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Everything posted by CayugaDuck

  1. I am having a strange crash-to-desktop error when trying to boot skyrim through MO2. Whether I try and run the game through skse_64 or the regular launcher through MO2, the game boots until the Bethesda logo, then crashes to desktop before the main menu. The same error occurs when I tried to make a new instance with no mods, both for skse launcher and the regular skyrim launcher through MO2. The game is able to successfully boot to the main menu if I launch the game from steam (and I am able to start a new game fine), or directly run the skse_64 exe from my files. Another strange quirk is that other applications like FNIS and LOOT crash when I attempt to run their functionality. FNIS crashes when I click “generate” and LOOT crashes when I try to sort the load order. I tried to see if it was a strict MO2 issue by seeing if my modded FO4 would run, which it did perfectly. Other than the inability to fully boot Skyrim, I cannot tell if there are any other issues with my mods or load order or anything as the crash doesn’t return any error message. I have tried reinstalling SKSE, I updated MO2 to the latest version, and completely uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim, to no avail. My game was working fine last I played in late September, since then I haven’t touched anything. All I have done was set my skyrim steam appmanifest file to read only to avoid updates, which hasn’t been a problem on the past. I am truly lost as to what the issue could be. If you require additional information from me, I’d be happy to provide.
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