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Everything posted by warlord

  1. [00:07] Background Loader: <Error: [REFR:FE036913] (places [FE036801] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC2RavenRock02 [CELL:0400EEB5] (in DLC2SolstheimWorld "Solstheim" [WRLD:04000800] at 7,9)) has invalid ObjectID 005913 in WaterfromWells.esp for a light module. These errors cause CTD and other serious issues and need to be fixed.> what does it mean
  2. yes thats the complete log are there any other log files that i sould read
  3. it starts in sse now but still i have the same error
  4. i did write -sse in the arguments but still the same issue
  5. how do i do with with mo2
  6. [00:00:00.048] TexGen based on xEdit x64 (09416789) starting session 2020-07-06 01:48:27[00:00:00.051] Game Mode: TES5[00:00:00.053] Game Name: Skyrim[00:00:00.055] Using Skyrim Data Path: [00:00:00.056] Using Scripts Path: H:\SKYRIM MODS\DynDOLOD Standalone-32382-2-83-1593885625\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\[00:00:00.058] Using Cache Path: [00:00:00.060] Using Temp Path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\TES5Edit\[00:00:00.076] Using ini: [00:00:00.080] Fatal: Could not find ini [00:00:00.047] TexGen based on xEdit x64 (09416789) starting session 2020-07-06 01:50:31[00:00:00.051] Game Mode: TES5[00:00:00.052] Game Name: Skyrim[00:00:00.054] Using Skyrim Data Path: [00:00:00.056] Using Scripts Path: H:\SKYRIM MODS\DynDOLOD Standalone-32382-2-83-1593885625\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\[00:00:00.058] Using Cache Path: [00:00:00.060] Using Temp Path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\TES5Edit\[00:00:00.063] Using ini: [00:00:00.066] Fatal: Could not find ini
  7. after downloading the new version i cant use tex gen and dyndolad with MO2
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