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Error: DynDOLOD can not find master data in DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json


Posted (edited)

I'm getting the error shown in the picture. Checked that I have that file and that permissions are set to full control. I ran DynDOLOD 2.42 and PapyrusUtil 3.4b. DynDOLOD Resources is 2.41, would that be the wrong version? Still running older game binaries and SKSE 2.0.7. Checked that no files from PapyrusUtil 3.4b are being overridden. Using MO2. What could be the problem?



Edited by godescalcus

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Use latest version


FAQ: Skyrim: DynDOLOD can not read data from *.json / DynDOLOD can not find master data in *.json


A: Copy Meshes, Textures and SKSE (which includes the *.json files) from the output directory to the game directory. Make sure these files and DynDOLOD.esp are in sync from the same generation process.


A: Can also be a save game update gone wrong. Test with new game, if successful, repeat clean save procedure.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I read the FAQ but wasn't sure I understood. Do I need to place those files in the game directory instead of /data? Textures, meshes and SKSE? Using MO2 and I moved the output directory to mod organizer's mods folder and activated as a mod, so the files should be inside data in the vfs.


I'm going to try the clean update again. Some people say you have to wait 30 game days?...


In any case, if I have to regen won't be able to use the latest version since I haven't updated my game binaries yet and don't want to take the plunge mid-game. Is there still a link somewhere to the correct resources file for version 2.42?

Edited by godescalcus
  • 0

Also, what's the correct procedure in this case for a clean update: I can't deactivate dyndolod outdoors because of the error (says it's already inactive). Should I move straight indoors and save, remove, load, save, reactivate or should I travel back to a worldspace that's not throwing errors and deactivate there first?



  • 0
Posted (edited)

I read the FAQ but wasn't sure I understood. Do I need to place those files in the game directory instead of /data? Textures, meshes and SKSE? Using MO2 and I moved the output directory to mod organizer's mods folder and activated as a mod, so the files should be inside data in the vfs.


I'm going to try the clean update again. Some people say you have to wait 30 game days?...


In any case, if I have to regen won't be able to use the latest version since I haven't updated my game binaries yet and don't want to take the plunge mid-game. Is there still a link somewhere to the correct resources file for version 2.42?

That should say game data directory. I will update that sentence to make it more clear.


Ignore everything people say and read the manual instead. It has a section about updating existing save games.


Use the latest DynDOLOD standalone and DynDOLOD Resources SE available. There never was such a thing as DynDOLOD Resources SE 2.42. The game version does not matter.


Also, what's the correct procedure in this case for a clean update: I can't deactivate dyndolod outdoors because of the error (says it's already inactive). Should I move straight indoors and save, remove, load, save, reactivate or should I travel back to a worldspace that's not throwing errors and deactivate there first?



If DynDOLOD is not active, then it is already deactivated.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

No luck after clean update. Fact is I do have DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json and DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld_Objects.json in data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData. They are both not empty files, the first one for example begins like this:


and ends like this
I have DynDOLOD_Flat_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds, DynDOLOD_Flat_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld_n.dds, DynDOLOD_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds and DynDOLOD_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld_n.dds inside textures/DynDOLOD/Lod and a folder meshes/terrain/wyrmstoothworld containing two folders, objects and trees. The trees folder, however, as a single file WyrmstoothWorld.lst that is empty (1 byte, contains a NUL character). Is this correct? The same happens for all other worldspaces.
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Here's the excerpt from the log file regarding WyrmstoothWorld:

[00:25:10.925] Doing LOD for WyrmstoothWorld added by Wyrmstooth.esp

[00:25:10.939]   Options 00000001011111001100010000
[00:25:10.953]   Dimensions -32, 33, -32, 33
[00:25:10.965] Loading F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini
[00:25:10.974] Not found F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE_childworldlod_WyrmstoothWorld.txt
[00:25:10.984] Found bunch of numbers: 3N2O3S0E0H4S67O0T51T6I3M4B4U4S2 in DynDOLOD.esp
[00:25:10.994] Found bunch of numbers: 3N2O3S0E0H4S67O0T51T6I3M4B4U4S2 in DynDOLOD.esm
[00:25:11.005] Reading DynDOLOD.esm with 23197 records for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.014] Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 14203 records for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.321]   Read 21556 existing records
[00:25:11.331] Read next object id 0229A9 from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_SSE_next-object-esm.fid
[00:25:11.341] Read next object id 01620C from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_SSE_next-object.fid
[00:25:11.386] Writing empty F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\WyrmstoothWorld\trees\WyrmstoothWorld.lst
[00:25:11.405] 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:25:11.414] 11888888111111111111111111111888888111111188881111881111111118888111188888811111
[00:25:11.423] 11881111881188111881881888811881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:25:11.432] 11881111188188111881888111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:25:11.441] 11881111188188111881881111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:25:11.449] 11881111881118888881881111881881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:25:11.458] 11888888111111111881881111881888888111111188881111888888811118888111188888811111
[00:25:11.467] 11111111111118888811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:25:11.494] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...
[00:25:11.781]   World WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.794]     Reading Large Reference Data for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.807]         Found 0 large references
[00:25:11.818]     Gathering references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62] for STAT ACTI MSTT CONT FURN DOOR LIGH TREE 
[00:25:12.297]     Filtering 32081 references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62] for LOD
[00:25:12.310]       0 of 32081 done
[00:25:13.561] [DynDOLOD.esm] Adding master "Wyrmstooth.esp"
[00:25:14.617]       1604 of 32081 done
[00:25:15.010]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383CE] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.024]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383D6] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.042]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383E0] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.057]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383EC] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -3,-2)
[00:25:15.082]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8203841C] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.096]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8203841E] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.113]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820384CC] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.360]       3208 of 32081 done
[00:25:15.756]       4812 of 32081 done
[00:25:16.124]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABA] (places ShipLongBoatAnim01 [sTAT:00089CD7] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-9)
[00:25:16.136]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABC] (places ShipRowBoat01 [sTAT:00050368] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-9)
[00:25:16.159]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABD] (places ShipRowBoat01 [sTAT:00050368] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-8)
[00:25:16.185]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109AC1] (places WTShipLarge01 [sTAT:8234C3A2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-10)
[00:25:16.216]       6416 of 32081 done
[00:25:16.659]       8020 of 32081 done
[00:25:17.134]       9624 of 32081 done
[00:25:17.654]       11228 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.084]       12832 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.463]       14436 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.864]       16040 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.016]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82477850] (places WTWHgrayquarter04 [sTAT:82484245] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at 3,8)
[00:25:19.128]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8247788D] (places WHouterwallstatue01 [sTAT:000DF12E] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at 3,9)
[00:25:19.390]       17644 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.625]       19248 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.908]       20852 of 32081 done
[00:25:20.134]       22456 of 32081 done
[00:25:20.657]       24060 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.134]       25664 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.456]       27268 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.863]       28872 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.226]       30476 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.518]       32080 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.536] Saving objects LOD data to F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld.txt
[00:25:22.564] LOD references: 13070, unique LOD objects: 901
[00:25:22.586] DoLODThread WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:22.604] Creating mini atlas data
[00:25:22.779] Gathering meshes for atlas creation
[00:25:22.841] Processing meshes for atlas creation
[00:25:22.974] Processing texture replacements
[00:25:23.133] Creating atlas textures F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Flat_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds from 28 textures
[00:25:23.155] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachclifftree01_000b8a76_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.173] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachclifftree02_000b8a77_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.189] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree01_000b8a73_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.201] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree02_000b8a74_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.208] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest01_0001306d_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.213] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest02_00018a02_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.219] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest03_0004b016_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.225] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest04_0004fbb0_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.235] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead01_000b927a_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.251] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead02_000b927b_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.262] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead03_000b927c_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.270] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead04_000b927d_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.287] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead05_000b927e_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.306] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow01_000ef5a5_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.318] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow02_000ef5a4_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.323] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow03_000ef5a3_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.329] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.334] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.341] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow01_0005c072_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.351] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow02_0005c071_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.363] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow03_0005c070_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.376] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow04_0005c06f_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.386] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow05_0005c06e_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.394] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.400] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl03_0005d2d9_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.405] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl04_0005d2d8_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.410] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl05_0005d2d7_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.437] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\tundradriftwood01_000b8f53_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:27.622] Creating atlas textures F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds from 97 textures
[00:26:18.244] Combining mini atlas map
[00:26:18.265] Combining flat atlas map
[00:26:18.279] Executing LODGenx64.exe
[00:26:18.304] "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64.exe" --inputfile "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld.txt" --logfile "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld_log.txt" --dontFixTangents --removeUnseenFaces --skyblivionTexPath
[00:26:18.331] Adding Master into WyrmstoothWorld
[00:26:18.354] Setting up 2756 cells with 98 active cells for 220 dynamic LOD objects for DynDOLOD
[00:26:18.368]     -23, -20 to 29, 31
[00:26:23.148] Add 220 references for DynDOLOD LOD
[00:26:23.168]     1 of 220 done
[00:26:24.350] Add 5 references for DynDOLOD GLOWLOD
[00:26:24.370]     1 of 5 done
[00:26:24.412] Added 7 markers for 13 cells
[00:26:24.435] Adding LOD objects data with 224 entries
[00:26:24.452]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld_Objects.json
[00:26:24.475] Sorting Formlists for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:26:24.492]   Adding Grids index with 2222 entries
[00:26:24.516]   Adding 1053 FarGrids lists
[00:26:24.534]   Adding 594 NearGrids lists
[00:26:24.572]   Adding 340 Cells lists
[00:26:24.605]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json
[00:26:24.623]   Adding world index with 18 entries
[00:26:24.636]   Adding 18 masters
[00:26:24.651]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Worlds.json
[00:26:24.667] Updating 901 base records
[00:26:26.060] Done

[00:26:26.090] DoLODThread WyrmstoothWorld done



and the LODGen log for WyrmstoothWorld:

[00:25:10.925] Doing LOD for WyrmstoothWorld added by Wyrmstooth.esp

[00:25:10.939]   Options 00000001011111001100010000
[00:25:10.953]   Dimensions -32, 33, -32, 33
[00:25:10.965] Loading F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini
[00:25:10.974] Not found F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE_childworldlod_WyrmstoothWorld.txt
[00:25:10.984] Found bunch of numbers: 3N2O3S0E0H4S67O0T51T6I3M4B4U4S2 in DynDOLOD.esp
[00:25:10.994] Found bunch of numbers: 3N2O3S0E0H4S67O0T51T6I3M4B4U4S2 in DynDOLOD.esm
[00:25:11.005] Reading DynDOLOD.esm with 23197 records for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.014] Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 14203 records for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.321]   Read 21556 existing records
[00:25:11.331] Read next object id 0229A9 from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_SSE_next-object-esm.fid
[00:25:11.341] Read next object id 01620C from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_SSE_next-object.fid
[00:25:11.386] Writing empty F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\WyrmstoothWorld\trees\WyrmstoothWorld.lst
[00:25:11.405] 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:25:11.414] 11888888111111111111111111111888888111111188881111881111111118888111188888811111
[00:25:11.423] 11881111881188111881881888811881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:25:11.432] 11881111188188111881888111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:25:11.441] 11881111188188111881881111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:25:11.449] 11881111881118888881881111881881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:25:11.458] 11888888111111111881881111881888888111111188881111888888811118888111188888811111
[00:25:11.467] 11111111111118888811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:25:11.494] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...
[00:25:11.781]   World WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.794]     Reading Large Reference Data for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:11.807]         Found 0 large references
[00:25:11.818]     Gathering references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62] for STAT ACTI MSTT CONT FURN DOOR LIGH TREE 
[00:25:12.297]     Filtering 32081 references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62] for LOD
[00:25:12.310]       0 of 32081 done
[00:25:13.561] [DynDOLOD.esm] Adding master "Wyrmstooth.esp"
[00:25:14.617]       1604 of 32081 done
[00:25:15.010]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383CE] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.024]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383D6] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.042]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383E0] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.057]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820383EC] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -3,-2)
[00:25:15.082]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8203841C] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.096]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8203841E] (places RockCliff04Snow [sTAT:00024C94] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.113]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:820384CC] (places RockCliff03Snow [sTAT:00024BAD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -2,-2)
[00:25:15.360]       3208 of 32081 done
[00:25:15.756]       4812 of 32081 done
[00:25:16.124]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABA] (places ShipLongBoatAnim01 [sTAT:00089CD7] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-9)
[00:25:16.136]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABC] (places ShipRowBoat01 [sTAT:00050368] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-9)
[00:25:16.159]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109ABD] (places ShipRowBoat01 [sTAT:00050368] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-8)
[00:25:16.185]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82109AC1] (places WTShipLarge01 [sTAT:8234C3A2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at -1,-10)
[00:25:16.216]       6416 of 32081 done
[00:25:16.659]       8020 of 32081 done
[00:25:17.134]       9624 of 32081 done
[00:25:17.654]       11228 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.084]       12832 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.463]       14436 of 32081 done
[00:25:18.864]       16040 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.016]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:82477850] (places WTWHgrayquarter04 [sTAT:82484245] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at 3,8)
[00:25:19.128]         disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:8247788D] (places WHouterwallstatue01 [sTAT:000DF12E] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:820010FD] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:82000D62]) at 3,9)
[00:25:19.390]       17644 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.625]       19248 of 32081 done
[00:25:19.908]       20852 of 32081 done
[00:25:20.134]       22456 of 32081 done
[00:25:20.657]       24060 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.134]       25664 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.456]       27268 of 32081 done
[00:25:21.863]       28872 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.226]       30476 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.518]       32080 of 32081 done
[00:25:22.536] Saving objects LOD data to F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld.txt
[00:25:22.564] LOD references: 13070, unique LOD objects: 901
[00:25:22.586] DoLODThread WyrmstoothWorld
[00:25:22.604] Creating mini atlas data
[00:25:22.779] Gathering meshes for atlas creation
[00:25:22.841] Processing meshes for atlas creation
[00:25:22.974] Processing texture replacements
[00:25:23.133] Creating atlas textures F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Flat_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds from 28 textures
[00:25:23.155] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachclifftree01_000b8a76_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.173] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachclifftree02_000b8a77_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.189] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree01_000b8a73_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.201] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree02_000b8a74_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.208] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest01_0001306d_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.213] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest02_00018a02_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.219] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest03_0004b016_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.225] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest04_0004fbb0_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.235] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead01_000b927a_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.251] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead02_000b927b_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.262] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead03_000b927c_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.270] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead04_000b927d_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.287] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdead05_000b927e_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.306] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow01_000ef5a5_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.318] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow02_000ef5a4_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.323] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow03_000ef5a3_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.329] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.334] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.341] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow01_0005c072_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.351] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow02_0005c071_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.363] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow03_0005c070_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.376] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow04_0005c06f_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.386] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow05_0005c06e_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.394] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.400] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl03_0005d2d9_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.405] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl04_0005d2d8_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.410] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnowl05_0005d2d7_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:23.437] <Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\tundradriftwood01_000b8f53_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>
[00:25:27.622] Creating atlas textures F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Atlas_WyrmstoothWorld.dds from 97 textures
[00:26:18.244] Combining mini atlas map
[00:26:18.265] Combining flat atlas map
[00:26:18.279] Executing LODGenx64.exe
[00:26:18.304] "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64.exe" --inputfile "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld.txt" --logfile "F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_WyrmstoothWorld_log.txt" --dontFixTangents --removeUnseenFaces --skyblivionTexPath
[00:26:18.331] Adding Master into WyrmstoothWorld
[00:26:18.354] Setting up 2756 cells with 98 active cells for 220 dynamic LOD objects for DynDOLOD
[00:26:18.368]     -23, -20 to 29, 31
[00:26:23.148] Add 220 references for DynDOLOD LOD
[00:26:23.168]     1 of 220 done
[00:26:24.350] Add 5 references for DynDOLOD GLOWLOD
[00:26:24.370]     1 of 5 done
[00:26:24.412] Added 7 markers for 13 cells
[00:26:24.435] Adding LOD objects data with 224 entries
[00:26:24.452]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld_Objects.json
[00:26:24.475] Sorting Formlists for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:26:24.492]   Adding Grids index with 2222 entries
[00:26:24.516]   Adding 1053 FarGrids lists
[00:26:24.534]   Adding 594 NearGrids lists
[00:26:24.572]   Adding 340 Cells lists
[00:26:24.605]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json
[00:26:24.623]   Adding world index with 18 entries
[00:26:24.636]   Adding 18 masters
[00:26:24.651]   Saved F:\modding_tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Worlds.json
[00:26:24.667] Updating 901 base records
[00:26:26.060] Done

[00:26:26.090] DoLODThread WyrmstoothWorld done


Edited by godescalcus
  • 0
Posted (edited)

No luck after clean update.

You did test with a new game first, as the FAQ answer suggests?


Fact is I do have DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json and DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld_Objects.json in data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData. They are both not empty files

The error message says it can not find the master data (a line like "master":[314589],) in the file. It is most likely in there, however the form id does not match the one found in the plugins.

Which might be because the "bunchofnumbers":"0N7O1S6E7H2S57O0T5T4I4M7B4U0S0" does not match the [00:25:10.984] Found bunch of numbers: 3N2O3S0E0H4S67O0T51T6I3M4B4U4S2 in DynDOLOD.esp from the generation shown in the log and which is most likely the numbers in the plugins in the game.


Check the the DynDOLOD SKyUI MCM Information page that all bunchofnumbers match for the worldspace. If they do not match, it means you mixed json files and plugins from different LOD generations.


Static object or tree LOD and their textures are not relevant to dynamic LOD.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

Yes, tried a new game and coc WyrmstoothDocks01 - the error message is still there.


I want to try and rebuild with latest version - may I update only DynDOLOD and DynDOLOD Resources and not PapyrusUtil? Because if I update the latter, I'll have to update to skse 2.0.8 and every dependent mod I'm using, which I didn't want to do mid-game.

  • 0

Yes, tried a new game and coc WyrmstoothDocks01 - the error message is still there.


I want to try and rebuild with latest version - may I update only DynDOLOD and DynDOLOD Resources and not PapyrusUtil? Because if I update the latter, I'll have to update to skse 2.0.8 and every dependent mod I'm using, which I didn't want to do mid-game.

DynDOLODs requirements for Skyrim SE are:


SKSE64 (Current SE build) from https://skse.silverlock.org/ for the Skyrim SE version that is used.

PapyrusUtil SE 3.3 or higher for the SKSE64 version that is used.


Which means DynDOLOD works with PapyrusUtil 3.3 for SKSE64 2.0.6 all the way up to PapyrusUtil 3.5 for SKSE64 2.0.8

  • 0
Posted (edited)

So I rebuilt DynDOLOD using the latest version, clean updated and the error still stands...

Double check in MO (also use right window data tab) that none of the files from DynDOLOD Resources SE and the DynDOLOD output generated by the last run are overwritten by any files, especially the MO Overwrite folder.


Open the load order in xEdit.


Unfold [+] DynDOLOD.esm

Unfold [+] Worldspace

Unfold [+] xx000D62 WyrmstoothWorld

Unfold [+] xx0010FD Cell

Unfold [+] Persistent


The first entry should be a Placed Object with the Editor ID WyrmstoothWorld_ShesonObject

Take note of its form id, for example 0804CCDD, ignore the first to digits 08, so you have something like 04CCDD hex and convert it to decimal - with Windows Calculator in Programmer mode for example - which would be 314589 in this example.


This is the number you should find in DynDOLOD_WyrmstoothWorld.json for "master":[314589],




All of this only makes sense in case SKSE64 and PapyrusUtil 64 are installed fully (all their scripts) and work correctly. So if other worldspaces with dynamic LOD work fine.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

All the files are ok, some textures from resources are overwritten by HD LODs Textures or TexGen.


But in the esm I don't have a Wyrmstooth worldspace...




On the other hand, I do have it in DynDOLOD.esp:




The numbers do seem to match... But I couldn't find the worldspace in DynDOLOD.esm, just in DynDOLOD.esp

Edited by godescalcus
  • 0
Posted (edited)

All the files are ok, some textures from resources are overwritten by HD LODs Textures or TexGen.


But in the esm I don't have a Wyrmstooth worldspace...




On the other hand, I do have it in DynDOLOD.esp:




The numbers do seem to match... But I couldn't find the worldspace in DynDOLOD.esm, just in DynDOLOD.esp


Post entire DynDOLOD log of the generation.



Is the Wyrmstooth not flagged as ESM by any chance?

Edited by sheson

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