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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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@Ciccigomma - thanks :)



@Neovalen, about the guide:

"Notice: This guide has been frozen while a replacement is created. "

- Will it be updated on the same page or the replacement is coming to another link?


- About another mods, Can I add mods of gameplay such Deadly Encounters / Belaches new dragons / enhanced migthly dragons etc on my skyrim? or do you think it'll break the immersion of vanilla game?

- SR is your personal choise of mods? (all the mods you use is there?) just curious

- About the Bordless Windowed mod, is any difference in performance/graphics by choosing a 1980x1080 windowed instead normal fullscreen?


After reinstaling skyrim dozens of times i was amost giving up and playing with just some main mods, till I find the SR, I haven't completed the instalation of everything yet, because those tools are new to me and i take more time till i get used to it, but I can already say that's amazing and thanks for your effort of doing it, really appreciated


I have a brand new computer so reinstalled Skyrim, tried STEP but failed (Wrye Bash!) but was then directed to Skyrim Revisited.


I have followed all the instructions as best I could over three stressful days (with plenty of mistakes, particularly using Tes5Edit – oh dear) and have finally completed.


First – a huge thankyou to Neovalen for a brilliant and extremely detailed guide.


Unfortunately – my installation did not work! When I start a new game it always crashes entering Helgen by cart during intro (same place every time). So I started the game without mods and made a PC, then saved a game. I can load up this saved game with my Skyrim Revisited and play! I went through the entire introduction without any problems at all (everything was amazingly beautiful) but then when I left Helgen Keep at the end of the Intro the loading screen stayed forever and Skyrim was unresponsive (had to turn off computer at mains). I also tried to enter the showracemenu through the console but the game crashed as soon as I entered the command.


In summary, three crashes with Skyrim Revisited only

  - entering Helgen on cart in intro

  - using console to showracemenu

  - leaving Helgen Keep at end of intro (not a crash – just an endless loading screen)


So I have a few questions: I realise that I could completely reinstall each mod individually but obviously if there is an easier way it would be better!


a) I did NOT install Live Another Life as I wanted to begin at the start. Could this be what the problem is? (because I did not follow exactly Neovalen's instructions?)


b) does this sound like a GPU/RAM issue?( I have a brand new i5-3750K with AMD Radeon 7950 HD 850MHz 3GB 8MB RAM and I only installed 2k textures (not 4k) so I would have thought my computer could handle it). Also not using ENB (or ENB fixes obviously).


c) I did make errors with Tes5Edit – for example I didn't uncheck the 'Backup Plugins' box for the first ten mods. During the earlier parts I made many errors including pressing delete where 'remove' was not an option, being unable to drag some records, and so on – all because I could not find the UNDO button! Could these errors cause my CTDs? Do I have to start again from scratch? Or perhaps can I just reinstall those mods that had Tes5Edits to be made to them and redit them and drag them into the correct location in the list?


d) Several of the mods on the list (eg. Bring out your Dead, Realistic Room Rental) seem to conflict with lots of other mods. Would it be better for newbies like me to avoid mods on the list with too many complications until we get a bit better, or is it going to muck things up if I leave some stuff out?




Apologies for the long post; and I hope that I have posted this in the correct location.


If you have ALL the textures at 2k quality, then you most probably running into famous 3.3GB RAM CTD (in short: Skyrim is 32-bit program, and as such can only utilise 3.3 GB of your RAM. When your RAM overloads, the program crashes).


However, I'm also sure that TES5EDIT errors are 99% reason for your CTDs. See, amending records in T5E is basically messing with mods construction. Again, in short and simplified: if you deleted a record from an ESP file, and then during your game that record was referenced by, let's say a script, the game would crash.


As you messed the mods, I'm afraid the best course of action would be full reinstall of Skyrim, including downloading mods.


As for the checked "Back Up Plugins" it doesn't really matter, as all this does is create a back up folder in your MO Overwrites folder and stores the original plugins when the modified ones are saved in T5E. So at least you can just revert to the backed up ones and no need to download those mods, just the ones you messed with and have no back up.


I would also recommend getting 1k textures for all exterior, but you can safely install 2k for interior stuff, as there are no interior locations that would utilise as much as 3GB of your RAM.


Presuming that you are not very familiar with mechanics of mods, I would also suggest reverting to STEP install, rather than SR. As STEP does not include mod edits and is easy to follow, much easier than SR.


Hope it works out for you in the end and I can assure you that 99% of use were once in the exactly same situation as you are now :) 3 days is still not bad result... My first SR install took over a week :D and I failed miserably!


Quick tip - after you install everything run Wrye Bash and check if any of the mods have DARK RED tickbox background. If so, that means there is some kind of conflict, most presumably a missing master file, and your game would most likely CTD at main menu.


jacktannery, you can play the vanilla start game at carriage using the Live Another Life mod, just select "i was caught crossing the lines ilegally" when the statue asks you where you want to start your new life


@jacktannery - Did you install the Live Another Life option when installing Even Better Quest Objectives? If you chose that option but then did not install the Live Another Life mod, it could cause the crash.


@Neovalen - I've been addicted to your guide since finding it earlier this week. I've tried various mods before but always ran into CTD. I am learning a lot! One question, will the replacement guide require me to start from scratch, or will there be an update path from the current guide. Thanks!


Thanks for your fast responses guys.


@rootsrat - oh dear! Do I really need to re-download EACH FILE! Can I not just use the original file download? It is still in my download folder. It's the download that's the worst bit with the nexus so temperamental. Great advice in your post overall however I came here from attempting STEP on Wrye Bash, which was too complex, so the experts sent me here instead.


@mokuro89 - yes I know but since I intended to begin at Helgen why bother with Live Another Life at all?


@trikosuave - no I carefully did not. In fact I was generally really good and careful, checked and rechecked everything with WB and Boss and the problem, whatever it is, is not anything as obvious as that.


Thanks for your fast responses guys.


@rootsrat - oh dear! Do I really need to re-download EACH FILE! Can I not just use the original file download? It is still in my download folder. It's the download that's the worst bit with the nexus so temperamental. Great advice in your post overall however I came here from attempting STEP on Wrye Bash, which was too complex, so the experts sent me here instead.


@mokuro89 - yes I know but since I intended to begin at Helgen why bother with Live Another Life at all?


@trikosuave - no I carefully did not. In fact I was generally really good and careful, checked and rechecked everything with WB and Boss and the problem, whatever it is, is not anything as obvious as that.


Apologies, if you still have the downloaded files then yeah, just use those. Never thought you could still have them :) (I tend to delete mine, apart from the biggest downloads...)


I'd recommend Mod Organizer over WB - it's easier to use if you're new to modding.


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


BTW, there's no Undo button in TES5Edit. So either you know exactly what you changed in the record and can put it back to what it was or can change it to what it's supposed to be-- or you close out xEdit without saving (basically dry run).


Where is your SkyProc Patchers folder located? I find it working best if it's in MO Overwrites folder. So I install all the patchers in MO, then create Sky Proc Patchers folder in MO Overwrites and I copy all the patchers there, effectively rendering them obsolete in the MO's virtual Data folder. I then add executables from the MO Overwrites folder to MO list and run it from there.


SUM does not work for me for some reason anyway, it always freezes when processing Dual Sheath Redux and I can't figure out why. I'm suspecting lack of RAM (I'm only on 4GB and I run nearly 400 mods, reaching the limit of 255 ESPs...). I run ReProccer, DSR and AV separately though and it works perfectly fine that way.


I posted a fix last weekend. What I was missing is the Mod Organizer (MO) expects SpyProc patches to be installed using MO in the MO/mods directory (I assumed everyone was doing this anyways). Some people were installing it elsewhere. MO then copies to files to the MO/overwrite directory with patches in the "SkyProc Patches" directory and for automatic variants (AV) the textures in the overwrite\textures directory. Installing anywhere else seems to fail.


I posted a fix last weekend. What I was missing is the Mod Organizer (MO) expects SpyProc patches to be installed using MO in the MO/mods directory (I assumed everyone was doing this anyways). Some people were installing it elsewhere. MO then copies to files to the MO/overwrite directory with patches in the "SkyProc Patches" directory and for automatic variants (AV) the textures in the overwrite\textures directory. Installing anywhere else seems to fail.


I disagree. I have both Mod Downloads and Mod Installs folders outside of main MO folder and I never had any problems like that.


As stated, all you need to do is to install patchers, and then (manually) copy ALL THE CONTENTS into MO Overwrites folder.

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