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MO and profiles with SkyRe



I am having a question regarding Mod Organizer and multiple Profiles. I use SkyRe and as such I need to run the ReProccer.jar for weapon/armour updates.


The scenario is I create two profiles, “Profile A†and “Profile Bâ€:


Profile A:

I run ReProccer.jar and use the “Create Mod…†option in the Overwrite area on the left hand pane of MO.  I name the new mod “ReProccer for ProfileA†and enable it. Run the game everything is good.


Profile B:

I make a second profile using a different set of mods for “Profile Bâ€. I use the aforementioned procedure for this profile but this time I deactivate “ReProccer for ProfileA†and activate “ReProccer for ProfileBâ€. The game runs fine for “Profile Bâ€.


The problem occurs when I change profiles. The ReProccer.esp on the right pane shows an error and I need to re-run the ReProccer.jar for that profile. The error is always “Missing Masters†which are mods that are not enabled for this profile. Recreating the ReProccer for the active profile solves the issue.


The question is : When changing profiles do you always need to run the ReProccer.jar for that particular profile.


7 answers to this question

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Hmmm... Just rewatched that video. He does neglect telling you a pile of things you should do, so I think I'm just going to remove it from the related vids. He doesn't even mention Overwrite.


You're going to need to copy the Reproccer.esp from the t3ndo mod into your profile-specific Reproccer mods.

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If you do things correctly it won't. There are so many things that you could have done wrong to create this scenario, so I just give you a rundown of how you would do this from the beginning (this assumes no Reproccer-generated mods are present, so just delete them and do this).


1. Make certain Overwrite is empty.

2. Run Reproccer in Profile A and create your patch.

3. Create a mod from the generated Reproccer content now in Overwrite, naming it something like Reproccer (Profile A).

4. Tick its checkmark in your Left Pane modlist and activate the plugin in the Right Pane Plugins tab.

5. Go to Profile B.

6. Overwrite should be empty, since you made a mod out of it.

7. (IMPORTANT) Do NOT tick the Reproccer (Profile A) mod you created for Profile A. This is Profile B, so we don't want it.

8. Run Reproccer in Profile B and create your patch.

9. Create a mod from the generated Reproccer content now in Overwrite, naming it something like Reproccer (Profile B).

10. Tick its checkmark in your Left Pane modlist and activate the plugin in the Right Pane Plugins tab.


You should now have two independent Reproccer patches for both profiles.

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  On 9/2/2014 at 2:35 PM, DoubleYou said:

If you do things correctly it won't. There are so many things that you could have done wrong to create this scenario, so I just give you a rundown of how you would do this from the beginning (this assumes no Reproccer-generated mods are present, so just delete them and do this).


1. Make certain Overwrite is empty.

2. Run Reproccer in Profile A and create your patch.

3. Create a mod from the generated Reproccer content now in Overwrite, naming it something like Reproccer (Profile A).

4. Tick its checkmark in your Left Pane modlist and activate the plugin in the Right Pane Plugins tab.

5. Go to Profile B.

6. Overwrite should be empty, since you made a mod out of it.

7. (IMPORTANT) Do NOT tick the Reproccer (Profile A) mod you created for Profile A. This is Profile B, so we don't want it.

8. Run Reproccer in Profile B and create your patch.

9. Create a mod from the generated Reproccer content now in Overwrite, naming it something like Reproccer (Profile B).

10. Tick its checkmark in your Left Pane modlist and activate the plugin in the Right Pane Plugins tab.


You should now have two independent Reproccer patches for both profiles.

The only deviation I have from your instructions is at step 4. I do activate the newly created Reproccer mod but I do not see a pluggin to activate on the Right Pane.

The Reproccer.esp in the Right Pane (which is flagged with the error) is always ticked and is never unticked throughout this process.


BTW The origin of the ReProccer.esp is "T3nd0s Skyrim Redone"

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Okay, there is your problem. Reproccer.esp needs to be in your created Reproccer mods, as that is the entire point of the Reprocceer. If it is in the T3nd0s Skyrim Redone mod, Reproccer every run will merely replace the file dynamically, which causes the problem.

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Thanks for your time. I am not understanding the process. What I have done is reviewed the STEP Mod Organizer page , Third Party Programs( https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer#tab=Third_Party_Programs ). At the bottom "SkyProc Patchers" there is a link to a youtube video showing an example of getting the Reproccer to work, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA53tMrPjMQ . This is the process I followed with the addition of creating a mod from the Overwrite tab. I don't see him activating anything in the right panel after running the compile.

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It's all good now...thanks for your help. I have been using MO for a while. I was ignorant of any issues until I started running multiple profiles. The solution is simple but not necessarily obvious. If anyone else is doing this you should also isolate the "SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches" by Raulfin as it may have different options.


Again thanks for your help.

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I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to use the various SkyProc patchers for SkyRE. It sounds like the two of you have had some success with this and I would be so appreciative if you could help me. I am trying to use the Vanilla Alternate Gameplay Pack on top of STEP Extended. I have everything from STEP Extended installed and functioning properly. Also I am tyring to use Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons.


Here is my load order (right pane)  starting with the Bashed Patch:


Bashed Patch, 0.espReProccer.espDragonbornArmorFix.espReProccerDragonborn.espSkyRe_CraftingFix.espPre ReProccer WA Fixes IW aMidianSS IA Patch.espqotsafans Books HF Patch.espqotsafans Ingestibles Patch.espqotsafans LeveledLists IW IA Patch.espqotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + IA + Destruction Tweak 50 Patch.espDual Sheath Redux.esp 

Here is my Install Order left pane:

Patch Nearox Overhaul  STEP CoreBashed PatchReProccer  Automated SkyRe Patch generatorBalbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer ProjectAllinOne SkyRe ReProccer Patches by qotsafanDual Sheath Redux3415516bBetter Shaped Weapons  All in One InstallerFores New Idles in Skyrim  FNISSUM  SkyProc Unified Manager 

My question is basically I don't know what order either of these lists should be in. Or what what should be activated or deactivated in these lists when running the various Skyroc Patchers. For example when I run the first ReProccer.esp, should everything below it be deactived, or should the Balbor and All-in-one be activated in both lists while running the ReProccer.esp. Also where should Dual Shealth Redux be placed in these lists and at what point should I run it, and what should be active when doing so?


Also it seems these SkyProc patchers were made for use with BOSS. My Skyrim load order is configured with Loot and the Meta Rules suggested on the STEP guide. Will I need to transfer over to using BOSS in order for the SkyProc patchers to work proprerly? Should I add the -NOBOSS argument to every sky proc patcher in the same manner STEP instructs you to set up the Dual Sheath Redux patcher?


Sorry I know this all more than a little off the actual topic, but I have been posting in other places  and not getting a response. After spending the last two weeks setting up the STEP guide I am anxious to start playing and am oh so close to finishing if I could just figure out this Sky Proc Stuff.

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