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  1. Having this issue too yesterday, it seems that AH trigger some ENB functions, selecting the brute force mode.When this happens, go in ENB GUi and re disable Brute Force.
  2. from the changelog : "[361.91] Stutter in DirectX 9 games when AA forced override is used. [1731438]"
  3. Great news , Interesting NPC updated to 3.18 and Vigor 3.0!
  4. I'm using Movement Tweaks, Vigor optional files, it mixes Attack Commitment and Movement and Stamina Overhaul, introducing more realism in combat...be aware, initially can be tough.
  5. Just tried to launch the "Real Snowflake Patcher" script after updating XEdit to version 3.1.3; it terminated in error saying the version of XEdit is out of date. I suppose this problem is present in every SR or SRLE modlist, so to solve: open Real Snowflakes Patcher.pas in FO4Edit 3.1.3\Edit Scripts and change this: cRequired_xEdit_Ver='03010200';//xEdit Version in cRequired_xEdit_Ver='03010300';//xEdit Version Hope it helps : )
  6. Hi, installed Nock2Tip to give it a quick try. It's a great mod, I love that you can use specific crafting stations and crafting/fletching/tempering are no more based on the Blacksmith perks, as well as changes to the arrows model (reshaped and spinning). Sadly, Nock2Tip is slightly incompatible with Ordinator, no matter where you put it in your load order. Ordinator's perk "Trick Arrows" let you upgrade many types of arrows at a forge or anvil, adding a bonus effect. The resulting arrows (see the Ordinator's Projectiles section in Tes5Edit) use models that are inconsistent with the ones used in N2T (and probably does not spins). Furthermore, N2T dramatically changes arrows speed (3600 Vanilla, 5400 WAFR, which modifies Gravity too) to 9000, but the new "enchanted" arrows of Ordinator retain vanilla's values. To aim in the correct way, you must tweak your Skyrim.ini, using values from Nock2Tip sticky post, but this values will produces poor aim behavior with Ordinator's "Trick Arrows". The same applies for Nightingale Arrows - CCO Compatibility Patch. For these reasons, you also need to put Nock2Tip.esp after WAFR, but some records are only in Nock2Tip.esm, for example the TemperWeaponDraugrBow recipe, and will be overwritten by WAFR, so you need to manually create a compatibility patch. Lastly, the only N2T and Longbows compatibility patch is for use with PERMA, so you can't have N2T's crafting/fletching/tempering goodies for Longbows added content without writing your own patch, which is easy but tedious. That said... I don't like AGO too .
  7. CACO Vigor updated: Version 1.35Vigor patch: Incorporated optional Campfire version. With this, Vigor's own Campfire patch is unnecessary.
  8. Hi, today on Nexus: Revenge of the Enemies Patches Now I have no time to watch, but perhaps it could help your work.
  9. Hi Darth and Lexy, first of all, many thanks for your efforts in developing this guide. Only two things: - in the CR the RACE_AttrBaseCarryWeight, RACE_AttrAdjustmentBreton, RACE_FixAttackSpeed and RACE_AttrBasePhysicalStrength are not forwarded for the Breton race; - would it be helpful to have a dedicated thread for SR:LE Extended support?
  10. Another little question. Immersive College of Winterhold sets flag "Essential" for Onmund, J'zargo and Brelyna Maryon NPCs, so using scripts from BOYD do nothing, simply because they can't be killed, nor by player or by other NPC. Should we remove the Essential flag?
  11. Hi amazing guys : ) In the new conflict resolution guide: Cell Block 7 Sub-Block 8 07017EC3 <DLC2RRTemple> Use record from ELE DB – Interior Lighting.espCopy the FULL – Name and the XMCO – Music Type records from RavenRockExpanded.esp XMCO – Music Type of ELE DB – Interior Lighting.esp is already the same of RavenRockExpanded.esp, maybe we have to use record from Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp?
  12. Of course! My playstyle is quite slow (no fast travel, a lot of walking / hunting in the wilds and rolepaly), but I will accelerate a bit and wander around checking for any bugs; as I plan to play extensively in the the next 3-4 days, early next week I'll have a report for you. I should note that, to make the game more fluid on my not-so-powerful-system, I nerfed SRLE a bit: external textures always at 1k, medium version of RW2, light version of SMIM, SFO basic, etc, for reference I will enclose my modlist. to the report. Yep, this is also my habit, but being too excited by the new EP release, I had completely forgotten that, given the "poisonous" of my murderess, I was using the cottage in Morthal as storage for ingredients
  13. Yes, you're right, it was not very lore friendly! Lucky me, I had all my alchemy ingredients in the basement, which has not been removed, so I COCced in, get all of them and COCced out Now, after several hours of play with this pack (added to my previous modlist with SRLE + Skyre + various handmade patches), I have to thank you very much and wish to carry on the good work. Moreover, if you need a beta tester for the next releases, I'm here.
  14. Guys, thanks a lot ...but...have you removed Fen Heim (Morthal player house) in your custom ETaC version?
  15. I use this too...and like it a lot
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