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DynDOLOD Error: Load Order messed up


Posted (edited)

I've been experiencing an error in DynDOLOD SSE and idk how to solve the issue. It kept saying an error whenever I start it. I tried adding -sse in the arguments and in the shortcuts. Nothing worked so I'm hoping that someone could help me find out why it's not working. Btw I'm using MO2 and Wyre Bash.


Here's the error that is in multiple spots in the DynDOLOD logs:

Error: Load order messed up! Tried to find a file id higher than files loaded. 0 > -1. Try generating tree LOD for this load order. Stopping script.

Exception in unit userscript line 466: Error: Load order messed up! Tried to find a file id higher than files loaded. 0 > -1. Try generating tree LOD for this load order. Stopping script.


Here's what keeps popping up when I run DynDOLOD and i always had to click ok a lot:

Access violation at address 0000000000417d4f in module 'DynDOLODx64.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFF80393980 (the numbers at the end here are always changing for each ok).

Edited by Ardellian
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Ah I see now what you mean. That is by design. Every option requiring dynamic LOD (Generate DynDOLOD) is greyed out for Skyrim SE while we wait for Bethesda to fix bugs and/or SKSE64 to arrive.


All problems resolved it seems.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Sheson,


All of the sudden today (first time using v.2.31) I have exactly the same errors as OP using both TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64, Skyrim SSE and MO2 v.2.0.83.

I do know for sure that my load order (and my mod list), although very heavy, is rock solid.

It loads perfectly fine with xEdit (latest version posted in AFK


So I started doing tests...basically the majority of what you have advised in this post. What I have discovered:


1. Rolling back to v.2.26 of both TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64 gave me exactly the same errors as 2.31 (!!!); the ones like OP.

2. I made a separate profile to MO2 and loaded only the DLCs+USSEP+Vanilla Billboards. All loaded fine. No Errors. Both versions of TexGen and DynDOLOD.

3. I started enabling 10-10 plugins at a time. TexGen64 (2.31) was loading fine until it reached plugin order 180 (Mod Index B2). Then crashed. Exactly same errors like before, like OP. Of course there is nothing wrong with the plugins after order 180...no matter what plugin I was placing after 180 and enabling it, TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64 would immediately throw an exemption when reach at this index when loading.

4. As a last step I run my entire load order (enabled everything) using TexGen32 and DynDOLOD32 through MO2...and what do u know!!! They worked just fine!!!??? No errors, no exemptions, no crashes, no "Your Load Order is messed up" messages.


Taking into account that not much had changed in my mod list ever since I was running successfully 2.27; I hardly think that this is a DynDOLOD64 problem.

But then why 32-bit version to work out well when I have never ever used it in the past?


A windows update screwing up things? Don't know...running out of ideas.

Your thoughts?


My Win 10 version is 1703 (OS Build 15063.540).

Edited by Astakos
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3. Check the last plugin(s) you enabled before the error happened, like number 179.


I cant say anything about Windows 10 or whatever version you might be using. I guess anything can happen with it.

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Posted (edited)

Provide more information:

Game version Skryim or Skyrim SE
Which Mod Manager, starting directly making a difference?
What Windows version
DynDOLOD.exe / DynDOLODx64.exe making a difference? If you like do same test with older DynDOLOD.exe/DynDOLODx64.exe (the first time problems were reported was with older version, though)

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)



now i have the same problem. Must've successfully run TexGen and DyndoLOD about 10 times last week. I've managed to get TexGEn running and have my output file, but needing to run DyndoLOD which is a whole nother story. I'm now getting the same error messages as posters above. I've attached my log for reference. Any help anyone can offer is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance,

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.7zFetching info...

Edited by alexis524
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  On 9/5/2017 at 6:29 PM, alexis524 said:



now i have the same problem. Must've successfully run TexGen and DyndoLOD about 10 times last week. I've managed to get TexGEn running and have my output file, but needing to run DyndoLOD which is a whole nother story. I'm now getting the same error messages as posters above. I've attached my log for reference. Any help anyone can offer is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance,

I will see if I can replicate with that load order.


Also test with DynDOLOD.exe. Then test with latest version 2.31, also both exe versions. Just let me know what works what doesn't

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  On 9/5/2017 at 8:06 PM, sheson said:

I will see if I can replicate with that load order.


Also test with DynDOLOD.exe. Then test with latest version 2.31, also both exe versions. Just let me know what works what doesn't

Thanks Sheson.


To make sure i've down my part, i've run LOOT and SSEedit both with no issues and checked for errors and it came back clean. I should have mentioned that i'm attempting to rerun the 64bit version. Not sure if yo needed that. 

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My texgen crashes with an access violation error when i try and run it through MO. Forget about Dyndolod.


When I used NMM a month ago with the same load order, + or - a few minor mods that wouldn't affect LOD anyway, it was working fine and I was able to generate texture files and LOD through Dyndolod without issue. 


I switched to MO so I could install an uninstall things more easily but now I can't use dyndolod.


I don't want to feel like I should have stuck with NMM, hopefully we can find a fix for this ?

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Posted (edited)
  On 9/9/2017 at 4:51 AM, Karma said:

My texgen crashes with an access violation error when i try and run it through MO. Forget about Dyndolod.


When I used NMM a month ago with the same load order, + or - a few minor mods that wouldn't affect LOD anyway, it was working fine and I was able to generate texture files and LOD through Dyndolod without issue. 


I switched to MO so I could install an uninstall things more easily but now I can't use dyndolod.


I don't want to feel like I should have stuck with NMM, hopefully we can find a fix for this ?

What is the relationship to the "Load Order messed up" error message of this thread? TexGen and DynDOLOD generally both work without problem in MO. Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)
  On 9/9/2017 at 9:43 AM, sheson said:

What is the relationship to the "Load Order messed up" error message of this thread? TexGen and DynDOLOD generally both work without problem in MO.

I get that error "Load order messed up" in texgen after a ton of other access violation errors while texgen is trying to read my plugins.


Some plugins seem to be worse than others because I was able to get to the texgen option screen by disabling plugins, but major mods like majestic mountains and some others were causing errors and I need those to generate LOD.


32 bit texgen simply does not work it refuses to read the master files. Dyndolod gives me the same errors texgen does then ends with the 'load order messed up' message.


With NMM I was able to install everything, then run texgen and dyndolod from my desktop. It seems to be a problem with running the exe through MO. I do have the -sse argument applied.


edit: that NMM install I had going was a few weeks ago, with all these wacky windows updates it wouldn't surprise me if they were the culprit, denying read/write access somehow.

Edited by Karma

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