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  1. Fair enough, SSR has artifacts, and making them more subtle may be desired. However, the app does not identify this setting to the user, and the user may want something different from the recommendation. It would be a great addition to BethINI to be able to control this setting alongside the other SSR settings.
  2. For reference here are vanilla screenshots. In retrospect the SSR is there but its so faint that it's not really doing anything, the water looks very bright as if there are no near reflections. Default Value (line not present in inis): Recommended Tweaks (fWaterSSRIntensity=0.5): Please at least add this setting to the app so people know it's there and that it is changing.
  3. After over an hour I found the issue. Recommended tweaks add this line: fWaterSSRIntensity=0.5 In both vanilla and modded this makes ssr virtually nonexistent. The difference between this and off is not noticeable. Please reconsider this. Near trees etc. are entirely missing from reflections. (Latest game version. Let me know if I can provide more information or screenshots.)
  4. Hello, Love the tool, having this issue. In SSE, the Screen Space Reflections no longer renders if the Recommended Tweaks cheakbox is ever ticked. Have to revert to old ini or regenerate from scratch. Preset style or level doesn't seem to matter, all that seems to matter is whether recommend tweak checkbox was ticked. Doesn't seem to be tied to any of the obvious values, could be wrong. Still testing. Will update if I find anything. I am running game vanilla through vanilla launcher. I have a few instances of MO but not using them for testing this. Latest BethINI on SSE nexus. Had issue with slightly older version, updated, still occurs. Log attached. Cheers! log.txt
  5. Ooo, cool. I'll check in once in a while to see if we have any information on actual ini settings, or if I find anything noteworthy. For now, this looks very useful, I didn't know it existed. Thanks! This can be placed in fallout4custom.ini? Here's some info I've put together on the hbao settings / commands and what I could find about the godrays settings, for anyone who happens to have an interest:
  6. Hi! There are Godray settings that are accessible within the console, which I cannot find in these inis (command "gr" to see settings ingame). They appear to be implemented very similarly to the way the [NVHBAO] settings are, where they can be edited temporarily in the console or permanently in the ini, but we haven't any documented ini settings for godrays besides bVolumetricLightingEnable=1 bVolumetricLightingForceCasters=0 VolumetricLightingQuality=0there is, also, in my finip-generated prefs.ini, the setting bNvGodraysEnable=1which doesn't seem to do anything (presumably why it's not listed here) To the point ---> I would like to set these settings once, and have them load every time I launch the game, so could someone 'find' the ini settings, or point me along the path to doing so? Thanks!
  7. (To help people new to MO and need a quick reference! I do not need support.) (This was written for Skyrim, but is applicable to any MO supported game.) Mod Organizer Cheatsheet!https://puu.sh/iFik9/209bb4ce02.png Original PSD (if you want to edit it)(4MB file).https://puu.sh/iFiCl/9c025bb459.psd Feel free to reupload, edit, claim, or whatever. I made this for a friend. Do whatever you want with it.Yes, I missed a couple spelling errors.
  8. Well, that, that was it. I'd like to know why enabling that (I must have, somehow accidentally) completely screwed my load order, but aside from that, I can now manage them again! Thank you very much, especially for the quick reply.
  9. So I wanted to play some Skyrim, and when I load up Mod Organizer, there are suddenly all sorts of folders/categories, many of which don't make sense and all of which aren't wanted. (left-pane mod list, not esp right-pane esp list) One clean, logical example is this: https://puu.sh/bJSKZ/e6f76d9b78.png Simply all the Skyrim HD 2k textures in a folder. However, most of the folders/categories are very messed up: https://puu.sh/bJU0v/2b05ce00df.png This folder is named for a single hair mod I have installed, but it has most of my mod list in it, including mods that were not activated. In any case, none of them are wanted. The load order of my mods is completely messed up, and since many of them have loose files which overwrite one another, I cannot rely on the esp load order. I am not only concerned that loading Skyrim now would not work, but would damage skyrim's files, my files, or my saves, since I have a lot of complex, SKSE, or otherwise sensitive mods. To be clear, I have no idea where these came from, or what I can do to remove them. They do not seem to be real MO "categories" that can be managed in "settings". I can visually drag mods out of these groups, but as soon as I let go of the left mouse button, the mod or mods I was dragging pop right back to where they were. Right-clicking anywhere in the list does not reveal anything, and the Mod Organizer built in "categories" were not being used at all, and removing them did nothing. There are mods in different folders that were previously loaded consecutively, and vice versa, and I have found no way to reorganize them across folders, much less remove these pointless folders completely, which I would like to do. Basically I had one long list of carefully ordered mods, and I would like to return to that. Additional information which might be useful: I use SKSE, ENB, SPM, FNIS....I create/fabricate many of my own mods, but have never had any issues.The actual "mods" folder inside the MO install is unaffected.There has been no change to what mods I was using before and after the folderpocalypse.I do not use Mod Organizer profiles (default 100% of the time).I sort my mods with LOOT (this is a completely separate thing but might be worth noting).No amount of messing with the MO interface let me move mods into or out of these folders.The mod priority and folder contents almost do not reflect my original priority at all.I have deleted all the built-on but unused MO "categories".I could not find anything on the internet anywhere. Spent more than an hour trying. Sorry if I missed something.I am very frustrated. So, though I will try to focus on the task at hand, I might be a little impatient. Please forgive me.
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