now needs a patch for Summermyst. Feedback on 6.00 ranges from highly positive to nonexistent. :: Still seems like a large net win. I'm sure Sheson is some Canaanite demon that demands baby sacrifices. -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Congratulations! :D -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Hm, why Wintermyst instead of Summermyst? -
Of course it works. :P
Thanks. :) I don't have an account and don't really know how Github works. Well it isn't so much that the app is not scaling, but it seems to make elements smaller, as if it is reducing text scaling by 50% instead of increasing it by 50%?
Windows 10 text scaling set to 150%. About half of the mods in the left pane have their names scaled up correctly, while the other half is tiny, based on the length of the mod name (a name that ends on an ellipsis becomes small). Also, the panes on the right ignore DPI settings and if anything seem to be even smaller than other unscaled text. The letters are less than one millimetre tall and thus impossible to read. :(
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Massive bug found in Wildcat pre-2.10, causing multiple injuries upon exceeding a threshold and doubling stamina costs. Clean save is necessary. This explains why people preferred Vigor injuries. Would sure be nice if, out of >25,000 users, more than 1 user reported injuries not working as described or more than 3 reported the stamina thing until today. I never realised the issue because the double injuries was reported only once, so I dismissed it as user error because surely more than one user would report such a huge bug, right? Nope. -grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Fixed in the latest patch update. Brawl fix updated to 1.04, I missed a script. -
1.04 fixes an event I missed. I'm not sure why no one reports these things. Will I bite?
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Is there something I should know or could fix about the Disparity patch? -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
I updated the fix to 1.03. It now also cancels the brawl and triggers a defeat when the player casts a non-hostile spell from their hands or uses alchemy (hostile spells are accounted for when the opponent is struck by them). This is more reliable than the Brawl Bugs Patch solution with a million keyword comparisons, because buffs added by mods probably don't have those keywords. Brawls should now work exactly as expected in Skyrim - there was a corner case in 1.02 where the act of using a hostile spell would escalate the brawl even though hostile spell use anywhere else in Skyrim does not count as an assault unless you actually hit someone. <3 I updated the fix. It now also cancels the brawl if the player casts a spell on purpose (= has the spell in their hands) or uses alchemy. This is more reliable than the Brawl Bugs Patch solution with a million keyword comparisons, because buffs added by mods probably don't have those keywords. -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
I just fixed the brawl bug in a more reliable fashion than the Brawl Bug Patch. It is slightly more lenient in that you can cast spells on yourself, but this also means procs will not cause issues. Only hostile spells (and attacks, shouts and scrolls) now break brawls. It also doesn't compare every magic effect against 20 keywords. -facepalm- This mod may need a few days to stabilise, but if it works, I'll throw it into Imperious and Ordinator so I can get rid of the 27 million conditions that were added to Imperious. -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
EnaiSiaion replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
If you set degradation change to 0 in the MCM, it will allegedly turn off the evil OnHit() script entirely. -
Imperious 6.11 released to fix the inevitable issue resulting from trying to implement brawl detection. Active abilities are now disabled when a brawl quest is started and has progressed past stage 0, and in Jorrvaskr no matter what. Anyway, the guide is set in stone now, so don't worry about it.
Well, I knew that an MCM switch was unwieldy, but since no one complained about it, I figured an alternative (that is not backwards compatible and may require people to update their compatibility patches) didn't seem necessary. :(:(::((:(((((:(::( Note that you can still break brawls on purpose (use Shockwave, eat a corpse while fighting, intentionally set a contingency) but that's on you, just like if you set your Ocato's Recital to cast a Flame Cloak in the opponent's face when you enter combat. Also, thereis a Brawl Bugs Cheat that solves the issue with extreme prejudice, at the cost of letting you bend the rules harder than a European government creating a budget plan. The brawl bugs patch is not actually thorough and things like healing effects or cloaks will still cause issues. In the end, are brawls so important as to preserve them at the cost of potentially many gameplay mods, given that this "fair fist fight" allows you to participate in full daedric plate and therefore has no competitive integrity anyway? The Apocalypse and Ordinator updates are tiny. Imperious is the brawl thing. Wildcat is a QoL fix regarding heart injuries and a minor feature stolen from Vigor (with permission).
It is unfortunate that I was never asked or notified that there was a problem that would result in Imperious getting kicked out so I could implement a fix. Anyway, I found this thread, Imperious 6.10 fixes this and now automatically turns off a whole slew of in-combat abilities during brawls. MCM no longer needed.
Apocalypse, Thunderchild and other EnaiSiaion mods?
EnaiSiaion replied to dreamer1986's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
There was 1 esp error with Thunderchild on a record that isn't actually used anywhere. -
SKYRIMLE Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim (by Enai Siaion)
EnaiSiaion replied to MysticDaedra's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Actually, I don't mind negative feedback. I do mind people who just go "meh bad mod" without giving any information. For instance, the archery review on the previous page along with the one in my thread have been very helpful, and thanks a lot for that! However, this guy who posted on my forum unhelpfully bashed the mod and made it appear like he was a STEP member. So yes, I was pissed at STEP for unhelpfully bashing the mod. Apparently I was deceived! :( -
SKYRIMLE Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim (by Enai Siaion)
EnaiSiaion replied to MysticDaedra's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Wait, what? :O_o: Then why did he say he was giving feedback from "the staff"? -
SKYRIMLE Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim (by Enai Siaion)
EnaiSiaion replied to MysticDaedra's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
One thing you should keep in mind is that Skyrim is not realistic. No amount of mods is going to make it realistic - with the exception of the mod that gives both players and enemies 10 times as much damage. Health bars are not realistic. Hitting people on the head with a greatsword and them not dying in a gnarly pool of brain jam that converts you into a peace activist for life is not realistic. What would archery look like in a realistic setting? You deal more damage when shooting enemies in the face at point blank range, and your "reward" for pulling off a crazy sniper shot is less damage because the arrow slows down due to air resistance. Do we want to encourage dumb easy shots and discourage hard ones in a video game? No. Since combat is not realistic, and trying to make it more realistic makes it boring, it is better to go for METAL instead. Why do you deal more damage when shooting across very large distances, or with only half a second to aim? Because it's hard to do, and feels awesome when you do it, therefore these perks encourage you to do it. --- I have a sticky post asking for feedback about balance so I can fix it. Instead of doing this, the vast majority of initial balance comments on the internet were along the lines of "meh, looks OP". There was little to no feedback about what the problem perks were, and some of the feedback I did get was baffling ("unbreakable lockpicks") or not actionable ("everything"). In response, I did indeed nerf everything. The patch log looked more like a League of Legends patch log under "Irelia" after she's been picked in a tournament. The community complained, but it is probably for the better. The vanilla game itself is surprisingly underpowered - the only damage perks you can get are the basic skill perks, and most perks are useless filler, so giving players a wide selection of good perks is already a power boost (same argument goes for Apocalypse. More options = more power). Additional patches may be needed, but my request for feedback about balance still stands and I still make patches when people report balance issues. STEP did find a few balance issues and instead of reporting its concerns, STEP chose to post this on my forum: Again it is assumed that balance issues exist on purpose because I am stupid and/or like godmode characters, despite the fact that I practically begged for feedback several times. It is not realistic to thoroughly test 418 perks with a variety of characters and popular difficulty mods while working a real job and Witanlore and the Fallout 4 deadline rapidly approaching, so I did the sensible thing and relied on initial balance feedback from the community and acted on it by releasing a large balance update within 3 days. Does the mod still have balance issues 4 days after release? Probably. And therefore it has been decided by STEP that the mod is senseless, boring and dumb. And you will never change your opinion, no matter how much I patch the mod. This is obvious, because you decided that reporting issues and waiting for a (fairly immediate) update was a lost cause, even though you would report bugs in the USKP instead of trashing it as a bugged piece of ****. --- Anyway. METAL. Perks with multiple tiers are low level perks that could conceivably serve as a build backbone. You get them early on your way to something else, or you could choose to focus into them. One tier perks are taken "in addition" to other perks and therefore cannot be core perks. Most other trees just hide it by having high level perks upgrade low level perks, like World in Flames and War of the Elements in destruction. Also nerfed in 1.05, thanks for the feedback. Because Legolas and your GW2 ranger switch weapons in mid-fight. Since "damage" and "hit points" are meaningless and do not translate into real life, I chose to reward you with a higher meaningless number that helps you fight better for doing something that looks cool and is somewhat tricky to pull off. Actual feedback. Irrelevant feedback because clearly the mod is OP boring crap and I refuse to fix anything, but still, I just nerfed it in 1.05, thanks for the feedback. I skipped over this perk and Long Shot while performing those 82 nerfs because someone else told me that the archery tree was useless and I didn't want to accidentally overnerf it just yet. I was going to watch user feedback for a day or two and see what happens. My fault. Realistically you shoot an NPC and he dies. The fact that you can't afford to miss it. Also nerfed in 1.05. -
When people report balance issues, they get fixed. Unfortunately, people don't report balance issues, they just bash the mod behind my back. Obviously no one can use 200 spells or 100 permutations of shouts and people only use 5. The point is that everyone uses a different set of 5, or at least should be encouraged to do so. Why do Slay Living/Leech Seed/Iron Maiden/Horrid Wilting/Banish Living/etc exist when you can just kill people with fireballs instead? Because perhaps you're roleplaying a necromancer, druid, paladin, warlock etc. Hell, I ran into a guy who roleplayed a Magna-Ge before Spectraverse was a thing. That guy would have no use for fireballs but would love Mana Void. There are people who use Spelltwist to kill enemies with healing spells, which is about the least efficient way to deal damage, but it fits certain trickster or pacifist characters. Not to mention novices and apprentices need spells too, but those spells are useless for high level characters, so that's unavoidable clutter right there. And in the end, having those 195 other spells doesn't hurt anyone. Spells that aren't used don't consume resources, so there's no harm in having them available at one Winterhold vendor somewhere, and they may even add immersion - there's more magic in the world than just the magic you personally use (literally, if you're using ASIS Automatic Spells). Balance is important so there's a reason not to use the same spell nonstop from the second you get it all the way to level 81. If you want overpowered spells, type player.modav destructionpowermod 500 and every spell becomes overpowered and you can choose which overpowered spell you use. (Balance is also important because if players find just ONE overpowered spell, they will diss the mod as "imbalanced and broken") There's Tremor which is from Resplendent, and there's Counterspell, Illusory Burden, Slay Living and Exemplar on weapons because they are the kind of effects that belong on weapons (just like Soul Trap is both a weapon enchant and a spell). That's 5 out of 104. And there's a very good reason for the number 104: throwing enchantments into loot lists at random will result in massively biased drop rates because adding more items to lists will dilute the drop chance for each of them. For instance, if you have 20 vanilla enchantments and add 15 new enchantments, the result will be 5 vanilla enchantments showing up twice as often in a given pile of loot. I didn't throw in stuff just to reach 104, but it's not like I was able to pick an arbitrary number either.Hope this helps.