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  1. I read the cleaning/overwrite section of STEP but I don't know what to do with these specific files in this case (see Pic).
  2. If I want to set up lods for two tree mods, one 2d, the other 3d. Do I have to first run dyndolod for the 2d billboards, then once thats done, change the dyndolod ini to treeLod=0, then run dyndolod again? Im using Tree Addon se and HappyLittleTrees 3d billboards
  3. Oh crap actually it looks like it created the folder structure in my explorer based on what i copy/pasted into arguments from STEPs so I found all the files from looking at log like you said. Ill rerun it and Im assuming it will overwrite the meshes and textures files it generated.
  4. So I can safely delete the two log files? What about the items in the scripts folder that seemed to generate with xlod generation?
  5. SOOO i just finished xlod generation and of course my output folder was still called SSELODGen and not "xLODGen" like in my arguments on MO2, so my output files went into my main xLODGen folder with my executable I think. So now im not sure which files are the new output, I have a few files with the same timestamp that the generations finished: SSELODGen_log.txt, LODGen_log.txt, and some loose files in the Edit Scripts folder of my main xlodgen tools folder. Do you know which files I need to copy/paste from there into my mod output folder? (The files with timestamp 8:14-8:18 is when my lod gen finished) I also ran it before seeing your message so the gamma is what was in STEPs photos, am i able to rerun xLODGen adn change the gamma?
  6. So I'm using my own list of mods. And I need to set up xLODGen and DynDOLOD. I'm working down the list of STEP's for set up and I'm at part 5. I've already tested my setup in game and everything looks/works perfect ingame, in xedit, LOOT, BethINI, etc. But Since I'm not using Cathedral Landscapes, I'm not sure what mods to use for my xLODGen and DynDOLOD and texGen lod generation. This is my Modlist (see files attached). FYI I do have Terrain Tamriel .
  7. So I found this Step Skyrim Special Edition guide after installing a bunch of mods and following youtube and other websites guides and advice, needless to say there are some things in the STEP guide that wasnt covered by other sources. Now Im encountering an issue that is explicitly covered in the guide, but doesnt have a remedy for the situation. The situation at hand occured when i cleaned the master files of the game using SSEEdit (xedit), I havent launched the game with mods yet besides the initial vanilla steam game to get the base reference files. After I cleaned the masters the overwrite button in mod list window of MO2 appeared with the folder "SSEEdit Backups" shown. In the Step guide it refers to this issue saying- "Overwrite at the bottom of the MO mod list (left) pane id previous instructions were NOT followed!)"... My question is, since I have this problem already, how do i fix it? (See Pics for ref)
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