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Everything posted by meltyc

  1. Finished the installation, started the game, tried to save and crashed. I read the topic and none of the "fixes" work. Edit: After rebuilding the patch for the xth time it worked.
  2. Which mod did get pulled?
  3. Vividian ENB has now Vivid Weathers support.
  4. Btw, were none of the texture replacer satisfactory that I posted two weeks or so ago?
  5. Just out of curiosity, what made you decide against Aurora?
  6. I remember BFS freaking out with Wintermyst lingering fire enchant for me.
  7. EBT is just too noticable. I agree with Footprints and Burn Freeze Shock effects.
  8. Had the same issue. I forgot "Fireplaces Add-On v1.02". It was fixed after I added this.
  9. But are FormIDs really such a big thing? What if I change a gamesetting and release that as a mod. Is now everyone else forced to ask me for permission when they want to change the same setting in their game or release it as a mod? I think it's silly.
  10. From what I read is that the CoT author misunderstood that VW being "based on" CoT doesn't mean that Manga used assets. So apparently CoT author reported it and Manga is now changing the form IDs of his mod. Take this with a grain of salt since its hearsay.
  11. If it does work, can I please request a small guide about which files were mixed?
  12. Yes. I just hope that it's sooner than later since everything else is really good and I would like to switch. Did the Vividian/Vivid enb merge work out for you?
  13. As I wrote earlier. I will keep my current weather system until Vivid Weathers enb improves.
  14. I'm super interested in that merge. Or atleast a small tutorial. I really don't like Vivid Weathers enb.
  15. Alright. Thanks for checking as well
  16. The only downside I could think of would be situations where this static is used for ambience. An alternative solution would be changing the curtains with ones that don't have loops from default.
  17. Just to make sure. You don't have the same issue, right?
  18. The other curtains didn't have the loop attached. The sound itself that was attached to the curtain "00044EC5" got changed by AOS.
  19. It's looping a sound non stop which sounds like it's affected by wind. Edit: Removing the looping sound from the static seemed to work but that shouldn't be the solution. right?
  20. Is anyone else getting sound issues from the 2 curtains in Rorikstead Inn? Both have the id 000d200c. The other curtains in the room with a different ID are fine.
  21. Posted it in the SRLE thread but for me it looks like I'm using some meh sweetfx preset instead of an enb. I have all the settings from the mod page and yet the enb looks completely inferior to vividian.
  22. Not sure how I should feel about the provided ENB in Vivid Weathers. NPC skin color is weird. Everything looks like I was using sweetfx instead of an enb and horrible eye adaption is back. I think I might wait this out until the provided enb improves.
  23. Hi! Dropping a few Armor and Weapon texture suggestions Ashland apparel: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32151/? Outlandish Stalhrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70817/? (Blue) Outlandish Chitin: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70681/? Harkons Sword HD: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52004/? (Has DSR compatibility in optionals) Realistic HD Pickaxe: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68186/? (DSR included) Realistic HD Woodcutters Axe: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66796/? (DSR included Campfire in optionals) Dragonbone Weapons and Armor HD: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68952/? or https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69903/? (For either just the Dragonscale Armor or both and keep the current Weapon textures) Vampire Armor HD: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55640/? High Res Clavicus Mask: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33088/? Also Bandolier Improvements: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65896/? I hope I didn't embarass myself and these weren't posted already! Edit: Seems like Outlandish Stalhrim doesn't have DSR support. An old alternative for just the armor would be https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32399/? V1 for the dark blueish color.
  24. Heya! With this pack I encountered bandits doing things like jumping down ledges. I really like this feature. Can anyone tell me which mod is responsible for this behaviour so that I'm not removing it on accident when I change the loadout?
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