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[split] Beards (by Hvergelmir)



For this mod, I get a very strange issue that the modmaker (rudely and vaguely) attributes to "shader issues" with no further explanation. I have posted about this in the SR forum and it seems related to an issue I'm having in general with my hair textures not properly attaching to my hairlines. If I understand it correctly, hair in Skyrim is modeled to have two texture layers and there's some sort of transparency issue where there's a layer of nothing between those layers in the hairs in my game, giving them a very bizarre aspect. A similar problem seems to be affecting beards.




Beards https://i.imgur.com/RlYLN1Gh.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/Bt9swTTh.jpg


Hair https://i.imgur.com/rz4cF84h.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/OGgwJH4h.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/4TJUeB8h.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/AOfyA96h.jpg


Anyone have better advice for this issue than "shaders" or "it's not my problem"? That's all I get from the mod author. I'm sure the issue isn't caused by Beards but it certainly affects this mod.

9 answers to this question

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I was using UNP as per SR-LE (the SR UNP is gone) for females. I used Better Beast Races but dropped it in favor of Jazzjr's Coverkhajiit bodies (they are the best out there, imo) and his Argonian retexture.


I am not using any body mods for males. A face mod called DCE, but I've had the beard issue before and have tried running without DCE which fixes nothing, the only way to fix beards is to drop Beards (I think, would have to double check).


The only other thing I can think of is the custom skeletons. That said, I had this problem on the install of Skyrim I was playing before finding SR. I did not use DCE or XPM32 or anything like that back then and still experienced this issue. I never did figure out a fix for the beards, but deleting some hair meshes in the Skyrim data folder fixed the hair problem caused (I think) by installing More Realistic Hair and then another hair mod. With Mod Organizer, I'm not really sure what to do because the meshes aren't changed and disabling the textures doesn't help. Even running with my vanilla profile retains the hair bugs.

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I have no idea what causes it, neither does anyone else. I've googled exhaustively, mate. If it's shaders, I don't really know what that means or how to begin fixing it. Nearox said I should reinstall Skyrim but I guess I'm not totally convinced that won't mess something else up.


I know Mod Organizer is supposed to be a virtual data folder, so reinstalling Skyrim should preserve the install (as long as I do the setup correctly). Would you second his advice? I'm at a lost given that the issue follows me into vanilla play.

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Yeah. I optimized the High Res DLC as per Skyrim Revisited instructions. I've had this problem before, though, and that was when I didn't even know about optimization. Could have been caused by something else, though.


Thing is, there's nothing in my mesh or textures folders in my Skyrim directory except for Automatic Variants stuff. Beyond that, I have no clue what vanilla files could be messed up. I hear it's "shader issues" but I have no idea what that means. Could be my GPU too, I guess, but most of the settings are turned off for ENB. I've been over this a lot and the only thing left is to reinstall Skyrim or "go back to vanilla" (as per STEP's instructions on how to do that) and see if it sorts it out. I would have done that already if I was sure it wouldn't mess up all the work I've done to get SR running.



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Dude, I told you calmly in my very first reply hat the issue wasn't caused by my mod and that it is an issue seen before caused by either shader, enb or gpu problems.


That was that, I had no magic answer and as you knew it was not caused by my mod - or at least you should have known (which means, whether you like it or not it IS not my problem) and I couldn't help you with it even if I wanted to. Instead of moving along you became more pushy and throw system specs at me, which you apparently think would make a difference and suddenly expecting me to explain it all to you, when it is obvious that I do not have the answer. Then, once again instead of just moving along, you cannot let it be and reply once again saying "maybe" I am stressed "or something" when I have my current situation clearly explained in a sticky at the top of my mod comment page at which point I had enough and I say let's just end it there.


What do you then do? You go to a different forum nagging about me behind my back (because that information is completely relevant to to topic), because you didn't expect me to be a member here? That is just low dude, and you're the one calling me rude and immature. I am surprised no one has moderated that part.


You were probably been better off asking here to begin with (and not be rude towards mod makers(s))...

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I am starting to think that you have just one post too many about this issue at this point thunderclam. And saying people are rude etc. is not polite, and please do not bring that sort of commentary into the threads.


I can understand that you are frustrated about this issue, but it is not the mod authors problem. If it happened to alot of people with many different specs, then it would be, but that is not the case! Also he is not wrong when he says that its most likely a shader issue. But beyond that then you cannot expect him (or anyone else around these parts) to know specifically why this shader does not function properly on your machine. That would be a job for your driver developers.


Overall then from what I can gather his responses are in line with what myself and others have already said to you in one of the other two or three posts containing this issue. That being said then please do not make any more threads about this. Rather bump the ones that already contain the issue!

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If you're running ENB or lighting mods or any mods that affect the shaders turn them off and see if the issue persists. This includes any injectors you might have (SweetFX, SMAA, FXAA, etc). If the issue is still there please post your video card settings. Certain card setting can cause these types of issues in Skryim. For example, I have black lines around my charged fire spells:


Posted Image



Point is, I know they're there. I know it's caused by my system settings due to Skyrim being "blah" with certain settings, but it's a minor issue that I'm willing to deal with (i only notice it again light backgrounds anyway) to keep the settings I like.

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