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Everything posted by adrianoz
Hey there What I mean is that after the time spent in the game (the time that shows ln each savefile) reaches somewhere around 5-6h, the game randomy CTD’s without error message, and when trying tl load a save, I get visual C++ runetime error on all saves foing back until I’m at about 4 hours played. Same thing happened in last playthrough. This only happens with the Morroblivion Unofficial Patch activated.
Solved! I'll post if something else happens. I did a clean boot, started in safe mode on Windows 10, uninstalled my antivirus, and nothing seemed to work. What did work was uninstalling all Morroblivion-related mods except for the core files themselves, so: 1. Unofficial Patch gone 2. OCO2 Morroblivion + Redguards gone. 34 Morrowind_ob - Expanded Quests.esp [Version 0.1] 35 Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch.esp 36 Morroblivion - Better Clothes Patch.esp 37 Morrowind_ob - Nerevarine Armor.esp 38 Idol of Mephala.esp 54 Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_multiskill_trainerfix.esp 55 Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Redoran_Hortator_QuestFixes.esp 56 Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Telvanni_ArchMagister_hotfix.esp 57 2018-july-bloodmoon-fixes.esp [Version 2] 58 2018-july-tribunal-fixes.esp 59 Ak- Morroblivion Maps HD.esp I was then able to get load into the game with ENB working, 0.181, but my Bashed Patch was disabled, so I re-enabled Bashed Patch, but was still getting runtime error C++. Finally, I found out that was issue was Morroblivion Unofficial Patch. After having it last in my load order, and not part of the Bashed Patch anymore, it was still causing runtime error, and after deactivating it, with all other mods active, the game worked. So for some reason, in short, the Unofficial Patch causes a visual C++ runtime error after about 5-6 hours of gameplay (not continuous) on my rig, regardless of if ENB is installed or not. This happens with the November 2017 version aswell. I manually moved the voice files from Unofficial Morroblivion Patch into the correct folder, and they didn't seem to cause a crash, just as an fyi.
So it crashed again with a runtime error visual C++, and no combination of no ENB, using ENBoost, or using ENB seems to be at fault. I managed to get ENB working actually out of nowhere, and it still crashed at about 5-6 hours with runtime errors, same as the last playthrough. I've narrowed it down to about after 5-6 hours of gameplay in Morroblivion, the game crashes. I'm very light on mods, pretty much just the essentials, along with texture packs. Active Mod Files:
Hey there, I apologize for not being clear, note however that the post above yours was a new one I made, I seem to have found the issue which is using d3d9.dll from enbseries v0.181. This crashes the game on loading a save after 25%. If I set "enableproxy=true" in enblocal and "UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false" in enblocal (so that my graphics ENB enbseries.ini will work) the game freezes in the launcher and doesn't even start. If I use d3d9.dll from enbseries v0.259 that is linked in the STEP guide, my visual C++ runtime errors disappear, and my saves work, but no ENB graphics work. So there seems to be some issue with d3d9.dll from v0.181 enbseries when using it on my PC. 1. I followed the STEP instructions and where it linked to other sites I followed those, I installed a minimal amount of mods incase it was a memory issue or script issue (though I did install FCOM according to your STEP guide section, and most texture packs). 2. I extracted the meshes and textures according to the STEP guide, from Morroblivion Complete Resources, both Meshes.BSA and Textures.BSA, put them in a separate archive from the BSA and installed them under "Morroblivion Complete Resources" according to STEP. The folder structure is "Data>Meshes/Textures>meshes/textures>subfolders and files". Is this wrong? Because the game seems to be working at least. From STEP: "1. Use bae.exe to extract the following BSAs: • Morrowind_ob - Meshes.bsa • Morrowind_ob - Textures.bsa 2. Use only the Meshes and Textures folders and create an archive naming it Morroblivion v064 Meshes & Textures." 3. The logfile was generated using MessageLogger from nexusmods. 4. I also found this thread incase it helps. https://tesrenewal.com/forums/morroblivion-problems/need-help-with-crashes I guess the real issue is d3d9.dll for your part incase you intended to update the STEP-guide with an ENB-preset. I searched around on google and could not find a solution so I disabled my ENB and only use ENBoost v0.259. I updated DirectX User Runtimes, and reinstalled my Visual C++ Runtimes. TES4LL and LODGEN work fine, the only thing causing issues is enbseries v0.181.
Also, the runtime error seems to have gone away after using d3d9.dll 0.259. It re-occurred after using the 0.181 dll. Anyone happen to know of an ENB that will work on Windows 10? I did install DirectX runtimes from Microsoft. Game looks a bit crap without an ENB but it is what it is, enabling proxylibrary to run an ENB in enblocal using 0.259 freezes the game on launcher, so I had to choose ENBoost. It seems like I might have delayed the crash by using 4gb patcher on everything in my previous playthrough. Also, when a guard approaches me for bounty, it says "Pay Gold", not "Pay Bounty", forgot to mention this to you since you asked before. EDIT: There was also an error with my UI when I was at that step of the guide. Handwritten.fnt was missing in my fonts folder after a clean install, and the game crashed on startup with that being the last error message. I deleted my ini, and re-pasted the changes into my Oblivion.ini needed for OA UI to work, and it seemed to work again, no clue as to why. I did extract the fonts for Oblivion - Misc.bsa and paste them into fonts though.
Update: After uninstalling the TES4LL project the game is running fine, and no crash occurred, though the messagelog looks exactly like the one I linked above, not sure what the cause may be for that. Narrowed it down further after this, if I enable an ENB by running d3d9.dll from 0.181 series I crash, if I replace it with the 0.259 enb from the ENBooster, I don't crash. Curious.
2018/08/03 12:22:50 [004EB314] [ DEBUG ] Found terrain LOD file for 1, 1 in worldspace 'WrldMorrowind'2018/08/03 12:22:51 [00436C43] [WARNING] Galadrielle: Reexport 'Clutter\morro\m\NBsilverwarecup01.nif' to get rid of the ZBuffer and/or VertextColor property. I did a clean re-install of the game to get going, and this popped up, after following STEP, noticed I don't have this file, and googling it and looking through installation folders shows that it doesn't exist. Last line in the log file after crashing upon exiting the starting ship. Any ideas? Should also note I installed morroblivion exactly as stated, I have 2 morro folders now, since the resource pack is meshes>meshes, but I also have a morro folder inside Meshes (not the sub-meshes) EDIT: Here is the log file https://www.mediafire.com/file/a14q18hzrxcn95p/MessageLog.txt/file
Incase my experience helps somewhat in the future, I've narrowed it down somewhat to this: 1. It's definitely memory-related, seems like a memory leak, the above fixes helped my game, I don't crash anymore and my saves don't get corrupted, nor do I receive runtime errors C++. 2. If I don't restart the game after a couple of hours, I receive massive stuttering (this used to precede the save corruption and runtime errors before I editted enblocal and removed pluggy and ran gamebooster, aswell as upped FPSLimit to 60) 3. The stuttering sometimes comes anyway after a few minutes if I enter dungeons where there are alot of named human mobs, who are often fighting eachother. The local map doesn't work when this happens either. 4. When leaving the dungeon, I have no stuttering in the exterior, but if I enter another interior (dungeon, house whatever) I stutter again. The game is playable though, I just have to restart a couple of times. EDIT: System specs incase it matters: Windows 10 Home 10.0.17134 Acer Predator G6-710 x64 32GB RAM Intel Core i7-6700k CPU 4Ghz GeForce GTX 980Ti 6GB VRAM
Here are the enblocal changes I made which seemed to have solved the runtime error, no crashes so far. Reservedmemorysizemb was set to 64 before, and videomemorysizemb wasn't set at all. [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false[MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=falseReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=768VideoMemorySizeMb=22000EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false[LIMITER]FPSLimit=60.0
I followed this guide https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User_talk:Diana_TES_GotH/Morroblivion_Overhaul&oldid=101827 It’s the one that’s linked to from the first redult on google if you search morronlivipn overhaul STEP. What is wrong with the load order? Since I used BOSS to sort it. As for crashes, I don’t want to jinx it but after doing this it seems to have stopped, I can only assume it was memory-related though not quite sure why Ingot a visual runtime error C++, and why only OBSE caused it. 1. Uninstalling Pluggy 2. Tweaking my enblocal settings (I’ll post specifics when I’m home) 3. Running gamebooster from Razer 4. Disabling FPSLimit in OSR (30) and tweaking enblocal from 30>60 5. Using force Vsync in enblocal As for morrowmap 4k, I had it as the last mod before my bashed patch, and it was part of my bashed patch. That might have been the problem. I followed the FCOM suggestions for building the bashed patch, notably disabling FCOM Convergence in import spells since the game would freeze on loading screen before main menu (at start of loading). Sidenote, inside Sennanait near a sarcophagus, west of Caldera, I ran into a star icon that said WTF missing a navmesh.
Oh I thought you had my load order in the mediafire link I first posted, here it is (MOBSification of MOBS I manually moved to the bottom, it was somewhere in the middle, after seeing yours or some other author's load order in this thread earlier): I don't have Tamriel Rebuilt installed. One thing to note, Armamentarium is supposedly not compatible with Francesco's Creatures Overhaul according to its nexus page, but your FCOM-page in the STEP guide, or the guide in general, doesn't say anything about this, just came to my mind when I saw my load order.
So I ran into another type of crash after starting again from an earlier save, if the runtime error pops up again I'll disable all OBSE plugins and see if that works. The strange part is the runtime error only occurs if I load a save game from the main menu when starting the game, if I load the same save within the game Oblivion just shuts down without error. Should I also delete TES4LL and TES4LODGEN-files? It seems to be animation or sound-related, I'm inside Zanabi fighting a dark elf female npc, can't recall the name, Tilena I think, and crashed twice here now whilst fighting her, which is strange because I didn't crash here on my earlier playthrough. As for map mod, I used the 6.8mb file you linked in your latest post in the thread at TESRenewal Map markers would appear way off mark in the ocean etc. after I did a test with tmm 1. https://tesrenewal.com/forums/morroblivion-mod-releases/new-hd-map
This might be a thing of note not sure, but when I load a working save, and then try to load a save where I get the runtime error, Oblivion just shuts down without any error message (no runtime error, only occurs when loading from mainscreen) EDIT: Here is the comparison in obse.log when I loaded a working save and tried loading a later save: loading from C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Quicksave 161.obseReading mod list from co-saveLoading stringsLoading array variablesplugin AddActorValues has data in save file but no handlerplugin ConScribe has data in save file but no handlerplugin OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue has data in save file but no handlerplugin OBME has data in save file but no handlerdata in save file for plugin, but plugin isn't loadedDoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Quicksave 161.essloading from C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Quicksave 161.obseReading globals data in save file for plugin, but plugin isn't loadedloading from C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Quicksave 162.obseReading mod list from co-saveLoading stringsLoading array variablesplugin AddActorValues has data in save file but no handlerplugin ConScribe has data in save file but no handlerplugin OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue has data in save file but no handlerplugin OBME has data in save file but no handlerdata in save file for plugin, but plugin isn't loadedOBSE: deinitialize
Looks like it happened again randomly out of nowhere, shut the game down, came back a few hours later now, and when loading my latest save the same runtime error C++ occurs. So not exactly connected to anything. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/kzxajkd1k3c12/Logs2 Link to logs and save for this, everything is the same except OBSE deinitializes after OBSE_MenuQue_Kyoma.dll, OBME, Conscribe and AddActorValues.dlls are loaded but have no handlers in the obse.log file, as compared to the original logfile you got linked earlier. I tried disabling ENBoost, tweaking settings in enblocal, disabling distant lands, disabling OSR. Didn't work. So I'm going to try unapplying 4GB Patch, deleting Oblivion.ini and rebuilding bashed patch, though my current playthrough will be screwed most likely.
Hi, 1. I deleted the old saves that were affected, I couldn't load in to the game, because the runtime error C++ occurred during the loading screen for each of the saves (30 different ones affected). I loaded saves until I found one that worked. The oldest one remaining, along with other text files, can be found in this link, note that I've been able to play from an earlier save as I wrote before not sure if that affects these: https://www.mediafire.com/#rsz033yb6a69s I'm not too sure why it's OBSE-related, been searching google and haven't come up with any answers that solved my problem, searched for "Oblivion Runtime Error C++". I found an old thread on the TESRenewal site where someone solved their issue by applying 4GB-Patch to the files I mentioned, though it didn't solve it for me. Note: I tried 2 different map mods, morromap 4k-improved.esp is disabled since markers were misaligned, so I used Ak-Morroblivion Maps HD.esp which is loaded after the Bashed Patch instead. Didn't uninstall incase something went awry with my saves. As far as I can remember the only mods that I've added that aren't part of STEP are: Your unofficial hotfixes Morrowind Map HD Oblivion Achievements Oblivion Collectible Cards I also didn't install Oblivion Reloaded because it caused all kinds of problems, from combat animations and grainy effect on my screen to crashes and lag, for me in earlier playthroughs before Morroblivion, and was a mess to uninstall. 3. MoreHeap is removed, game wouldn't start after I installed it. So there is no MoreHeap-log. 4. ENB isn't working for some reason and I opted not to fix it, only ENBooster is working in accordance with STEP, don't wanna fix what isn't broken so to speak since no ENB was linked in the STEP guide. Most likely because 5. I will try the rest of the fixes you listed incase I run into problems again. I also had 2 other crashes: a random one fighting a skeleton hero in Shal dungeon west of Balmora, didn't happen again after restarting game. I accidentally equipped my "Partners Warp Ring" and teleported to IC, tried to reload an earlier save and crashed. Both of these occurred before the runtime error C++, the Shal crash happened during my current playthrough from an older save, and IC-crash happened during the runtime error playthrough.
Just to update on the previous post with the CTD: I reverted to an earlier save, inside the Balmora Mages Guild, with 5:48 playtime, and it's working. Only lost about 40 minutes of playtime, but it seems something happened inside Zainsipilaru that massively stuttered my game, sound worked without stutters though, and gave me a C++ runtime error on previous saves in these locations: Zainsipilu Samarys Ancestral Tomb Aharunartus Bitter Coast (just outside Aharunartus) Sarys Ancestral Tomb Thelas Ancestral Tomb Balmora (outside, 5 minutes after the working save inside Mages Guild) Loading those saves with OBSE disabled worked. Not sure why this happened or how, so I'll just avoid Zainsipilu and hopefully this won't occur again. I went over the STEP guide again, tried installing MoreHeap that I skipped since I have OSR, and my game wouldn't even start, so removed that. Also read around on google some, and apparently for some OSR was causing this if people had BorIndMM.dll inside their plugins folder, but I don't have it.
Hi, 1. I was in Morrowind, in Seyda Neen the first time, in Balmora the second. 2. It was an ordinator in Balmora, and a faction guard in Seyda Neen. 3. I think the dialogue option was pay bounty, resist arrest or go to jail. 4. Yes, everytime I need to pay a bounty, so now I use console commands. https://imgur.com/a/8fExE70 Also, I'm running into another problem, been playing for hours now, and this suddenly popped up after I entered Zainsipilu, got massive stuttering, when I reloaded an earlier save it crashed with this error (Visual C++ runtime error), even after trying to reload older saves. I'm using gamebooster, patched 4gb patch on all dll's in my OBSE/plugins folder and the required ones in my root directory, aswell as the Steamoverlay ones, so pretty much at a loss on why this is happening. https://imgur.com/a/snVxxpl It seems it is related to OBSE, because I tried to run as an administrator on Oblivion, and loaded up fine, but then it said OBSE was disabled. Any clues?
It's working well so far, just one problem. When I click on pay bounty to a guard, the game crashes, not sure why.
Thanks for the reply, I haven't started my game yet so the bloodmoon fixes were just in time! I rebuilt my bashed patch, the game was working fine during testing while modding it according to the guide. I'll write here if any issues arise when I start a new game sometime tommorrow. The only things I've added since testing is an ENB (cinematic one from nexus) and the Bloodmoon fixes, so should be easy to narrow any ctd's down at least.
Hi, 3 questions: 1. Do I need to rebuild my bashed patch for the tribunal bloodmoon fixes? I have the rest downloaded and built in my bashed patch already. Or should none of these fixes be in the bashed patch? The fixes don't mention if they need to be in the bashed patch, ignored, loaded after bashed patch or loaded before. 2. Do I need to generate bash tags for my mods or add them manually like in Fallout? The guide didn't mention so I assume no. I never checked if all the tags in BOSS correlate with the existing ones in Wrye Bash. 2. Purple NoMerge mods, do I click activate on them after bashed patch is built? I followed the guide and it didn't say (there's a circle next to them instead of a checkmark). Namely these mods: ULM Mobs-UniqueLandscapes Patch.esp morroblivion-OCO2facelift.esp MOBSification of MODS.esp DLC_MOBS.esp EVE_KnightsofNine.esp FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp FCOM_Archery.esp FCOM_ArcheryHunting&Crafting.esp OMOBS_SI.esp EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp Lair_MOBS.esp