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Wrye Bash - Delinquent Masters (Trying to make bashed patch)




I'm trying to make a bashed patch for the first time after installing Wrye Bash. However, this window comes up part way through the process:

Posted Image

I'm going through a guide on the Nexus pertaining to bashed patch, and it says that I need to tweak my load order, but I don't understand how... for example, Falskaar is a .esm, so it's impossible for the Requiem patch to load before it. I do not understand how there could be a error then?

Can someone help me, please?

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From your image, I would say your GeneralDisplays ESMs are out of order. They should be:



GeneralDisplays - DG

GeneralDisplays - DB


Your archives tab should not be showing a warning (triangle with exclamation point in middle). The idea behind MO is to be able to run a modded Skyrim without messing with the actual Skyrim folder. This is not entirely possible because SKSE's EXEs and DLLs and some ENB files may need to be installed there. However, you should be able to start vanilla Skyrim through steam without MO and it should start. If not, your Skyrim directory is corrupted and you may need to reinstall. Vanilla Skyrim should be able to run through steam before attempting anything with MO.

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Posted (edited)

Okay, I don't know what I did but my vanilla skyrim starts now.


I ticked the checkmarks in the archives tab and all the triangles went away. There was quite a bit of stuff there, and I don't know what it does. I also noticed that GeneralDisplays error after I posted that screenshot and fixed it.


SKSE, Wrye Bash, ect. still crashes, though. I'm pretty sure this is a mod issue, but disabling my recent additions didn't do a thing, and now my load order is all messed up from enabling/disabling stuff. :(

Edited by Idonea
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WB has an issue with crashing due to formatting of its ini files, I seem to remember. Something to do with ASCII format or whatnot? I saw it a few weeks ago on the WB thread in Bethesda forums. I doubt this helps, but ill throw this out here anyways. 

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The archives tabs shows what BSA you are using. I have MO set to extract all my mods into loose files. Thus the only BSAs I see are from Bethesda's Skyrim BSAs. If you followed Neo's guide (I suggested this for installing your tools only, the rest is if you want a SR:LE profile and to learn to you the tools which is optional) all the Bethesda HighResTexture packs have been extracted and optimized using DSSOpt. Thus these BSA's, since they only contain textures, are unnecessary as loose file will overwrite whatever is in a BSA. If you used DSSOpt on the other BSA's they are still necessary as they contain things other then just textures. Using MO, I have multiple profiles. The first is just Vanilla Skyrim, which is what you get running Skyrim through steam. The second is optimized Skyrim, it just contains the optimized BSA's created with DSSOpt following Neo's instruction plus SKSE. The cleaned Bethesda ESMs are on the top of my load order on the LEFT pane. You can move mods in the left pane anywhere you want by clicking and dragging. After that comes SKSE.


For SKSE installation you have to extract the EXEs and DLLs and place them in your main skyrim directory (NOT the data directory). The rest can be installed like any other mod in MO (minus the EXE and DLLs). After that you are still not done. Using windows, you have to navigate the your MOmodsSKSE directory or whatever you called the SKSE directory and create a subdirectory called SKSE. In that directory you have to create a file called SKSE.ini. These are NOT there by default. You have to create them. The end result will look like this MOmodsSKSESKSESKSE.ini. I called SKSE 'Skyrim Script Extender' so for me it looks like this: "MOmodsSkyrim Script ExtenderSKSESKSE.ini". In the SKSE.ini file you create, copy and paste the following:







These instructions can also be found in Neo's SR:LE guide. As I stated, I have more then one profile in MO, and this completes the second one which is the foundation all my other profiles are built upon. You should make sure Skyrim starts with SKSE. For my other profiles a make a copy of this working base using MO. Thus I have a pure SR:LE profile, a pure SR:LE @ REGS profile, SR:LE with my own mods thrown in, and finally a profile with SR:LE & REGS with my own mods thrown in. Before moving on I always had a fully functioning base on which to build and do not disturb that base. This was all learned, through carefully following Neovalen's excellent SR:LE guide (more then once as I made many many mistakes in the beginning). For you I recommend at least creating a working SKSE base then copy it to another profile and work from there.


  On 4/7/2014 at 6:27 PM, MadWizard25 said:

WB has an issue with crashing due to formatting of its ini files, I seem to remember. Something to do with ASCII format or whatnot? I saw it a few weeks ago on the WB thread in Bethesda forums. I doubt this helps, but ill throw this out here anyways. 

Since you mention this. Make SURE windows SHOWs full file extensions. Many people think they are editing SKSE.ini when in fact they are editing SKSE.ini.txt yet windows shows it as SKSE.ini. I have no idea why MicroSoft thought hiding the file extensions was a good default setting.

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Danimaltwo, I mentioned this before, but my SKSE directory is stuck in my Data folder. I don't know how to move it via MO and there are some mods that have put .dlls in the folder. Like this:


Posted Image

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We are having a failure to communicate.  I was not talking about the MO virtual directory. Things there look normal.  I was talking about your windows directory. The SKSE mods EXE and DLL should be located in your ACTUAL Skyrim directory. This is usually under wherever you have steam installed. For example "Program Files (86)steamsteamappscommonskyrim". You need to use windows explorer or a CMD prompt to go there. What you see in your MO is your virtual directory with the things other mods using SKSE installed.  In your REAL Skyrim directory you should have the following files:


skse_loader.exe (This is the file MO should be set to run when you click the RUN button).




You should the have SKSE 1.70 archive usually named skse_1_07_00.7z. You need to extract the above files and place them manually in your REAL skyrim folder (the one with TESV.exe in it, not the Data folder). The skse_1_07_00.7z archive also contains a Data folder, that you now use MO for to install like any other mod.  That folder only contains the 'scripts' folder. Then using Windows (not MO) go the the directory you installed SKSE with MO, usually "ModOrganizermods{what you named the mod here}".  That directory will ONLY contain the scripts folder.  You need to create a SKSE folder in it. Then go in that folder and create the SKSE.ini file. Make sure you have windows set to show file extensions, otherwise you may be creating a SKSE.ini.txt file instead (which will not work). Then cut and paste what I showed earlier in the newly created SKSE.ini file.

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Ah, okay. I did install SKSE correctly, everything is in the same folder as TESV and I already have a SKSE.ini set up. Sorry for taking you wrong.

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Sorry to double post, but I found out what was causing my crash.


It was my unpack of the textures.bsa, which I had optimized with BSAopt. I have no idea why it was causing a crash, I must have done something wrong in the process.


Anyways, all, thanks for helping me. I know I'm a bit daft and I really, really appreciate it.

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