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STEP:Extended suddenly performing terribly



I'm a total newb at modding and configuring computers in general and have probably done everything wrong.

Just getting that out of the way.


My problem is that skyrim was running great, (Locked at 60fps) then I added some lighting and weather mods + Vividian ENB and lost more performance then I wanted (40-50fps) so I took out the ENB and redid my L+W mods only to find that skyrim now wouldn't even reach 30fps! and I don't see any improvement except in loading times even when I return everything to my baseline where I was getting 60fps before!


These are my specs:https://wiki.step-project.com/User:CaramelCake/SystemSpecs


I guess I should give a rough timeline, so here goes.


1. Installed STEP:Extended fully, with 2k textures all around. rock solid 60fps

2. Installed REGS fully, didn't test becuase "The Lighting mods won't take long!" Ugh.

3. Struggled though installing High-Quality Vividian ENB and mods following this guide:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/49706/?, got around 40-55fps with some minor stuttering.

4. Uninstalled the ENB and W+L mods then followed this guide:https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Weather_and_LightingNot installing any enb. (besides ENBoost)

5. Testing gave me sub 25fps with bad stuttering, tried going back to just STEP+REGS only to get the same result, went back to just STEP with no difference.

6. Cried a bit.

7. Nuked [steamApps/common/Skyrim] and restored from a clean zipped backup, reinstalled SKSE and ENBoost, no difference.

8.Gave up, started writing this post.


All of my testing has been the opening carrage ride and Helgen escape.


At this point the only thing I can think of to try is deleting everything and starting all over again, which would make me go completely mad.


This is my current mod list for reference. (I just used the export button in MO)


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I'll do my best to get any extra info if needed.

15 answers to this question

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Make sure you're not limiting your frame rate in the enblocal.ini file, in the drivers, or in the INIs anywhere. In fact, just reset your INIs:

  • Delete your two INIs in the My GamesSkyrim folder.
  • Go to Steam and launch the game to open the launcher. This will recreate your INIs (with your hardware it'll most likely set to Ultra settings but change what you want).
  • Close the launcher and open MO.
  • Copy and paste your default INIs into the INI Editor within MO.
  • Save

Launch the game from MO and see if that fixed it.


If you reinstall ENBoost, follow this Guide: https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB#tab=ENBoost

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Alright, here's what I did:

1. Wiped [steamApps/common/Skyrim] again (yay backup archives) to make sure I didn't have any weird ENB or SKSE file kicking about.

2. Made new .ini files as instructed and dropped them in MO.

3. Restored all settings to default in nVidia Inspector.

4. Launched Skyrim though Skyrim Performance Monitor and MO on the "Default" profile.


And I still have sub 30fps with stuttering! On vanilla! Arrrgh!


Something that stood out as really odd to me was SPM's "GPU %" stat which read 98% the whole way though.

So I guess this is a system issue and not a problem with Skyrim? I just don't understand what changed between when I started and now.


If it's useful I got a screen grab of SPM:


That's letting it run until you get off the cart by the way.

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I didn't, but none of it looks like it should be doing anything, just .log and .dat files, except for a "Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp_Consistency" but that shouldn't do anything if DSR isn't on right?

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Ordinarily I would say no, it doesn't matter, but it makes eliminating problems easier if we go the extra step.

It should be a case of MO merging the ini settings it has, into the skyrim_default and the result is found in your profile folder.

You know, when all logical steps prove useless, the only remaining steps no matter how obscure might be the thing that helps. I wouldn't bet on it though, more than likely something else is going on.


Question. Where are the settings assigned by that nVidia Inspector stored? Are they in your skyrim.ini? I haven't used that tool.

What happens if you skip that step?

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That SPM graph is a bit concerning... Your GPU should not be maxed out like that. My GTX760 does not do that...of course if this is from the beginning cart ride it might though. That is the most intensive scene you'll ever experience in Skyrim. Make sure you are running the latest drivers which are the v344.48. I can make a run to find out if my maxes out during the cart ride if I have too, but that points me to an issue with the card or drivers. Not with Skyrim. How are other games?

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I did follow your instructions Tech, the .ini files in [my games/Skyrim] are the new ones and I copied them over to MO as well.


Thus far I've run Skyrim (post .ini reset) totally stock though Steam, on the "default" profile though MO (aka no mods) and on my "Step+Regs+Whatever" profile though MO.

Stock Skyrim seemed to run the best but it was still at sub 60fps and choppy, the "default" profile was pretty much the same and with everything loaded I lost around 10-15fps extra.


I'll look into my drivers next, they should be about as new as can be since this computer is brand new but who knows.

I'll also try to get another intensive game loaded up to see if the problem is with everything or just Skyrim.

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Posted (edited)

Success! Updating the graphics drivers fixed it!

Got through the carrage ride at 60fps all the way though with STEP:Extended and REGS!



Only problems i had were a brief drop to ~50fps when I got to Helgens gates (which happens not matter what seemingly) and a crash right before I got off the cart, but I'm willing to think that it was just Skyrim being random since it didn't happen again.


My big question now is what caused this whole thing? I still want to add some lighting and weather mods to my game before I start playing, maybe even try normal Vividian out since I only tried the HQ version before, but I don't want to do whatever it was that caused all this again if I can help it. Any ideas?


(Also I know this is a double post but I figured it warranted it.)

Edit: Added a photo and clarified a bit

Edited by CaramelCake
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Yeah, I guess that's true, I just find it weird that everything ran fine, then I changed something and it all fell apart.

But ah well, I know how to fix it if it breaks again. Thank you for your help everyone!

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