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Im having issues with DYNDOLOD. I have done the grass cache and have no issues with xLOGEN and TEXTGEN. I have been following this guide but on my install of dyndolodx64 the grass option completely grey'd out.

I have changed all the ini settings as instructed unless im missing something?

 HD / QHD  

I have coppied my ini file



; This is the DynDOLOD.INI for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR / SSE or TES5VR game modes (see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Game-Mode)

; set to 1 to start in wizard mode, 0 to start in advanced mode
; https://dyndolod.info/Help/Wizard-Mode
; https://dyndolod.info/Help/Advanced-Mode

; set to 1 for expert LODGen options in advanced mode, disables wizard automatically
; https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode

;TreeLOD=1 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Ultra in the advanced options window for generating LOD for trees in object LOD

; Vertexcolor multipliers for tree LOD models used in object LOD, see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD

; Do not change this setting
; 0 -> FullModel; 1 -> Billboard1, 2 -> Billboard2, 3 -> Billboard3 etc. 
; NOTE: This setting changed meaning in version 2.44
; RTFM before changing this setting
; set to 0 to use tree full model for static object LOD instead of billboard if a tree 3D LOD model is not found
; this can create HUGE static object LOD files and can potentially cause CTD because of invalid nif settings copied to *.bto
; identify the largest full models and create 3D LOD models, see https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model
; Do not set this to 0

; Billboard templates to use for tree LOD done in static object LOD
; set to desired billboard NIF file or Internal (traditional tree LOD style 2 plane X similar to DynDOLOD_flat_lod_2x2.nif)
; files with same name found in games ..\Data\DynDOLOD\ folder have priority over files found in this ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\ folder
; Internal will be used automatically if NIF file can not be found

; tree LOD ignores X/Y rotation values. If the rotation exceeds the max tilt, the tree will be done as object LOD

; set to 1 to generate LOD Level 32 *.bto files
; if all mesh mask rules for LOD Level 32 are None, LOD Level 32 is indentical to LOD Level 16 but without any billboard trees
; set [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in Skyrim.ini

; set to 1 to force the HD flag on every shape with snow/ash in LOD Level 32 *.bto files
; set to -1 to unset HD flags on snow/ash

; Because Bethesda simply does not comprehend people are modding exterior worldspaces ...
; set to 1 if uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 (value of uGridsToLoad) in SkyrimPrefs.ini, do this if it is certain that the large references system will not be used, so that no DynDOLOD.esm is created
; set to 0 if uLargeRefLODGridSize>5 (value of uGridsToLoad) in SkyrimPrefs.ini
; This setting has no effect when using DynDOLOD DLL NG which includes the large reference bugs workarounds

; THIS SETTING DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Large-Reference-Bugs-Workarounds
; WorkaroundLargeReferencesBugs=0

; minimum size for a tree to be considered large in case large reference workarounds are used and ultra tree LOD with the large option is checked

; set to 1 to create empty *.btt files for the quads covered by object LOD meshes instead of creating an empty *.lst when generating ultra LOD
; allows keeping vanilla tree LOD for worldspaces with cut content

; value to set BSLightingShaderProperty Lighting Effect 1 used by SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag for billboards used in static object LOD, higher values are brighter

; 3rd texture used for SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag by billboards used in static object LOD

; Set vertex colors for billboards used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value < 0.0 = no vertex color
; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting

; Set vertex colors for billboards with normal map texture used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value < 0.0 = no vertex color
; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting

; Randomly change vertex color for billboards used in static object LOD, if value < 0.0 = no change

; Randomly change height of billboards used in static object LOD to counter butterfly effect, set to 0.0 for no height change

; Set SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag for LOD levels equal or higher on billboards used in static object LOD
; Setting SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag disables all lighting effects
; 0 = none, 1 = LOD4, 2 = LOD8, 3 = LOD16, 4 = LOD32

; set to 1 to generate standard tree LOD textures as a "complex" texture with diffuse textures in the upper half and normal map texturs in the lower half
; generate standard tree LOD textures with normal map texture with TexGen first, will use flat replacement if normal map texture is not found

; set to 1 to set transparent background of billboards to their average color, requires TreeLODDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8
; force even if an average color already seems to exist

; set to 1 to set transparent background of grass LOD textures to their average color, requires ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8
; force even if an average color already seems to exist

; set to 1 to set transparent background of object LOD textures to their average color, requires ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8
; force even if an average color already seems to exist

; Set LOD texture atlas formats
; Traditional 2D tree LOD does not use normal textures, but 2D tree LOD in static object LOD can make use of normal map if normals and bi/tangents are set
; NOTE: Compressing large textures with BC7 Max can take a while and can temporarily freeze the screen
; BC1 (DXT1) = 200 - for diffuse converts any source alpha to transparency with threshold 128, for normal removes specular (alpha) which usually is not used by LOD
; BC2 (DXT3) = 201 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128
; BC3 (DXT5) = 202 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128
; BC7 Quick = 225 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128
; BC7 Max = 226 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128
; R8G8B8 = 87 - has no alpha, so do not use for alpha diffuse
; A8R8G8B8 = 88  - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128
; If ObjectLODDiffuseFormat and ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat are the same format one atlas texture file will be created. Otherwise two files, one for each format

; 0 = no mipmaps, 1 = texconv, 2 = internally

; The maximum resolution of textures - DirectX 11 supports up to 16384

; Texconv mipmap alpha coverage

; Internal mipmap alpha factor

; File mask of textures not to add to the object LOD atlas texture. They will be used directly instead
IgnoreTexture=mountainslab01.dds, mountainslab02.dds, dyndolod_atlas, flat_atlas, treelod.dds, treelod1.dds, treelod2.dds, treelod3.dds, treelod01.dds, treelod02.dds, treelod03.dds

; set to 1 to add ShowLocalMap flag, opening/closing map causes water to reflect references with the flag set (requires [Water] bReflectSky=1 in Skyrim.ini) - can cause CTD when opening map

; set to 1 to export LIGH base record and references datas to JSON data files for community shaders, replaces fake lights

; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it, 1 equals 256 units

; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it in parent world, 1 equals 256 units

; Fake Lights: intensity of the glowing orb mesh, valid values from 1 to 9

; Set to 1 to create a new plugin file with LOD added to STAT base elements to use in CK old style static object LOD generation
; There should be no existing DynDOLOD plugin in the load order
; Same as starting in expert mode and clicking 'Create Mod' button

; Base record signatures to process for LOD

; leave at 5 even if using higher uGridsToLoad in the game

; vanilla default is fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn=1.5, set default seconds for in-game MCM setting to hide dyanmic LOD switching after fast travel

; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting

; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting

; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting

; Adjust terrain height for remove unseen faces function of LODGen.exe

; Changes the base records to a copy without the Has Distant LOD flag for references with enable parents to counter briefly showing object LOD when object are enabled

; set Partial Form flag on worldspace records
; in case enabling this setting works without issue, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum

; set Partial Form flag on persistent cell records
; in case this setting causes issues, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum

; use decal flag from source mesh for static object LOD generated by LODGen.exe, can help with z-fighting of trimmings (flat shape on another flat shape)
; if decals fading behaves wierd see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Glow-LOD

; (partial) mod file names to ignore, comma separated
; this will ignore references added by these mods, but process their overwrites
; do not ignore masters used by mods that are processed or else ...
IgnoreModFileName=SDO Full-LOD, SolitudeExterior, WhiterunExterior, holycow, DynDOLOD Addon, DynDOLOD - Addon, JKs Markarth, JKs LITE - Markarth, JKs SuperLITE - Markarth, JKs Riften, JKs LITE - Riften, JKs SuperLITE - Riften, JKs Solitude, JKs LITE - Solitude, JKs SuperLITE - Solitude, JKs Windhelm, JKs LITE - Windhelm, JKs SuperLITE - Windhelm, RedMountainErupts, DawnofWindhelm, TAVERiften, TAVESolitude, TAVEWindhelm, TownsandVillagesEnhancedPro, VolumeticMists

; (partial) mods that are obsolete
ReplaceModFileName=SDO Full-LOD, Distant Detail, NSUTR_LOD, Full LOD, SPTKatlaSailReangle, TVDT Removed;Help/Occlusion-Data, Dragonsreach Balcony Landscape Fix, DVLaSS Skyrim Underside;Help/Terrain-Underside, CullingFix;Help/Occlusion-Data, Culling Glitch Fix;Help/Occlusion-Data, PlocktonFollowingMercerPatch;Help/Occlusion-Data, OCWcellsettingsPlocktonsPatch;Help/Occlusion-Data, PlocktonsWinterholdRestoredPatch;Help/Occlusion-Data, Bigger Gildergreen LODs, Bigger Gildergreen OCS LODs, DynDOLOD - Solstheim Ice Piles Fix, SkyFalls, SkyMills, AzuraDistantLod;Replaced-Full-Model-Example-Azura-Statue, MehrunesDistantLod;Replaced-Full-Model-Example-Azura-Statue, BoethiahDistantLod;Replaced-Full-Model-Example-Azura-Statue, MeridiaDistantLod;Replaced-Full-Model-Example-Azura-Statue, Unfrozen - DynDOLOD, CoW_LOD_Shimmer_Fix;Help/Large-References, No DynDOLOD Load Screens, Animated Ice Floes - DynDOLOD, mihailhawkandtern - DynDOLOD Desync Birds

; (partial) mod file names to warn about, comma separated - read https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Open-Exterior-Cities for latest instructions

; order to scan for *_lod*.nif files. Indentical filenames (sans path!) found *last* will overwrite win

; ignore LOD models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard

; ignore full models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to the simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard

; (partial) EditorID of base element to ignore
IgnoreBaseEDID=loadscreen, _invis_, dbm_arrivalship

; Warn about and avoid using NIF that do not have any of these root blocks
ValidRootBlocks=BSFadeNode, BSLeafAnimNode, BSTreeNode

; Set to 1 to add activators as temporary references if possible. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin
; See https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/
; Consider using DynDOLOD DLL NG and the large reference bugs workarounds, it requires consideraly less references - see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Large-Reference-Bugs-Workarounds

; Update TVDT occlusion data. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL records that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin
; requires Generate dynamic LOD to be checked
;Occlusion=0 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Occlusion data in the advanced options window for generating TVDT occlusion data

; Limit the number of threads in case updating height map from terrain/object LOD meshes requires large amounts of memory
; In case of memory problems or freezing set to 1
; -1 = no limit, otherwise set to a number greater than 0
; -1 = no limit, otherwise set to a number greater than 0, 0 = true single thread and will take forever

; default setting to use in case specific worldspace settings are not defined
; Samples per cell, 1 = 1, 2 = 4, 3 = 16 - the more samples are used the more distant cells are likely to be disabled and the longer the calculations take
;OcclusionQuality=2 This setting does not work anymore, set the quality for occlusion data generation in the advanced options window
; additional height to add to oberserver height
; max render distance
; All = update all CELLs that have terrain height data
; +Border = "All" with a border region
; -Flat = "All" terrain that is not flat
; -Flat +Border = "All" terrain that is not flat and a border region
; +TVDT = "All" with a TVDT record
; +TVDT +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and a border region
; +TVDT -Flat = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat
; +TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat and a border region
; -TVDT = "All" without a TVDT record
; -TVDT +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with a border region
; -TVDT -Flat = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat
; -TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat and a border region
; In any case, only CELLs that are part of the dynamic LOD Near/Far grids are updated
OcclusionMode=-TVDT -Flat +Border

; world specific settings *_[Worldspace name] (EditorID)
; by default worlds that have the small world flag set are skipped automatically
; force enable small world
; force disable large world
; different modes
OcclusionMode_Tamriel=-Flat +Border
OcclusionMode_Sovngarde=-TVDT -Flat
OcclusionMode_DLC01SoulCairn=-TVDT -Flat

; set to 1 to enable grass LOD for the nearest object LOD level 4, requires *.cgid grass files in data\grass\ folder from Grass Control and grass LOD billboards generated by TexGen
;Grass=0 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Grass LOD in the advanced options window for generating LOD for grass in object LOD

; 0 to 100%; 0 = no grass - unlike Grass=0, the grass LOD billboards will still be added to the object LOD texture atlas
;GrassDensity=100 This setting does not work anymore, set density for grass LOD in the advanced options window

; set to 1 to flag grass LOD as LargeReference, so that it unloads at the distance of uLargeRefLODGridSize instead of the usual uGridsToLoad distance
;GrassLargeReference=0  This setting does not work anymore, set the mode for grass LOD in the advanced options window, GrassLargeReference=0 -> mode 1, GrassLargeReference=1 -> mode 2

; set to gid in case cgid grass cache files have been renamed or copied
; instead of renaming consider using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101095
; vanilla gid files will not work

; Billboard templates to use for grass LOD done in static object LOD
; alt1 = without backlighting
; alt2 = with backlighting
; alt3 = softlight/backlight using diffuse - for shader development - do not use

; Billboard template to use for grass LOD billboards created from "normal" grass without normal map textures
; 1 -> Billboard1, 2 -> Billboard2, 3 -> Billboard3 etc.

; Billboard template to use for grass LOD billboards created from "complex" grass with normal map textures
; 1 -> Billboard1, 2 -> Billboard2, 3 -> Billboard3 etc.

; grass LOD brightness multipliers - applied to grass LOD billboards created from "normal" grass without normal map textures
; make bottom darker to fake shadowing

; complex grass LOD brightness multipliers - applied to grass LOD billboards created from "complex" grass with normal map textures
; grass LOD brightness multipliers
; make bottom darker to fake shadowing

; glowmap and backlighting mask textures replacements if corresponding texture slot is set by used grass billboard NIF
; 0 = keep texture defined in billboard NIF
; 100 = textures\white.dds
; other values generate and use a 4x4 pixel grayscale texture with RGB = 255 * value / 100

; set to 1 to run LODGen.exe with --verbose

; LODGen calculates and exports object LOD heightmaps for occlusion generation, requires occlusion generated to be checked as well

; set to a value >= 0 and <= number of logical CPU cores
; 0 = automatically set number of main threads to number of physical cores
; lower values = more main threads = more memory usage - not nessarily faster/slower
; higher values = less main threads = less memory usage - not nessarily slower/faster

; limit the number of total concurrent LODGen processes for object LOD generation
; 0 = unlimited

; limit the number of concurrent LODGen processes per worldspace for object LOD generation when generating seasons
; 0 = unlimited

; set the double_sided shader flag in object LOD *.bto meshes on these lists of meshes / textures masks (partial filename) for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows or Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS)
; see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Terrain-Underside

; set to 1 to generate a terrain NIF that is placed under the actual terrain in order to block light for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows or Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS)
; current DynDOLOD output can be quickly updated by keeping plugins activated and then deselecting all LOD generation options, then install new output overwriting old output
; see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Terrain-Underside
;TerrainUnderside=0 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Terrain underside in the advanced options window to generate the terrain underside meshes

; Quality of the terrain NIF, higher numbers = less quality/smaller file size. If the quality is too low its shapes might pierce through the ground near steep terrain
;TerrainUndersideQuality=10 This setting does not work anymore, set the quality for the terrain underside mesh in the advanced options window

; z position of the reference placing the terrain NIF, if too high its shapes might pierce through the ground
;TerrainUndersideHeigth=-500 This setting does not work anymore, set the height for the terrain underside mesh in the advanced options window

; EditorID of worldspaces with LOD to ignore for terrain underside generation
TerrainUndersideIgnoreWorlds=Blackreach, DLC01SoulCairn, DLC2ApocryphaWorld, ccBGSSSE067DeadlandsWorld, ccKRTSSE001QNWorld

; exclude terrain north and south of the playable area

; Set to 1 to create terrain heightmap textures

; Set to 1 to export object LOD heightmaps with LODGen and add its heights to the terrain heightmap textures, requires DoTerrainHeightMap=1

; 1 = generate default season first, then copy default object LOD *.BTO to *[SPR|SUM|AUT|WIN].BTO in case there are no changes
; 0 = generate all *.BTO files for all seasons

; 1 = object LOD for all seasons uses the same object LOD atlas textures
; 0 = object LOD for each season uses distinct object LOD atlas textures

; base object swaps with a "chance"
; 0 = LOD will be added for the object with the original base record
; 1 = no LOD will be added for the object

; set to 1 to enable notices

; set to 1 to enable debug messages; enables notices and warnings automatically




  On 9/7/2024 at 2:58 PM, MiTxGam3r said:

Im having issues with DYNDOLOD. I have done the grass cache and have no issues with xLOGEN and TEXTGEN. I have been following this guide but on my install of dyndolodx64 the grass option completely grey'd out.

I have changed all the ini settings as instructed unless im missing something?

 HD / QHD  

I have coppied my ini file


Read the first post and/or  https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen and DynDOLOD logs and debug logs to upload when making posts.

This is the DynDOLOD support forum. It is unclear what "this guide" refers to. If you have a problem following a third party guide, then you should be asking the author of the third party guide, use its forum for help.

What are we supposed to look for in the screenshot from the third party guide?
There is no need to copy and past INI settings, when posting the logs as explained.

The option is disabled if its requirements are not met. Hover the mouse pointer to see a tooltip with the number of found *.CGID grass cache files and grass LOD billboards.

Check in the mod manager that there are ..\Data\Grass\[Worldspace]*.CGID grass cache files for the worldspace in the load order. Double that check grass cache generation completed and generate all worldspaces and files (= cells) as desired.
Make sure the default setting GrassGID=cgid in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini is still correct or is set to gid in case the grass cache files were renamed. There is typically no need to change the grass cache filenames to *.GID at the moment, so ignore such outdated 3rd party instructions.

There should be no need to rename grass cache files when using NGIO NG and optional Grass Cache Helper NG in case seasons are used. Thus there is no need to change the GrassGID INI setting. Make sure the GrassGID INI setting is set to whatever the actual filename suffix is for the generated grass cache files.
I suggest to follow up-to-date first party instructions.


Moved to the proper forum.

  On 9/7/2024 at 3:48 PM, MiTxGam3r said:

Mate I have been at this for the last 10hrs trying to get the Grass lod to work. Thanks for your tips its finally working.


So you did not have GrassGID=cgid set in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini?

It's not clear if you didn't follow the guide instructions, or the guide failed to provide an instruction, or you didn't understand an instruction.

Assuming you are following Step SkyrimSE 2.3 Guide.

Posted (edited)

YEah the guid i was following said remove the c in the ini. then once I read Sheson reply i checked what the grass cache files where labled and presto it worked.

Edited by MiTxGam3r
  • Like 1
  On 9/9/2024 at 7:44 AM, MiTxGam3r said:

YEah the guid i was following said remove the c in the ini. then once I read Sheson reply i checked what the grass cache files where labled and presto it worked.


OK, so not the Step 2.3 guide. Some other guide (or the Step 2.2.0 guide where we used GID instead of CGID)

  • 3 weeks later...

Back here again like the 5th time ive had to redo the whole mod list due to CTD at newgame. I have followed the 2.3 guide to the T. Now I have generated the grass files I have a folder in the SKSE output folder called grass full of .cgid files. I have done all the dydolod steps but when I lauch dyndolod the grass lod option is still greyed out. I cant remeber what I did last time to get it to work. Getting real frustrated with it.

  On 9/30/2024 at 11:48 AM, MiTxGam3r said:

Back here again like the 5th time ive had to redo the whole mod list due to CTD at newgame. I have followed the 2.3 guide to the T. Now I have generated the grass files I have a folder in the SKSE output folder called grass full of .cgid files. I have done all the dydolod steps but when I lauch dyndolod the grass lod option is still greyed out. I cant remeber what I did last time to get it to work. Getting real frustrated with it.


Run TexGen first with "HD grass" option ticked. Then save that output as a mod before running DynDOLOD.

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