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    Exeter, UK

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  1. It seems there is a problem if my Complex Sorter patch was enabled. Disabling that allowed the commonwealth entry to appear. Bizarre but thanks for the tip on using my eyes. Maybe they need a fog removal mod installed....
  2. Hi, I've been trying to generate LOD but every time I try there is no option to generate the Commonwealth LOD. I've had a look around but can't find a solution to the issue. Do you have any idea why this might happen? No doubt it is something to do with the interface between keyboard and chair!
  3. Alternatively, Extended UI doesn't need it now as mentioned in the patch description for Perma Extended Perk Descriptions.
  4. You were right!! I've set the limiter to slow down to 35fps so it doesn't affect things so much when it happens. You sir, are a star! I can't thank you enough as this has plagued me for some time...
  5. I think I will rebuild my MO mod selection from scratch. Delete and reinstall everything. Every time I start a new game, choose vanilla start, choose Hadvar, get to Riverwood, speak to Alvor. I then go to the forge, speak to Alvor to sell items and, without fail, every time I do this... game drops to 10fps and stays there. ENB toggled off will up the fps back to a decent level but something is firing a script that just doesn't work. I've removed a few mods and it makes no difference. As I have a pretty high specced PC and seem to be the only one suffering from this, there must be something wrong with my files... it's the only thing I can come up with.
  6. Hmm ok. Animal Tweaks doesn't use any scripts, just a few tweaks but looking through both SIC and AT, AT tweaks things like base wolves etc which SIC doesn't touch. I removed a LOD mod that had been removed (and I had missed this removal) from SRLE and had 2 hours smooth gameplay until an encounter fired which CTD'd. A move in the right direction methinks. Now I just have to streamline a couple of things, remove AT, amend a script from Dovahkriid and possibly I'll have a mostly stable build. I just need to work out what encounters are causing the CTD so that I can either remove them or tone them down. Also, just wanted to say thanks for allowing me to bounce ideas and get input on issues regarding this :)
  7. I noticed with my 10fps drop issue (probably script lag due to the renderer being too busy) that switching ENB off completely solved the issue. This says that script load vs graphics overhauls is not quite balanced on my system. Of all the overhauled items in SRLE, REGS and Perma (+Animal Tweaks), which would be the best thing to reduce or remove? I was considering a look at SMIM as I know that hits GPUs pretty hard, other than that I'm not too sure what would hit hard. Scriptwise, I can't work out what is fire and forget and what is constantly firing. Anyone have any pearls of wisdom I can try? Also I'll impart something that make you raise an eyebrow, turning SSAO off in ENB made 0fps difference which completely throws me. Only thing I can think is that script load is pretty much maxed and is holding the fps down at 25-40.
  8. SPERG has an interesting perk setup with some nice perk mechanisms (like auto learning each base mastery perk as you hit the correct level, ie adept destruction). ACE is another alternative. Perma 1.1 seems stable enough with the fix though... but as with Windows releases, let other people beta test and iron the bugs out ;)
  9. I'll admit I didn't. From what you wrote, that seemed to only be necessary if the memory blocks weren't showing as 512 and 256. Mine showed the correct values. I'll give it a try as it can't hurt. Btw, the game runs fine in general, it's only just outside Embershard mine that it crashes or when trying to save there. I'm wondering if Helgen Reborn is causing an issue so I might see if I can progress that quest to check if it changes anything (ie reduces script processing or bandit generation)... I'm up for trying anything to be honest. Also, the issue lies at the entrance, not exit of Embershard. It seems very cell specific. Edit: Crash still occurs when entering the entrance (not exiting it if entered from the exit cave), also when trying to save just outside the entrance. Just about to try leaving the entrance and moving to Riverwood before attempting a save. Seems to be something to do with that particular cell. As soon as I enter it I can't leave it as cell transition or fast travel cause a crash. Oh well. I guess I'll have to steer clear of it :)
  10. I've followed a number of tweak and optimise pages, but STEP "endorsed" pages as I know some people like to say this and that works but actually don't know the implications of certain settings. SKSE.ini enblocal.ini Load Order is below for info: Active Mod Files:
  11. Bah, it was all going so well. 25 hours in and now I can't go anywhere near Embershard mine without CTD. Time to re-evaluate.
  12. Hi Neo :) A couple of settings you suggested but may well have been a matter of choice anyway: ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 (this was set to 256 but 512 seems to have made a large difference in reducing stutter) VideoMemorySizeMb=4096 (my vid card is 3072MB but I saw a suggestion that you can alter this to RAM+VRAM-2048. I have 16GB and 3GB so a slight increase over the original 3072 value I had). EnableVSync=false (allowing my driver to take over) EnableEdgeAA=false (to increase fps (slightly)) Although ATI GPUs are pretty hard workhorses, they're far too noisy and I'll be looking at the Asus GTX 980 at some point which should help with other aspects. I'm finding a single gpu to be a little underwhelming with ENB and have been using ENB indoors and flat gray drab Vanilla renderer outdoors... pretty sucky but whatever, you do what you can to stabilise :) I also increase iMinGrassSize to 20 as, although it looks awesome, the extra grass was destroying my fps. Oh, and thanks for all the hard work, testing and research you put into making a great mod pack :)
  13. I made a few alterations to the enblocal.ini file; altering some of neovalen's suggestions and the game is running a lot smoother now. I re-added Helgen Reborn but left the other mods disabled. Hopefully it will survive to level 81 ;)
  14. Ok, good to know that Footprints is possibly the key lag inducer... although it could just be the combination of a few heavy mods toppling my setup. I'll try following the Helgen Reborn instructions and enable it when I fire up the game again. As I said, the key to this playthrough is to keep me there till I finish the game (which has never happened yet due to the difficulty dropping at higher levels and causing boredom) which requires less immersion, more challenge... and some nice extras which REGS provides :)
  15. I had pretty severe script lag using SRLE REGS and Perma together. Considering I run a i7 4770k with 16GB 2400MHz RAM and a 7970 GPU I was wondering if this affected others? I cut down and am testing a setup with the following removed: iNeed 3DNPC Frostfall Real Shelter Helgen Reborn Arena quests Wet and Cold Footprints I know it removes immersion but my main focus was prettying up Skyrim and increasing creature/NPC diversity & difficulty. Nobody wants to be able to 2 shot a dragon at lvl40+ like you can in vanilla. Lag seems to have reduced dramatically and general gameplay is running ok. I do notice a bit of a slowdown with Whiterun market installed but only in its vicinity.
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