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Everything posted by paul666root

  1. NP :) I can do fixes by myself. Just didn't know your process.
  2. Hey This one changed and doesnt have the same patches anymore [Falskaar - Addons and Patches]
  3. Yes i see that. Is this work in progress or it's a nice stable build now ? Also how's Matt
  4. Hello. I see you are still doing this :) How things progressed ? Maybe I'll start installing this thing again lol.
  5. I see they made skse for SSE. Nice. How is this guide going ?
  6. Nice to hear that. How can you find the time to do this ?! :) I wont return to the game just thought to say hello and see who is around here.
  7. Hello. Nice to see you are still here :) I didn't play Skyrim for a long time... how are you doing ?
  8. 1. i don't know for sure on this one since i quit playing Oldrim a long time ago. Maybe JD knows more about this. Anyway i don't think it's a big issue here 2. is a known game bug. Can be fixed by reloading an earlier save, and prior to entering the Drunken Huntsman, commit a minor crime in front of a Whiterun guard which causes you to gain a bounty, then clear that bounty. This may also work if you have already triggered his hostility, but have not been attacked by the guards.
  9. Actualy they say that the bashed patch from Wrye Bash can't be used with Reqtificator... which we do not use... WB is used for other things. Read the guide.
  10. well why on earth would you use requiem based guide if you dont use requiem ? I really dont know what to say to this because practically all patches involve requiem. and about SSE you dont need any memory patch since it's not the same engine. It doesn't use directx9. And no i don't have any link to a build beside this suggestion page -> https://forum.step-project.com/topic/12152-skyrim-special-edition-enhanced/
  11. you disable them by setting the flag disable. and you can only make the patch in CK for ground.
  12. ok so first i am not using Oldrim anymore so i can't look at this. second if there truly are lanterns that float in villages/towns then it's just an easy go through xedit and using mfg console to find the right formid and then disable them... but i dont remember to have this issue.
  13. Don't worry at least you are still poking around with the game i totally quit doing it :) but i can understand how it is with kids so "have fun" :D
  14. in the guide you use SFO no grass version and not the same used in original SRLE. also dont know why SFO 1.91 remained in the guide since it was used only when there was Custom Placed Trees Megapatch which needed exactly that version.
  15. the main page of the guide is updated regarding all patches so use that. The optionals page for WLSO was not updated after the guide stopped being modular. I did not use Oldrim in a long time so i cant help you with any patch but if you know xedit a little or want to learn you can make your own patches if you want to mingle with the optionals page of WLSO.
  16. well EVT (if installed as per the guide) uses large tree models so sfo models don't match. Let EVT overwrite sfo.
  17. there are 3 inns that conflict with Settlements expanded merge. I dont remember exactly which. I know one is with Shor's Stone (which you deleted), i know one conflicts with CRF but dont remember where and another one with another arthmoor village i think.
  18. don't worry it happens to everyone hmm. There shouldn't be two... i removed one... ofc i did not use Oldrim in a long time and since then JD and Diana took over and i don't know if they changed Expanded Settlements esp. If you know xedit its easy to remove just load Expanded Settlements esp and remove all Worldspace records for that inn including NPCs from npc section.
  19. well load all LO in xedit and check last esp that modifies Worldspace and see which one is changing coordonated for each world.
  20. check again and make sure you dont have any paper map patches including the CR part there is a crpatch for papermap because that is happening because the worldspaces are set up for paper map coordonates.
  21. that pop in happens because you dont have lods for those trees so DDL couldn't generate them. I don't know what guide are you using this is for SRLE original support.
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