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Everything posted by Ethatron

  1. It's an alpha-texture super-sampling issue, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_to_coverage for what Skyrim does NOT, and here for what Skyrim does: https://www.polycount.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-69528.html (same as they did in Oblivion). Look how the tree-textures are hand-tuned by the Bethesda artists: Above is normal filtering, below is original special filtering. Except hand-managing foilage-textures and leave it to everyones taste, it's difficult to identify "foilage" automatically and apply a different alpha-channel filtering. I'm open to suggestions how to identify foilage-textures though.
  2. DDSopt is a stripped down version of NIFopt, the command-line mode is still present. So everything from this list related to DDSs:obge.paradice-insight.us slash wiki slash NIFopt#Usageshould work to control DDSopt. I haven't tried it for ages, but I'm verifying it now. If it's broken it'll be back again in the next update.
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