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Everything posted by fbrafa

  1. I must've missed it. Where did you find out it's gonna be patched? And why will it break MO? Insiders preview? Enviado de meu SM-G850M usando Tapatalk
  2. Kek Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  3. Kek Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  4. You have crash fixes installed Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  5. Try not moving your mouse so much ;) Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  6. If you're not gonna follow srle to the risk I think you'd be better off installing STEP core and the using dreadflopp's modular patches and install what you want from srle on top of step Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  7. Why so scared? First world problems.jpg
  8. The Eloquent Reader A new approach on the abandoned "read and learn speechcraft" or something. Has a patch for both book covers. And what about Archery Gameplay Overhaul? Is there another in extended that changes archery already? This one could be used at least for the animations. It doesn't seem incompatible with anything as AFAIK it doesn't change any stats.
  9. Thanks neo. Will do. Just wanted to rule out any screw-up on my part before changing anything. Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  10. thanks for the input. I was worried I got something wrong. I found it to be a bit too saturated and strong on the greens. Gonna try and tweak it a little or maybe even going back to realvision
  11. Is vividian ENB really supposed to look like this as per SRLE instructions?
  12. It's easily available via torrent for those who want it. Lots of people sharing it.
  13. Ignore. That's only valid for non-MO users. Sent from my SM-G850M using Tapatalk
  14. No biggie. dyndolod will spit out an error saying exactly where the texture is missing :P By the way, anyone knows of a good Witcher 2 guide here in step?
  15. yeah that's what I wanted, tx. That and the reason why he dropped it. And nebulous was right. there's only two conflicts to forward to the CR
  16. in Spice of Life - Forts instructions, shouldn't the path be "mods/Spice Of Life - Forts/textures/SpiceOfLife/Forts/AmbFortsVanillaStyle/Imperial" instead of "/mods/Spice of Life - Forts/Forts/AmbFortsVanillaStyle/Imperial" ? Else texgen gets an error. the plugin you made goes for this path. Didn't check the old one though :)
  17. plus the profiles specific INIs dont work yet AFAIK and windows 8/10 is retarded and causes permission problems with the new vfs MO2 uses
  18. but this is ENB Organizer not MO :P it would be nice for multiple installs. mo works fine with localized installs
  19. but... but... ssd... poor... :( imo options are always better. I don't actually need it outside my ssd but some might do. plus it would make for a completely portable install. suppose I can always alter its registry entries
  20. yep. i accidentally discovered it by missgoogling enb manager :P But it seems more futureproof. One thing I didn't like is that it creates its files in the appdata folder with no option to relocate them
  21. Do you intend to/Could you supply us with a patch on the side for adding back wyrmstooth for those who have it?
  22. Hi! have you tried ENB organizer (https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/67077/?)? I find it easier to use and more powereful than ENB manager.
  23. Understoo Understood. That's what was getting me confused.
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