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CovertSlinky last won the day on August 15 2014

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Community Answers

  1. No, that "sort" button is a built-in LOOT function, and is not recommended to be used because it's entirely possible to be outdated as opposed to downloading and installing the latest LOOT yourself. The built-in LOOT would only get updated whenever MO is updated and the two programs updates do not coincide.
  2. Edit: do not know why I seem to not be able to edit my first post, but anywho, I realized I made an error in that MO2 does not do the potential mod order problem, yet, due to the fact that it currently does not support the MO1 ability for mod conflict to my knowledge anyway. But I can for some reason edit this post, lol. w/e
  3. What "sort" button are you referring to? The only left pane mod "sort" function in MO (1 and 2) that I know of is a Potential "fix" for what MO concedes as mod conflicts. The user would be made aware of this instance by means of a red triangle that looks like a traffic yield sign. If you click on this triangle it will state "Potential mod order problem" and a fix button next to it. Is this what you are referring to?
  4. Gawd I am so jelly. I plan on being hardware capable for VR next year. @rootsrat is your STEP system specs page up to date? VR on that system.... mind=blown!
  5. Thanks for the response GSDFan. And, yeah I knew it was an old post, and that MO 2 has made a lot of strides since then, which is also why I finally am moving to it for not just for SSE or FO4, but also oldrim. Anywho, so I am guessing from your edit, that you are in the same boat as me, and that local saves are still an issue? Can anyone else please confirm?
  6. As opposed to necro'ing an old thread, I link it for it's relevance to my question. Question being, does MO 2 still have an issue with storing profile specific save games? GSDFan stated in post #4 of that linked thread about how MO 2 has an issue with it and only uses saves from the "my games" folder even if use local save games option is checked. I just recently decided to make the switch to MO 2 after using wrye bash for SSE and the awful nmm for FO4. I am having this issue, so just wondering if it is still a MO 2 bug or if I have something screwed up somewhere?
  7. So far this morning, I am good to go. But what fixed it, is something you said mentioning permissions. So, I have copied my Mod Organizer folder and the entire contents of my Skyrim folder, over from a few different OS installation/re-installations, I thought maybe my permissions have gotten screwed up at some point in between. Sure enough I had several unknown permissions, plus it wasn't giving my current account ownership of most of the files and folders within. It had an unknown account listed as ownership. Any who, I corrected this for not just the Mod Organizer folder, but the entire Skyrim folder as well. I just made sure, where applicable, I had ownership, and then removed all old account permissions. If any file or folder had TrustedInstaller or another important windows account listed as owner, i left it alone. So, I think I can turn the page on this one, thanks.
  8. No problem, glad I could help. No, this wasn't his issue. What Microsoft is saying is that, there was a bug not allowing Mod Organizer to load any activated plugins into Skyrim. So basically, you were being forced to play vanilla Skyrim. GamerPoets was describing a problem that can occur at times where after rebuilding the Bashed Patch, all plugins you had activated, are then deactivated. Which is annoying, because you have to reactivate them, which is simple enough. But then you have to figure out which plugins got merged into the bashed patch and leave them unchecked.
  9. Thanks for the input. I will play around with your ideas and post back the result.
  10. Ok, not really an issue as more of an annoyance. I tried searching for a solution to this several times, but come up with results that do not apply, mostly due to unsure how to word it right for a search. So, when ever I turn on my PC from a shutdown or if it is restarted, I then open up Mod Organizer. If I look at the Archives tab on the right hand side. Depending on which profile I have open, there is always a few bsas no longer checked, so I have to re-enable them. Never fails, constantly having to make sure all bsas are activated. Always the same ones. On one profile it affects, The STEP Vanilla and DLC optimized textures standard.bsa and also the modern brawl bugs fix.bsa. The on another profile it affects the Unofficial High Resolution Patch bsa and the Better Weapon Swings bsa. I am using Mod Organizer 1.3.11.
  11. I have experienced this myself in the past, and reinstalling (or well re-extracting really, cause we mostly use the standalone) had magically fixed it for me. I have a link to a post where DoubleYou gives an answer saying the same thing, but adds that bad plugins can be cause. Also says reverting to default settings can be a solution as well. Hope this helps you, and look forward to viewing your new vids once completed!
  12. Yes, you should be activating every mod after you install it. It will be the only way any plugins or any bsa's show up in their respective tabs on the right-hand pane of MO.
  13. Yeah, it is not present for me with my current setup. I use an HDMI to DisplayPort up-converter. I have the 3DClub CAC-1070. Because I use an R9-290 which only supports HDMI 1.4 and which can not support 4k@60Hz. But it supports DisplayPort 1.2 which can utilize 4k@60Hz. I also do not use a normal monitor for gaming, I play via my living room 55 inch flat screen, which does not have an input for DisplayPort. So, either, Pixel Format doesn't appear for DisplayPort input. Or, because I have to have a custom resolution created in order to get 4k@60Hz in 8-bit Color Depth, which is the max supported for this HDMI-DisplayPort hook up, It's a limitation with converter itself. So, if now you are wondering how I know Pixel Format still exists. All I have to do is disconnect my converter and then plug in the HDMI cable only, HDMI-HDMI. Pixel Format reappears.
  14. Yes! Couldn't agree more.
  15. Yeah the solutions are sound, but the means to the solution in that article is outdated for AMD anyway. But, although you pointed out the lack of options because of radeon settings removal. The options have thus been moved to the Display tab of the driver software. As seen in the attached pictures, currently have 17.8.2 version. Also the AMD color options that used to be found in the old Catalyst software, is now back, just select the "Color" option is the upper right hand of the display tab, but not "Desktop Color" as that will open windows color calibration crap. Or ok, somehow I have no way to attach anything. I have done it a long time ago. But whatever, pretty sure I described it enough.
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