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Posted (edited)

First of all, I'll be honest, I did not follow any STEP guides (only recently learned about it). I am throwing this here in case someone can give some insight about what is happening to my game and save me from going to the madhouse... I'll try to provide as much information as possible.


What I did:-Used mod organizer.-No INI tweaks, only safe ones which I had tested extensively, tried vanilla INIs as well.-Installed one mod at a time and tested each one extensively.-ALWAYS started a new game, as I know that scripts from mods etc are attached to the saved game.-Testing included waiting a few days in game and at least half an hour usually trying the mod's content.-Reading everything on nexus about each mod and their compatibilities.-Trying to have as few scripts running as possible.-Tried with and without bashed patch (SOT excluded).-Installed memory patch - got confirmation that it works, monitored memory - it doesn't hit peaks (tried without memory patch as well just in case).-Optimized as much as I could, installed only low-res textures, got great framerate.-Stressed-tested it with cheats, 500+ speed across the whole map, spawning various things like a mage army etc.It took me 3-4 full days to install all the mods and make it stable.



First playthrough- how the crashes started: After about *20* (real life) hours of gameplay (2-3 days in-game) I had no crashes at all. Suddenly I enter Arcadia's cauldron, tried to use the alchemy lab (that was random) and got a CTD. Tried to load the last save but got another CTD. Tried loading the save before it and it worked. Until I played a little and got a CTD again.



Second playthrough- how the crashes started:At this point, I had ditched headtracking, footprints, reneer's crime overhaul, dovakrid dragon lords, birds of skyrim and moonpath.After about *35* real life hours and 6-7 days in game, thinking my game was at last stable, outside of Bleak Falls barrow, my game crashed. After that crash, the last *3* saved games started crashing on load.



Nature of the crash:It is random but it's probably not. It seems to happen after a very long time in the game (which sucks). Both times they happened while under no stress at all. Once the crash happens it seems that afterwards I can't even load my recent saves.




Notes:-There is no save bloat. None at all.-No orphan scripts with save cleaner.-Crash happens when loading certain games and randomly while playing.-Crash has never happened during area transitions.

-Using Fuz ro do'h and OneTweak. Tried without them too.



Here's the load order:

  Reveal hidden contents




Papyrus logs:

Papyrus log from the first playthrough:


  Reveal hidden contents


Papyrus log from the second playthrough:


  Reveal hidden contents





Here are some faulting IPs of the SKSE log:


  Reveal hidden contents




My system specs shouldn't be of any relevance since memory usage is fine and the crash seems to happen after a long time in-game and without under any stress, but here they are:


  Reveal hidden contents



Any insight on the bloody cause of these CTDs? I am desperate and very very tired...






I managed to replicate the crash! Hopefully the solution is nigh! It was simple all along - the crash happens at 22th of the last seed in-game. The game starts at 17th of the last seed. The crash seems to always happen after spending five days in-game.


Tested it by waiting in game until the 22th with:

-A previous save of the same character

-Another character save

-A new game INSIDE the Alternative Start cell. "Sands of Time" and "Requiem", to my knowledge, are not activated until you leave the cell. No mods configured, no items taken - nothing.


Speculating on the cause of the crashes now...

1)Cell respawning (the crash can happen anywhere you are as it seems and the cell respawning may(?) be a lengthy process which caused the saves on that day to be unusable and it happens no matter your character is doing or where he is).

2)Something gets added to some list on the 5th day - for example an item on a vendor list.

3)Weather changing to a specific weather of COT...? The crash happens in interiors too though so it does not *render* the weather, but it probably registers it anyway. Improbable anyhow.

4)Anything happening independently from the player - like an npc going somewhere or doing something.



These only come to mind atm.

Requiem and SOT are probably not relevant to the problem, if they don't indeed change anything before being activated.


Will update if I find it...

Edited by Mystic_Quest

12 answers to this question

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God these loot load orders :S 

Oh well.. a rant for another day. 


Looking over your list then it is rather massive in terms of content mods. You got massive overhaul packs and then some! And my guess is that since you did not follow any specific guide that you most likely missed some critical cleaning, or post install conflict resolution. 


However due to the way the crashes happen and seem to infect other saves then something leads me to think it might "just" be a corrupted mesh that is trying to be loaded. It only takes one to create a CTD. And if the loading screen the game tries to show involves the mesh it will always CTD on load. 


At least that would make more sense then some random scripts etc preventing previous saves from loading at all. 


Does the saves work if you quit the game entirely and start it again ?  


Since your first save was in relation to some alchemy crafting then I would first try to reinstall the meshes from all mods you have that relate to alchemy, then see if that fixes it. 



Other then that then hopefully someone with more experience in requiem mod lists will chip in. 

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Posted (edited)
  On 7/31/2014 at 12:27 AM, Aiyen said:

God these loot load orders :S 

Oh well.. a rant for another day. 


Looking over your list then it is rather massive in terms of content mods. You got massive overhaul packs and then some! And my guess is that since you did not follow any specific guide that you most likely missed some critical cleaning, or post install conflict resolution. 


However due to the way the crashes happen and seem to infect other saves then something leads me to think it might "just" be a corrupted mesh that is trying to be loaded. It only takes one to create a CTD. And if the loading screen the game tries to show involves the mesh it will always CTD on load. 


At least that would make more sense then some random scripts etc preventing previous saves from loading at all. 


Does the saves work if you quit the game entirely and start it again ?  


Since your first save was in relation to some alchemy crafting then I would first try to reinstall the meshes from all mods you have that relate to alchemy, then see if that fixes it. 



Other then that then hopefully someone with more experience in requiem mod lists will chip in. 


Thank you for the reply! These overhauls should be compatible - at least according to their descriptions. But who knows...

They don't work if I restart. I have also tried loading a healthy save/new game and then loading these saves from that one.


About the mesh theory - what caused it though to CTD in the first place? For example at one time I am at Arcadia's Cauldron and crashed when I used the alchemy table. I restarted and the previous save did not crash after restarting on my first playthrough. I went to Dragonreach instead and crashed there. On my second playthrough I crashed outside of BleakFB. On my second playthrough they always crash on load - restart or loading from a healthy one does not "fix" them. But I am convinced the error is the same is in the first playthrough.


Could that mesh be on the character? Why did it not crash when I equipped e.g. the item though? I wear about 7-8 equippable items in slots 44,55 etc - for example a face mask from the face masks mod.


If it's not on the character I can't think of any other similarities concerning meshes in the locations I have crashed. Maybe I am wrong on this though and missing something.


At any case it is something that kicks in late in the game... kicks in at the time I am starting to get convinced that the game is stable. It's like I am being trolled... Can't I at least have a normal CTD that happens every 10 minutes? (Will be back tomorrow)

Edited by Mystic_Quest
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Well some items do not appear in the game until later.. when you level up and new leveled lists are made available. However if it is a mesh then it wont be on you... since the game will CTD instantly when it tries to load a bad mesh. 

So if it was an item in a crafting station then it would CTD when you open up that. If it was an item on a loading screen it would CTD when that appears etc. 


If it was just crafting stations then it could be a case of "too many craftable items". This will also make the game CTD... hence why it is not a good idea to have a million and one items craftable. But I doubt this is the reason since that form of CTD kinda requires that you scroll the lists and try to create something etc. 


It is more likely that it is just the shear scope of stuff you are using that is the cause. When doing complex stuff like that then conflict resolution is a must! You can get the general idea on how to do it from the SRLE guide, and then apply the same principles to your own list. It is time consuming but it is well worth it if you want a mostly bug free experience. And it also helps against some CTD´s just because the data is more structured and the assets the various mods expect to find are actually there. 


The general gist of it is that you load in everything you have with tes5edit, then you start from the first .esp and move down pressing * to unfold everything.. look at every red and orange entry and then make a new .esp with corrections which you can place before your bashed patch. (Speaking of that.. then you should always have one when using that complex a list or there is no way all assets will be available!) 


Other then that then yeah.. most likely the overhauls are compatible.. if you only used the big ones and nothing else! The proverbial drop tends to be when you start to add other small stuff on top of them, since they are designed around not having anything else thrown on top. 


One thing I would start with is to only use requiem for combat.. and get rid of all the others. Yes on paper they are all compatible.. but in practical runs then they are not... since they add such a massive script load that it is just not funny.. even less so when you also got mods that adds massive NPC battles etc. as well as extra mods for blood, spell effects etc.  Also are you going to be playing as a warewolf or vampire ? If not then get rid of the special mods for those as well, since they just serve to increase random load even more. If you are going to be using them then for the love of all make sure you disable NPC to NPC infection from the warewolf one... or just about everyone in the game will be a warewolf before you hit level 10 or so. 


Could probably pick your list even more apart, but I am getting too sleepy! :) 

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Posted (edited)
  On 7/31/2014 at 2:48 AM, DoubleYou said:

Too many mods. That loadorder is just scary.

Had double these mods on my FO3 and not a single crash... damn Skyrim is too sensitive :/

(if you think the loadorder is scary you should see the gameplay :P)



  On 7/31/2014 at 2:09 AM, Aiyen said:

Well some items do not appear in the game until later.. when you level up and new leveled lists are made available. However if it is a mesh then it wont be on you... since the game will CTD instantly when it tries to load a bad mesh. 

So if it was an item in a crafting station then it would CTD when you open up that. If it was an item on a loading screen it would CTD when that appears etc. 


If it was just crafting stations then it could be a case of "too many craftable items". This will also make the game CTD... hence why it is not a good idea to have a million and one items craftable. But I doubt this is the reason since that form of CTD kinda requires that you scroll the lists and try to create something etc. 


It is more likely that it is just the shear scope of stuff you are using that is the cause. When doing complex stuff like that then conflict resolution is a must! You can get the general idea on how to do it from the SRLE guide, and then apply the same principles to your own list. It is time consuming but it is well worth it if you want a mostly bug free experience. And it also helps against some CTD´s just because the data is more structured and the assets the various mods expect to find are actually there. 


The general gist of it is that you load in everything you have with tes5edit, then you start from the first .esp and move down pressing * to unfold everything.. look at every red and orange entry and then make a new .esp with corrections which you can place before your bashed patch. (Speaking of that.. then you should always have one when using that complex a list or there is no way all assets will be available!) 


Other then that then yeah.. most likely the overhauls are compatible.. if you only used the big ones and nothing else! The proverbial drop tends to be when you start to add other small stuff on top of them, since they are designed around not having anything else thrown on top. 


One thing I would start with is to only use requiem for combat.. and get rid of all the others. Yes on paper they are all compatible.. but in practical runs then they are not... since they add such a massive script load that it is just not funny.. even less so when you also got mods that adds massive NPC battles etc. as well as extra mods for blood, spell effects etc.  Also are you going to be playing as a warewolf or vampire ? If not then get rid of the special mods for those as well, since they just serve to increase random load even more. If you are going to be using them then for the love of all make sure you disable NPC to NPC infection from the warewolf one... or just about everyone in the game will be a warewolf before you hit level 10 or so. 


Could probably pick your list even more apart, but I am getting too sleepy! :) 

As I play the game the script load probably will be getting larger and larger yes... Is there any way to measure it? Save cleaner shows some statistics of the saves - are these useful - should I post them too?


As for the conflicts you are probably right... the general idea is "something that appeared at a later point in the game doesn't like something else". But what baffles me even more is that that something seems to appear in the last 2-3 saves as well. For example I used to load my 3rd from the end save and didn't have any problems. But after I progressed in the game and the crash happened at that point, even that saved game crashes as well, which seems very strange.


Next time I mod Skyrim, after I am done with the army, I will follow these guides... this time my eyes can't take much more (even a little astigmatism is a ***** when reading) :( I was hoping to play for a month before I enlist - if you guys come up with anything at all as a possible solution, even if it's just a shot in the dark, I would gladly try it.

Edited by Mystic_Quest
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Other then reducing the complexity of the list then nothing really come to mind. It could be anything with a list that complex! 


It is a bit weird that the CTD´s transfer over to other saves, which makes me think that some sort of script related issue might be the cause. However those should go away if you can load the saves after quiting the game and restarting it. (Information is carried over from load to load as well... so if an issue happens once it might stick.)


Sorry to say that there is not much more to recommend other then trimming it down to where it is manageable, and then work from there. Doing conflict resolution is again a must for any complex list if you want it to behave just somewhat. Since you already have most of the mods then you could easily just look up the requiem guide here on the forums and install the mods it has in it. It would not take long since you use MO. Heck you do not even need to reinstall mods, just select the right ones since you already have most installed as far as I can tell. 

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 7/31/2014 at 11:03 AM, Aiyen said:

Other then reducing the complexity of the list then nothing really come to mind. It could be anything with a list that complex! 


It is a bit weird that the CTD´s transfer over to other saves, which makes me think that some sort of script related issue might be the cause. However those should go away if you can load the saves after quiting the game and restarting it. (Information is carried over from load to load as well... so if an issue happens once it might stick.)


Sorry to say that there is not much more to recommend other then trimming it down to where it is manageable, and then work from there. Doing conflict resolution is again a must for any complex list if you want it to behave just somewhat. Since you already have most of the mods then you could easily just look up the requiem guide here on the forums and install the mods it has in it. It would not take long since you use MO. Heck you do not even need to reinstall mods, just select the right ones since you already have most installed as far as I can tell. 


Yep, even after quitting they crash on load. I will check out that guide. Unfortunately even if I follow it, it will take ~30+ hours of gameplay to see if this happens again T_T

Posted Image

Anyway, thank you for the replies, will update if anything else happens!

Edited by Mystic_Quest
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Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Got a bloody breakthrough!!! Not found the culprit yet (any ideas?), but hopefully getting close... updated the OP... (sorry for the double post)

Edited by Mystic_Quest
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Did you have Helgen Reborn.esp active since the start of the game? If so, that most likely is the problem.


It is not the amount of mods that is scary. It is the amount of heavy mods that is scary.

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I had a similar random CDT but I did not notice the save game problem because I had been tracking it down and did not reuse the saves, I always started fresh. Every time I thought I had it fixed I would get a CDT after about a couple of hours of game play. I did notice a pattern and thought it to be something like Realistic water or COT. I finally got fed up and started without any mods and ran around and got a CDT. Turns out that my ENB was causing it. I tried a new one and I have not had that problem again.


I am currently rocking 252 plugins. 

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Did have Helgen reborn from the start. Will look into it, mostly ignored that mod until now.


I don't trust ENBs at all... with the perfect settings they may offer the best result of both performance and quality but one peculiarity in your machine or a bad setting can make it all go to hell.


Anyway, I may have solved the problem... But wanted to wait a while and test it more before posting it into the OP. Changing the load order cured all these afflicted saves and I can load from them normally. Also, the game now doesn't crash on the 22th of the last seed. Every time I thought my game was stable, a problem occurred so I still have a hard time believing it.


By changing the load order, a conflict between some mods must have been "solved". Most likely candidate I think was cell resetting. Time will show now.

Edited by Mystic_Quest
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Well you are learning the hard way why you take your time and do proper conflict resolution etc when you do super heavy mod lists! :) 


Even small silly things can upset it all. 


Funky about the ENB causing issues though. But I guess some weird shader interaction can cause some sort of issue. 

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