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Posted (edited)

I have an issue with Lod Models overlapping with the actual models. All models within the vicinity on first load are fine but when I move away alll lod and billboards for grass, trees, rocks and structures fail to disappear. I ran in order NGIO SSELODGEN, ACMOS, TexGen and lastly DynDOLOD using settings from the STEP 2.0.0 guide. I have reran each of these programs 3 times and received the same result. I am also running version 1.5.97 of SSE. I would greatly appreciate any help with the issue.729efb6fa99fe8f41642e5c179122bb5.thumb.jpg.98b33855521f524b0b8c023e593eaf87.jpg

Bugreport: https://paste.ee/p/63vwM


Edited by WarPiggy

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8 hours ago, WarPiggy said:

I have an issue with Lod Models overlapping with the actual models. All models within the vicinity on first load are fine but when I move away alll lod and billboards for grass, trees, rocks and structures fail to disappear. I ran in order NGIO SSELODGEN, ACMOS, TexGen and lastly DynDOLOD using settings from the STEP 2.0.0 guide. I have reran each of these programs 3 times and received the same result. I am also running version 1.5.97 of SSE. I would greatly appreciate any help with the issue.

Bugreport: https://paste.ee/p/63vwM

Assuming this means you are using DynDOLOD 3. I moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload.

If there is a bugreport.txt it typically means there was an error and LOD generation did not finish successfully. Do not use incomplete output in the game.

Read the https://dyndolod.info/FAQ answers for Object LOD shows in active exterior cells under General Game Questions, especially the one about uLockedObjectMapLOD.

  • 0

Hello, sorry yes its DynDOLOD 3 that is correct, here are the links for the logs, I had to upload to a file sharing site as the file size for some was quite large. I checked the FAQ as you said and I realized that I am running a mod that does indeed use that parameter for lod32, I set the level32 Param in the DynDOLOD3 ini to true and will re-run the process now and let you know thanks.

Dyndolod SSE debug log : https://ufile.io/uhvw3b3g Dyndolod SSE log: https://ufile.io/fh0r5nc3

TexGen SSE debug log: https://ufile.io/a7q66dgq TexGen SSE log: https://ufile.io/2rqk1pez

Bugreport: https://ufile.io/1a9ezj3w

  • 0
55 minutes ago, WarPiggy said:

Hello, sorry yes its DynDOLOD 3 that is correct, here are the links for the logs, I had to upload to a file sharing site as the file size for some was quite large. I checked the FAQ as you said and I realized that I am running a mod that does indeed use that parameter for lod32, I set the level32 Param in the DynDOLOD3 ini to true and will re-run the process now and let you know thanks.

Dyndolod SSE debug log : https://ufile.io/uhvw3b3g Dyndolod SSE log: https://ufile.io/fh0r5nc3

TexGen SSE debug log: https://ufile.io/a7q66dgq TexGen SSE log: https://ufile.io/2rqk1pez

Bugreport: https://ufile.io/1a9ezj3w

Yes this will most likely be related to A Clear Map of Skyrim. Make sure to read/follow its instructions.

  • 0

It appears even with the level32 option set to true the issue remains with mountains, I manually set the lod32 for trees which seemed to fix those but things like mountains and forts still have the issue.

  • 0
1 hour ago, WarPiggy said:

It appears even with the level32 option set to true the issue remains with mountains, I manually set the lod32 for trees which seemed to fix those but things like mountains and forts still have the issue.

If you do ultra LOD, LOD for trees is done in object LOD. Meaning trees and objects are either both stuck or not.

Set  uLockedObjectMapLOD=16 in A Clear Map of Skyrim.ini to see if the problem goes away. If it does, double check that lots of object LOD Level 32 files have indeed been generated to the DynDOLOD output. Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Objects\Tamriel.32.*.*.nif

  • 0

Hello! I'm having a dyndolod issue I've never had before. Sorry for the wall of text, but I want to give you guys as much info as possible.

I'm using skyrim version 1.6.640. My texgen output and dyndolod output (together with dyndolod esm, esp and occlusion esp) seems to generate succesfully, but the filesize is just way to small for a list like mine, with an ungodly amount of content. When I go in-game, I see various visual errors which you can see here- floating lod textures, low res textures on many objects, flickering textures everywhere. Typing a tll command fixes every single one of these issues. It's not like dyndolod output is using vanilla assets, but it looks like huge chunks of them are missing. I'm using an Aurora modlist as a base - I know the usual troubleshooting route with wabbajack modlists is to contact the author, but keep in mind that I added more mods to the list than it had at the start, and I deleted its dyndolod&texgen output, occlusion, dyndolod resources, dyndolod programme and dyndolod DLL NG before doing a fresh install of everything and trying to generate LOD by myself.

I also had to move the list to another disc, which caused me some issues with texgen and dyndolod reading only a plugin list of my base game install, not MO2's (I'm using a stock game with my modlist), but I did fix it with proper executable arguments shown here. I'm wondering if maybe I'm supposed to do something more than changing executable's settings in MO2. I know my modlist is an absolute horror to get through, but maybe someone here has an idea on what to do. thanks for all the help in advance.

debug texgen log   texgen log

dyndolod log   dyndolod debug log




  • 0
25 minutes ago, ladyofpain said:

Hello! I'm having a dyndolod issue I've never had before. Sorry for the wall of text, but I want to give you guys as much info as possible.

I'm using skyrim version 1.6.640. My texgen output and dyndolod output (together with dyndolod esm, esp and occlusion esp) seems to generate succesfully, but the filesize is just way to small for a list like mine, with an ungodly amount of content. When I go in-game, I see various visual errors which you can see here- floating lod textures, low res textures on many objects, flickering textures everywhere. Typing a tll command fixes every single one of these issues. It's not like dyndolod output is using vanilla assets, but it looks like huge chunks of them are missing. I'm using an Aurora modlist as a base - I know the usual troubleshooting route with wabbajack modlists is to contact the author, but keep in mind that I added more mods to the list than it had at the start, and I deleted its dyndolod&texgen output, occlusion, dyndolod resources, dyndolod programme and dyndolod DLL NG before doing a fresh install of everything and trying to generate LOD by myself.

I also had to move the list to another disc, which caused me some issues with texgen and dyndolod reading only a plugin list of my base game install, not MO2's (I'm using a stock game with my modlist), but I did fix it with proper executable arguments shown here. I'm wondering if maybe I'm supposed to do something more than changing executable's settings in MO2. I know my modlist is an absolute horror to get through, but maybe someone here has an idea on what to do. thanks for all the help in advance.

debug texgen log   texgen log

dyndolod log   dyndolod debug log

The size of the LOD output is not a useful method to determine successful generating. As explained in the manual, the "completed successfully" log messages are, which both can be seen at the end of the TexGen and DynDOLOD logs.

The screenshots seem to show stuck LOD. The LOD that is shown in the screenshots also uses vanilla LOD models and textures.

Can be caused by [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in Skyrim.ini (or SkyrimCustom.INI or a mod INI), especially if there are no object LOD level 32 meshes (which is the vanilla/default). See Trees on the Map for further explanations. Also see Maps And Map Mods and Seasons if relevant.

You did not generate LOD level 32 obj3ect, while having a clear map overhaul in the load order, which is mot likely the mod that sets uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in its INI.

None of the screenshots seem to show missing LOD. See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots if you have a full model without LOD. Also see https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#Something-does-not-have-LOD

Use 7-Zip to unpack the DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new and empty 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game, Data or any mod manager folders. For example C:\Modding\DynDOLOD\. See Updating how to update existing installation and save games.

DynDOLOD has been installed into the MO2 folder which is D:\Aurora\. DynDOLOD is not part of MO2 and should not be installed into any of its folders.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I removed clear map of skyrim and moved dyndolod to c/dyndolod, ran it again and everything looks great now. there wasn't actually any missing LOD, just stuck lod everywhere was a bit confusing to me. thank you for getting back to me so quickly!


Edited by ladyofpain
  • 0
1 hour ago, Andrewhahalee said:

Hi, there's a strange behavior on 177 where lods would not disable in close proximity, here's an example: https://imgur.com/a/gjD6OOZ

Here's my log if you need it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usfrVN0rUuzVb3JXrO_5Bgb6O8EWeVfn/view?usp=drive_link

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD debug log to also upload when making posts.

Can be caused by [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in Skyrim.ini (or SkyrimCustom.INI or a mod INI), especially if there are no object LOD level 32 meshes (which is the vanilla/default). See Trees on the Map for further explanations. Also see Maps And Map Mods and Seasons if relevant.

Most likely A Clear Map of Skyrim.ini. Really pay attention to the mod's instructions.

  • 0

Hello, I am coming back to Skyrim after modding it back in June and then not playing at all, so I don't quite remember what is going on. I started a new save and while walking around I can see trees flickering between what seems to be two models, and it's pretty distracting.

Linked is my Skyrim.ini, let me know if I need to provide more context.


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Screenshot_31-small.thumb.png.fca878da598b9f347411dcffacb2d69b.pngI just realised that it also applies to rocks. The rocks in my immediate vicinity when I load in look fine and so do the trees, but everything further away from me  looks this way and stays the same. I believe it means that the LODs aren't unloading ?

  • 0
28 minutes ago, Enla said:

Hello, I am coming back to Skyrim after modding it back in June and then not playing at all, so I don't quite remember what is going on. I started a new save and while walking around I can see trees flickering between what seems to be two models, and it's pretty distracting.

Linked is my Skyrim.ini, let me know if I need to provide more context.

Skyrim.ini 4.99 kB · 0 downloads

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum, in particular https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Check-the-FAQhttps://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs and https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots



  • Thanks 1
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Posted (edited)



13 minutes ago, sheson said:

I ended up disabling the varied dynDOLOD outputs which helped with the trees LOD but not with the rocks, those got a normal appearance again after I used tll. Sorry if I missed something obvious, I'm not sure I get all of this. Should I just delete the LODs and generate them again ?

Edited by Enla
  • 0
4 minutes ago, Enla said:

I ended up disabling the varied dynDOLOD outputs which helped with the trees LOD but not with the rocks, those got a normal appearance again after I used tll. Sorry if I missed something obvious, I'm not sure I get all of this. Should I just delete the LODs and generate them again ?

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to make useful screenshots of full models with more informative console.

Without the actual requested logs/information, I can only repeat to really read all answers for https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#Billboard-tree-LOD-shows-in-active-exterior-cells and https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#Object-LOD-shows-in-active-exterior-cells

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