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Skyrim Revisited (Is it to Much)


I have completed the install of SR:LE twice in the last 2 months and I must say I am overly impressed with the work Neo has done on this Mod List. I have learned more than I have ever expected following this guide to become a better modder.
I have one concern and I felt it was time to ask rather than attempt to validate some of my concerns with the millions of post relevant and irelevant. 
I get a CTD while trying to exit from an interior cell to an exterior cell and vice versa. My system runs 35fps to 52fps both indoor and outdoor with the enb enabled, and dead set on 60fps indoor and outdoor with enb off. This issue arises after long periods of play (1 hour min) with no glitches and a simple save through console or the regular menu and 90% of the time I try to save in an interior cell. Returning to game play I find that evrything loads fine and I am able to explore the cell I have saved in but will CTD when trying to exit the cell after a long load screen (1 min to 2 min, yes I am PC spoiled I ran STEP Extended + my added Mods for over a year). The locations where this happens I do not believe are the problem there just where I was hen this ugly problem shoas itself. 
Location : Hags End (HagsEnd01, DeepwoodRedoubtExterior02,)
Locatiopn : For Amol (FortAmol01)
I am at the point where it may be time to admitt that the computer I built specifically for this game just is not capable for this Mod List. I tried without any success to load my save from STEP lvl65 and decided t start a new game for the first time in a year. All goes reallly well untill lvl16 when I got stuck in Hags End unable to enter DeepwoodRedoubt to leave that dungeon. Solution came by me finnally submitting and turning fsst travel on in frostfall and travel out to Four Shields Tavern. Clean save with clean save tool repatched all patches and was off again after a week of trubleshooting. 
 Playing again without any noticable issues I find myself at Fort Amol, where I cleared out the Fort and exited into the courtyard when I decided it was enough for the night. So I reenter the Fort organize my inventory and make a save inside. Anxoius the next morning 5am while the house is assleep I get back in game and again I am able to explore, sleep, loot as normal, but while exiting I CTD again. At this point I am at level19 and am unable to leave the Fort no matter which exit I try, so I coc to the exterior and find myself outside running back to what has become the norm.
 Things I have done to solve my issue are :
 skyrim.ini High settings rather than Ultra
 Clean save (wait in game 31days)
 Rebuild SR:LE on 8/19 to 8/23
My enblocal.ini Memory settings :
My SPM prior to a CTD :
My SPM with enb Off :
Any advice would be greatly appreciated and any comment from others with the same system specs.


14 answers to this question

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Recent Update : (Apoligies to my GTX 760 who I inadvertantly allowed user frustration to break me.)
Major victory I have exited the cell at Fort Amol and can renter and exit without a CTD. I've concluded that the problem reared it's ugly head right after the installation of my personal added mods. I have currently 40 extra mods added to my load order in which 25 are adding textures and meshes while the remaining add or change gameplay. 


The Useless Shop and Interior overhaul is a mod listed on Immersive Citizens incompatible mods list that I have installed in at least 3 different ways (standalone 5 mods, Authors merge mod, and My Merge mod) all with the samne issues of furniture placed inside other furniture, and NPC's walking and getting stuck inside. The Bannered Mare showed the most conflicts as it seemed to be raised and restructured too much to be compatible with any other mod affecting that cell.


  Reveal hidden contents


So with that said I removed the conflicting mods from my load order. I re read every single desription in my load order and adjusted the mods priority or set meta rules in LOOT, re installed all patcher mods and patched as instructed, Created a conflict patch for the added mods 3x's (I am going to improve my patch as the more I tweak and go in game I can now see the changes and understand what mods should win in my patch.) Loaded the game made a save, cleaned that save of any orphaned scripts, loaded game and saved again to clear the scripts, then reloaded and tried the door to the cell and after a long loading screen I saw daylight and Dyndolod succesfully activated. (Unbeleivable)  
I also installed the performance version of Vividian ENB and ran Dyndolod at medium. I feel like thier can be some improvements with the ENB settings, DDSOPT, and learning LOD creation or substitution of far away objects opposed to the near because water and reflection seem hard to live without. Gains are very noticeable in FPS with a 7fps increase indoors and outdoor.  
My brother was in town for the holiday and he is the person who introduced me to Skyrim in 05/2014. (I rarely played any games that did not involve sports) He has been away from the game all of 2015 due to work/life and when I showed him Skyrim Revisited Legendary he spent 3hours last night with his jaw on the floor. 
Thanks Neo for this pack and the push into modding for real.




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Posted (edited)

looking at your spec i am sorry to say your Graphics cards might not be up to scracth and Vividan ENB is a massive FPS Hog I have a 4GB GTX 970 (No SSD) and using the full loaded version (the one Neo suggests to use) mine runs at 45fps. I changed to the performance version with SMAA and I now run at a soild 60 FPS even outside i still get stutters but i think this is my Hard drive more then anything else.


I would suggest trying the performace version on the ENB and see if that helps you out

plus SFO eats FPS too


my current load order is here:



Edited by Darth_mathias
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Thanks Darth_ for you response not great news but,

"knowing your limits is more of an asset to progress than most will admit." 

When I purchased this card ($285) back in November 2014 I assumed it would handle anything I could throw at it, but hearing that your 970 stumbles a lil puts things into a better perspective. I agree with your assersions on Vividian and SFO being Performance intesive, and the authours of both mods did an exceptianl job they may have to be pryed from my dead hands before I let them go. Pryor to your suggestion I did load the performance version of Vividian and merged the esp's and then I noticed that In the Overwrite folder not only was the vividian ENB.esp there but so was every other file and folder from the original mod folder - meshes, textures, Vividian ENB Files. WT*? So I looked in the merge from the previous install and it is the same. Can You verify for me that enb merge folder is not suppossed to have the ENB install Files folder inside the new Vividian ENB Merge Mod???

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Posted (edited)

The merge scripts bascally copies all files from the orginal mod so it would have the vividian install files in there once the merge was create i deactivced the orginal mod within MO and only use the merged version. since the install file or need for the enb to work and placed in the skyrim folder it up to you if you delete or keep then, i kept everything but i got space to play with you might not.


don't forget Neo has a very beefy machine


before i got my 970 i had 2 GTX 670 and i couldn't even run vividian enb.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Ok I have learned that the merge patch requires copy general assets to be checked in the settings so that is how it got there, but with the enbseries folder and .ini file already loaded in the enb manager's ENB Configs folder it seems IMO that there may be a conflict if there has been any changes to either one (I have turned Depth of Field Off) and not the other. I am going to delete that file in the ENB merge folder and test to see if it has an impact on fps.

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Did you try simply increasing the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB in SKSE.ini to like 1024? The next step would probably be unchecking all mods you added to SR:LE and see if the CTD still happens. You could also try unchecking your own conflict resolution patch, I have made some errors in mine before that led to crashes. It is true that your card might not be able to handle the setup but that would not explain the reproducable CTDs I think

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Pretendeavor - 

I have considered changing my DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=1024, but my memoryblockslog file shows this :


logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only

Timer disabled

Block1 Block2

512MB 256MB

85 8

320 181

320 182

320 183


I tried to raise the setting and it still CTD when attempting to exit.


logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only

Timer disabled

Block1 Block2

768MB 256MB

85 8

85 8

296 180

317 181

317 182

317 183


This gives me the impression that it is not exceeding the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768

Block1 Block2

512MB 256MB

I agree it may come down to unplugging all mods added on top of SR:LE and going at it five at a time. It just happens very consistantly as if I have built up too much game play to go forward, (if that is even possible)


Darth_mathias - I am running DynDoLOD on high settings and I am not oppossed to lowering this to med and see if this helps me to escape this dungeon without console commands.
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Posted (edited)

Ah yeah, looks like you can leave that at 768. Then I can't offer any other advice other than unchecking mods :( It sucks that for some reason you only start to notice it after a level or 16, makes it very tedious to figure out what causes it. Do crashes not occur when you go to those exact same places at level 1?


I would suggest starting by unchecking only your custom patch (and perhaps the TES5Edit Merged Patch) and going with the 'official' SR Conflict Resolution. Perhaps you have tried patching mods that have since been updated. About ENB files, make sure you have the correct binaries for your version of Vividian (d3d9.dll version). Don't think a slightly older binary can cause the CTDs though..


Edit: about your mod list, looks like many additions are player home mods. I don't know most of them so I can't help you there

Edited by Pretendeavor
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  On 9/2/2015 at 7:50 PM, Pretendeavor said:

Ah yeah, looks like you can leave that at 768. Then I can't offer any other advice other than unchecking mods :( It sucks that for some reason you only start to notice it after a level or 16, makes it very tedious to figure out what causes it. Do crashes not occur when you go to those exact same places at level 1?



Thanks for the suggestions so far, you do bring up a point about it not showing symptoms until I have decided to stop trouble shooting and actually play. One thing that threw me when I started a new player was that loading the prison scene when starting a new game takes almost 3 min to load. Once I have made my choices with live another life, and setup the MCM menu I can make a save and it will load that save and those after much faster until I get stuck somewhere. COC at the Bethesda screen acts the same way until a save has been created. I will try to coc to these areas from a early save maybe the first one after the prison and see if I am able to leave after clearing them, the only thing they share in common is that I almost got killed in both places because the npc's seem to be higher than me. I will check there levels after I dispatch of them. I also have a profile in MO with just SR:LE base loaded so I will try my save on this profile before adding my mods in slower. 



OHH as an aside : Your flicker photos are AWEsome. 

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  On 9/2/2015 at 8:16 PM, ram911 said:

Thanks for the suggestions so far, you do bring up a point about it not showing symptoms until I have decided to stop trouble shooting and actually play. One thing that threw me when I started a new player was that loading the prison scene when starting a new game takes almost 3 min to load. Once I have made my choices with live another life, and setup the MCM menu I can make a save and it will load that save and those after much faster until I get stuck somewhere. COC at the Bethesda screen acts the same way until a save has been created. I will try to coc to these areas from a early save maybe the first one after the prison and see if I am able to leave after clearing them, the only thing they share in common is that I almost got killed in both places because the npc's seem to be higher than me. I will check there levels after I dispatch of them. I also have a profile in MO with just SR:LE base loaded so I will try my save on this profile before adding my mods in slower. 



OHH as an aside : Your flicker photos are AWEsome. 

Haha thanks! About the loading time, that's because of Immersive Citizens. It's normal and it only happens at the first loading screen of a new save I believe, it's mentioned by the author in the description or in some sticky post, I can't remember.

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Ok I have an update, pretendevour took your advice and loaded a save of my current char right after the prison scene and "Begin your new life" I then COC HagsEnd01 and it takes me to the exact spot I first encountered the inability to exit Hags End through Deepwoodredoubt. The witches are at level 4 as are the forsworn, I am at level 1 and in godmode I can defeat the entire camp as well as exit all cells. Also COC FortAmol is the other cell that locks me up and the same thing happens there.

Things of note :

. Gameplay is running 35-48 fps indoor and outdoors, some areas indoors will run up into the mid 50's. I feel no difference that I can complain about even with the lower than desired framerate. (If I turned the fps counter off I would not have a clue the fps were that low.)

. My character can turn a full 360 degrees without stutter. 

. Once or twice the screen froze for a split sec during a kill move. I added the [VATS] tweaks to my .ini file and   it may have a conflict with the mod Violins. I will need to investigate that mod and see if conflicts are noted and for now just remove all of my personal ini tweaks until I get more info on them "[ACTOR], [CAMERA], and [MAPMENU]"

All said the play is exciting and appears that the card is handeling the mod list just fine and the problem might lie as you mentioned in the Conflict Resolution patch for my added mods and it's load order on top of SR:LE. I missed the Bright Red Lettering concerning the mod Immersive Citizens and some conflicts it listed in which I have two mods on their list of incompatible's "iWil_Useless Shop and Interiors, Multiplefloor sandboxing". I am going to re read all descriptions for added mods and get deeper involved with TES5Edit's capibilities to improve LOAD ORDER. I think many of the problems that interfered with gameplay for me seems to always boil down to the load order and the conflicts over some of your wants and needs.

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