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  1. Just finished the guide. Getting the following errors: Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(314): Could not find function 'RefreshMainMenuAfterContentLoaded' Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code. Any thoughts? Searching hasn't led me to anything yet.
  2. I played it without mods and really enjoyed it.
  3. Did you ever figure out what ini setting was the culprit? Just ran into the same issue.
  4. Thanks! Any patches for REGS I should use. I know there's an ELE patch page, but it looks like the patches there are master dependent on the merged Vividian file.
  5. Anyone have any idea how these two mods will work together. I'd like to try out the Interiors ELE Lite but want to keep COT and the COT Weather Patch. Also using Phinix Natural ENB and Relighting Skyrim. JawZ over on Nexus said that would be fine, but you would have to not install the interiors portion of COT. Seems you can't actually do that during the install of COT though. It makes you pick an interior option. Anyone else running this combo? Any suggestions?
  6. Isn't hearth fire lake view expansions just part of hearth fires?
  7. Strange. My update went smoothly. Fingers crossed that no issues creep in.
  8. Cstarkey42. How did you deal with load order for the real shelter patches?
  9. For the real shelter mod it seems like loot doesn't sort the patches the same way as the author suggests. And the author's suggested load order is somewhat confusing. I tried making some rules but you can't actually make a rule with the patcher esp as it doesn't show as conflicting. And one of the patches says you have to load it after your entire real shelter build. Anybody else deal with this?
  10. Ignore those mo messages and follow the step order. Use the extended patch. Use loot to sort your plugins.
  11. I'll check that tonight. But it does seem to happen with every item. Starts with the Axe you pick up, which is placed by Alternate Start at the campsite. But if I go down to Riverwood and try to pick up items there they also just float in front and move with me but won't go into inventory.
  12. Running Step Extended, most of the Weather and Lighting Pack, Phinix Natural ENB, and REGS. And a few other mods from SR:LE. I'm starting out in the campsite from the Alternate Start mod and I can't initially pick up any items and get them into my inventory. They just float in front of me. Same floating whether I'm in first or third person view. If I do a save inside or just let some time pass it seems to correct itself. Any thoughts? I can provide a full mod list if it would help. But figured I'd see if anyone else has ever experienced this first.
  13. Think I'm going to try the SR:LE lighting combo. Quick question. Do I need to remove Lanterns of Skyrim and all of the related patches for it? Read on here that it conflicts, but the ELFX page actually says they're compatible.
  14. Very helpful hishutup. I'll probably go to a few more interior spots to see if the same issue is happening. Looks like there was a comment on the Relighting Skyrim page that mentions this issue, but no response. Doesn't seem like much is going on with that mod lately. Does the lighting solution used in SR:LE use Relighting Skyrim for interiors? I know it's a combination of ELFX and Relighting Skyrim, just can't remember what mod covers what.
  15. Weird issue at the Dead Man's Drink in Falkreath. When I turn lights seem to be going on and off. I'm using Phinix Natual ENB, Relighting Skyrim, and ETAC. Wondering if this is just the limits of the engine or I have a conflict of some sort. Maybe between ETAC and Relighting Skyrim? I've got Relighting Skyrim pretty far up in my load order, well before ETAC. Not sure what's going on but it's very distracting.
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