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  1. Well I sorted it out my end at least. I noticed that Administrator rights was flagged off with DynDOLODx64. Flagged back on and went all the way through... No Error.
  2. Okay, newest version I am getting Access Violation now. What do you need me to provide for this error that's probably the same as those above ?
  3. Dear sheson, Did you ever find the cause to the lack of flying crows with regards the issue I had in Skyrim VR couple of weeks back on here ? I believe I got to you all the info you required, unless there was something else I missed ? I wondered if the update you just released may have fixed it, but I got nothing still my end again after I ran Dydolod. Thanks.
  4. Curiosity Post, I am finding random moments within child cells like Solitude and Whiterun where I can go to a specific place and look in a certain direction that will being my game to a single like frame stutter mess until I turn from that direction and it goes up again. Been testing for months and thinking it goes but it comes back. If I load straight into Solitude for instance no issues, if I jump about on the map and return to Solitude go to the point where I am looking at the windmill from the Black Smith for instance the stutter returns. Now I thought I save at the point when I am witnessing this dramatic low frame situation and review the scripts. I just need clarification that these scripts are ok. https://postimg.cc/Yh8tNBkc With 18792 instances of this script existing. https://postimg.cc/qt60dtK0 Thanks always.
  5. Was tricky, VR informative Console isn't as friendly but I finally got one.. https://postimg.cc/wRKm1Bv9
  6. Dyndolod ON https://postimg.cc/gallery/PwHjcG8 When ON, nothing in the sky and no Crow Sounds... Dyndolod OFF https://postimg.cc/gallery/MMB8WKb When OFF the crows return and there corresponding sound FX can be heard.
  7. Okay, Went away tried numerous things still my crows in Skyrim VR are broken some how so coming back to hopefully help with the right logs and provide enough information to work out why my crows have disappeared... MOD : Flying Crows SSE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49270?tab=description LOGS : https://ufile.io/f/t289u TexGen Log Papyrus Log TexGen Debug Log Problem : The issue is that after running DynDolod 3 I am able to see crows in child cells (Whiterun, Windhelm, etc) but are unable to see any that are placed in the parent cell, or "Tamriel" worldspace. Was using both mods for a long time all fine and all. Then one update or such after, they vanished and its been like that up to present day. I have tried changing options but to no avail... All my files are up to date (to my knowledge) and just to verify I play Skyrim VR. Kind regards.
  8. I am getting this to. Depending on what setting in Dyndolod - HIGH / made my tree's in the distant purple.. MEDIUM / makes just the trees that are fallen purple. ie. https://postimg.cc/vgtWh3zY on Medium settings these above are purple LOD, and yet the object refers to Skyrim.esm..
  9. https://ufile.io/f/7o2j5 LOG + DEBUG Files.. Thanks.
  10. Dear sheson Regarding past Topic on this issue : https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-173/?do=findComment&comment=273573 I am having the same issue myself now, current game it stopped working suddenly (after using it for a while). Starting a new game and after generation it still does not work and no crows show at all. If I disable Flying Crows mod then TEXGEN & Dyndolod and then re-enable the mod after it now works. This test is repeatable. So after TEXGEN & Dyndolod it seems to stop the mod working regardless of new game or not.... Thanks..
  11. I have SMIM but never include it in the generation. I noticed I had not included the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch so this time around I ticked it, and the result is a correct windmill..
  12. Quick question about : Seems only Solitude windmill, the Farm ones are okay. Any reason why I just suddenly got this (or what I pressed during generation to get this) ? I've checked console info and last touched it referenced DynDOLOD... Thanks.
  13. First revision that is now producing this error whilst compiling.. With DynDOLOD 3 I got this :
  14. Skyrim VR Same error concerning DynDOLOD Resources SE 3. DynDOLOD Keeps saying wrong version when it is intentionally the right one.
  15. Was just eager to help and wasn't sure the same irregularities I saw was the same in the FAQ ( I had viewed it). Thanks again.
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