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SRLE Extended

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todays updated:



  • Dual Sheath Redux - SRLE Extended.
  • Lore Weapon Expansion.
  • Dreadflopps Modular Patches.
  • Dreadflopps Modular Patches Merged.


  • MLU Pacthes.
  • MLU Patches Merged.
  • Weapons and Armors Attributes - Patches.
  • Weapons and Armors Attributes - Patches Merged - SRLE Extended.
  • Vigor Combat and Injuries.


  • Dreadflopps CACO patches.
  • Dreadflopps - CACO Patches SIC.

Rerun Bash patch, ASIS and DSR Patcher.

What file is the FOMOD for in More Patches for CACO? I always forget when I glance over the guide

it the one for Vigor combat and Injuries.

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Darth_Mathias, when I'm trying to build the Merge plugin for Dreadflopps, the Merge Plugin Standalone program reports that "CACO_Immersive_Creatures_Patch_lvl_list.esp" has errors. Should I ignore it ?

That's the error : "  Unhandled error: LVLI \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a COBJ reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,APPA,ARMO,BOOK,INGR,KEYM,LIGH,LVLI,MISC,SCRL,SLGM,WEAP
  Unhandled error: LVLI \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a MGEF reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,APPA,ARMO,BOOK,INGR,KEYM,LIGH,LVLI,MISC,SCRL,SLGM,WEAP
  Unhandled error: LVLI \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a MGEF reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,APPA,ARMO,BOOK,INGR,KEYM,LIGH,LVLI,MISC,SCRL,SLGM,WEAP"

Edited by wisethug
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have you downloaded the new modular patches ? -> Dreadflopps Modular Patches


and if you did downloaded that then redownload all the CACO Patches and redo the CACO - Patches merge because there was an update to one of them and maybe you missed it.


edit: i think the caco vigor was recently updated... anyway redownload them all and then check again if you have errors in the merge for modular patches

Edited by paul666root
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Yes I did, and I followed the last discussion about it. I think the "corrupted" CACO_Immersive_Creatures_Patch_lvl_list.esp is in this dreadflopps modular patches version.

use the version from SRLE Extended Guide not Dreadflopps i have uploaded all the patches we require to my guide.


Edit: I have renamed the archive and thus had to re-uploaded and issue a new link it is now called Dreadflopps Modular Patches - SRLE Extended that way you can tell where it is from.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Yes I did, and I followed the last discussion about it. I think the "corrupted" CACO_Immersive_Creatures_Patch_lvl_list.esp is in this dreadflopps modular patches version.

i don't have any errors on it and i used the archive from the guide... use the link i posted above and check your caco patches again


edit: didn't see your post.... told you the caco patches was the problem i think the latest update was missed. So everyone who has this problem just redo your CACO patches merge (ofc download first the new patches)

Edited by paul666root
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