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Just had a CTD using ENBoost & Memory Patch - Advice?


Posted (edited)


Hi All,


I’ve been playing now without any glitches/issues for quite a while.  Up to level 32 I hadn’t had a single CTD.  The only issues I have is microstutter with Crossfire enabled, but this couldn’t be resolved even after posting on here and attempting all suggestions, so I’m running off one card using borderless window in enblocal.ini and set the fps limiter to 59 (I have 60hz 1920x1080 screens).  The game still stutters in flora heavy areas, but I’m fed up of spending more time troubleshooting and tinkering than I am playing so I’m living with it (Note: I’ve been trying to play Skyrim now, just once, as a normal playthrough, since acquiring it over 2 years ago, and in that time I’ve restarted 8-10 times because of constant issues).


Last night however, I had my first CTD at Fort Amol, whilst fighting a female mage.  I killed her, went to loot and CTD.  Took me by surprise and since then I’ve been nervous it’s going to continue and/or get worse.  I’m playing the game nervously ‘expecting’ a CTD from nowhere, and this is what happened in the past with previous playthroughs (even vanilla with NO mods).  I tried to replicate the issue having reloaded the game, loaded my last save (I use quicksave a lot because it’s convenient and I like using it) and went to Fort Amol and killed the same mage.  No issues this time, so it’s seems random in nature. 


I would appreciate if anyone here can see any glaring error in my setup and/or mod list and give me their feedback about whether this is just something the game will continue to suffer from regardless, or if it’s something that can be addressed.  My mod list is extremely conservative.  I learned the hard way that less is more and to only install mods I can’t live without, then test extensively.  All mods have been hand tested, individually, and are bang up to date.  All were installed in order according to S.T.E.P 2.2.9 and following the detailed instructions for each mod, and having read each mods information page on Nexus for mod-specific things.  I did the ‘speedmult 1500’ test for 30 mins at level 1 without any issues of any kind with a fully modded setup, so, I began my game. 


Here is some helpful information I can provide with regards my system, Skyrim, and setup:




Windows 7 x64 Professional SP2 Fully Patched

Rampage IV Extreme Mobo - BIOS 4004

Sandy Bridge-E 3930k @ 4.6Ghz (stable 24 hours with Prime 95, Linx and Intel Burn Test Extreme Profile and gaming on Diablo 3 for 10+ hours and no BSOD in over 12 months)

32GB GSkill RipJawZ RAM (2133Mhz X.M.P)

Samsung 840 Pro SSD (Boot) - Latest Firmware

OCZ Vertex 3 MaxIOPS (Games) - Latest Firmware (secure erased before installing Skyrim)

Sound Blaster Titanium HD Sound Card

2 x MSI 7970 Lightning's 3GB in Crossfire running 14.4 Catalyst Drivers (not overclocked)

more (mainly periphery and not relevant) but all is cooled with custom water loop (temps are way below TJmax and voltages are all within safety limits as advertised by Intel Specification Sheets)




ENBoost using ENB 0.261 (NO ENB graphics modifications used)

SKSE 1.7.1 using Shesons Memory Patch embedded into Mod Organizer SKSE folder (NOT Skyrim folder)

All texture mods used were 1k in size

Auto-Save turned off everywhere in game

Number of save games in my gamesskyrim = 25

Current save game file size = 6.1mb (char level 32)

Wyre Bash shows top 20 saves as purple (including f5 save), bottom 5 as green (bottom were test saves)

All dirty mods cleaned using TES5Edit

All mods sorted using LOOT

Bash patched created at the end of the modding process and installed as a mod within MO


At the time of CTD


VRAM usage was 1675/2984mb according to GPU-Z

Dynamic VRAM usage was at 77mb

GPU Load = 98%

GPU Temp = 47 Degrees


Here is my mod list:


  Reveal hidden contents


If anyone has any feedback regarding this it’d be appreciated.  Not necessarily looking for a ‘solution’ just advice on whether it’s ok to continue playing as is, or if there’s something I need to change. 


I appreciate your time and look forward to any responses.


Kind Regards


Edited by Malachor

9 answers to this question

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Well even a vanilla Skyrim can CTD, due to the nature of Skyrim. That's one thing I can think of.

The other thing is that your save is corrupted due to not having started a fresh one, after you've completed setting up your mods. Although you didn't clearly state it, but due to the thoroughness of your report, you indicate that this is in fact a clean save, which would make this not possible.

The only other thing I can think of is SkyUI. I once had CTD and lagging issue with SkyUI when I opened inventories and looted stuff.


But if you have gone that long a time without a single CTD, and it isn't reproduceable, it's probably a random nonrecurring CTD

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Posted (edited)

Thank you so much for your input - I value it very much!


Apologies for not being clearer.  Yes, my initial save was a clean save from a pristine vanilla install.  What I did was:


  • Reverted to pristine vanilla install as per STEP guide and checked integrity of game cache
  • Installed unofficial patches only and played through Helgen sequence
  • Went to riverwood, saved inside an empty house calling it "clean save prior to mods" and began modding process/cleaning/sorting/bashed patch/testing
  • Once happy each mod worked and didn't cause issues issues I saved once more calling it "clean save after adding mods"
  • Let MCM register the mods required (only 3 - SKYUI, Immersive Armours and Unread Books Glow)
  • Played the game ensuring not to save over the two named saves above

I'm hoping it is indeed a one off thing; as I'm desperate to keep playing as I'm enjoying it so so much; and I've got to have it working this time as my girlfriend is pregnant, I'm going to be a dad! (crapping myself) and she's due in Feb next year, so I've got to complete the game by then as I know I'll have no time left for anything once the baby is born! ><


Thanks for the input buddy.






Update: I read via multiple sources that it's a good idea to quit/reload Skyrim every hour or so to clear the game cache/memory in use in case the CTD is related to the 3.1GB engine limit.  Is that good practice?

Edited by Malachor
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If it is only a single CTD then it could just be skyrim being skyrim.... unless it is a persistent or better yet repeatable issue then it is extremely hard to isolate. 

So best advice is to simply have multiple saves... I normally have a save when I enter or leave a town after a question and then a save I use while on adventure.. so that I always have a plan B. 

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Posted (edited)

Mazel tow!


I don't know about your last question about game cache. Going back to the topic question on whether or not you can keep playing this save safely, you absolutely can.


Make sure you do the Dark Brotherhood questline, it's so awesome.





Edited by Halde
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So the number of saves I have currently, and their respective size, is not excessive? Do the number of saves I have present compound this issue and am I ok to continue adding to this, as I tend to simply overwrite older saves depending on where I am and what I'm doing.  If I'm ok to just have a unique save for everything I'd end up with about 5000 saves as I save so frequently; but I'm happy to do that if it doesn't bork the game! :)

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Something strange is happening.  I loaded my game today feeling quite apprehensive about the whole thing, and this time round, loading the save took about 30-40 seconds, as opposed to about 3-5s.  So, I loaded a previous save indoors - loaded straight away.  I went outside from that save and again, took about 30-40s to load.  It's never taken this long before?? The loading screen varied from blank to the usual random animation showing.


I went back to an older save (one BEFORE the CTD mentioned above) and the same thing happened.  Don't get it!  It's NEVER done this before, not in 32 levels!


I bit the bullet and played anyway, for 3 hours straight, and noticed intermittent increased loading screens; especially when going from indoors to outdoors - but it wasn't 100% consistent.  I didn't however get ANY CTD's.  I did the Wulthraad (is that how you spell it?) questline for the Companions and during my visits to/from Whiterun, loading times varied from normal (3-5s) to high (30-40s), however one thing I noticed is that when it was taking a long time to load, the Windows spinning timer showed up.  It's never shown that before - only now.  Strange that I didn't get any CTD's though....


Is this normal behaviour? Is it attributed to the fact that the saves are increasing in size and it's just taking longer to process everything? If this is normal behaviour and others have experienced it then I won't worry, but if this is a sign that my game is tits I'll need to perform some remedial action i.e. hammer my pc to death.

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aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp is redundant with aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp.


It could be a random CTD or it could be that one of the items that the mage had has an .


As to loading screens, did you change it to borderless window mode? As that's what happens to me if I switch from Fullscreen to Borderless Window mode.

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Hi dude. Thanks for the prompt response :)


I've used borderless window since about level 2 and haven't changed anything in relation to it since.


Would you recommend I disable the redundant esp or would that have a detremental effect on the stability of the saves that are associated to it?


I'll do whatever is necessary to ensure the continued stability of the game. I just want to keep playing as it's getting really good 😆


All the best buddy.

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