Vond Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Just curious Neo - are you looking into adding perk-overhauls to SR? I know you said in the past you were looking into SkyRe etc, and it *does* work, but SkyRe is pretty far from bugfree and that post by you was made very long ago. :) Personally I wish SkyRe had a perk-only module, Wayfarer is such a great addition but there's quite a bit about SkyRe I don't like as well. There are so many other options though such as ACE, SPERG and various mods that change only certain things (magic overhauls, kryptopyr's Smithing and Sneak overhauls etc) but having something "official" for SR might be a good idea. I've played a bit with SPERG and it's quite decent, and also easy to replace the perktrees you don't like with something from another mod and it has a nice MCM menu etc, but there's for certain some gems out there I haven't found.
statmonster Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Good question Vond. I have used ACE for most of my playing and like it but decided to drop all of it except Realistic Fighting (which does not affect perks and I really like for adding a bit of tactics to combat). Overall ACE has some really great tweaks making things more logical but is not too far from vanilla. The smithing perks are well done. The enchanting/alchemy stuff is really well thought out but a bit removed from vanilla. I think it could use a bit of a general update. In general the perks in here are better balanced than vanilla - very few are useless and very few are so overwhelming you must get them ASAP. I use kryptopyr's Sneak (all except the skeleton key perk) and Smithing (Improved Vanilla) and really like them. (I used the smithing that used to be integrated in Weapons and Armor Fixes but she has now been broken out.) Since I like to play sneak characters I like how she has made sneaking more difficult and deliberate so you can really focus on this aspect of play rather than get a high skill and muffle and just waltz virtually undetectable. If you want to focus on sneaking in your game and just want to causully use it every once and a while it might be too much. SPERG looked like too much of an overhaul rather than just touching up vanilla's weaknesses but it might be good in it's own right. SkyRe even more so. Might be great but I'd sort of rather play vanilla with the kinks ironed out for now. What I am really looking for is a good set of combat perk mods - nothing too drastic but just a little more logical and smooth. (SOme vailla perks border on the useless and others are really overpowering.) A good overhaul of alchemy would be nice too. Not necessarily the nerfing of healing (though that might be ok); I just wish it were a bit more interesting. I liked the toxicity system in Witcher where potions were a double edged sword - very useful but if you took too many you suffer some serious negative consequences.
dstansberry Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 I may be missing something, but tn the instructions for SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, there appears to be a error. The instructions appear to indicate that the following correction should be made to the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Expand "Worldspace">"0000003C">"Block -1,0">"Sub-Block -1,3" and select the "00009292" node. Drag the "EDID - Editor ID", "MHDT - Unknown", and "XLCN - Location" record from HearthFires.esm to SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp. However, the node in question appears to be contained within the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp
Luinithil Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Quote I may be missing something, but tn the instructions for SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, there appears to be a error. The instructions appear to indicate that the following correction should be made to the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Expand "Worldspace">"0000003C">"Block -1,0">"Sub-Block -1,3" and select the "00009292" node.Drag the "EDID - Editor ID", "MHDT - Unknown", and "XLCN - Location" record from HearthFires.esm to SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp. However, the node in question appears to be contained within the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.espHmm, no, pretty sure it IS in Hearthfires.esm. Are you typing in the right FormID?
rootsrat Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Quote Quote I may be missing something, but tn the instructions for SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, there appears to be a error. The instructions appear to indicate that the following correction should be made to the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Expand "Worldspace">"0000003C">"Block -1,0">"Sub-Block -1,3" and select the "00009292" node.Drag the "EDID - Editor ID", "MHDT - Unknown", and "XLCN - Location" record from HearthFires.esm to SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp. However, the node in question appears to be contained within the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.espHmm, no, pretty sure it IS in Hearthfires.esm. Are you typing in the right FormID? If you're supposed to drag a record from one mod to another, then that record should be present in both mods. In case of SR changes to the plugin files the only case when you have to create new records is when you're combining Conditions from two or more mods together.
Solist Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Does anyone know what this instruction from last night's update means specifically? Are there items we need to go through our installs and remove? Quote 05/24/2013 12:50AM PST - Removed various BOSS Masterlist sections no longer required
Neovalen Posted May 24, 2013 Author Posted May 24, 2013 Quote Does anyone know what this instruction from last night's update means specifically? Are there items we need to go through our installs and remove? Quote 05/24/2013 12:50AM PST - Removed various BOSS Masterlist sections no longer requiredJust open BUM and it should prompt you to remove any redundant placements. Basically some mods were added to the master list.
Solist Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Ahh ok, thanks! Didn't register in the noggin this was simply a Boss Masterlist update negating a bunch of the SR custom BUM rules. Perfect, thanks for the quick reply.
Solist Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Neo - trying to fix the issue of my shield no longer appearing on my back so I'm reinstalling XP, IA and DSR. Two questions: 1. For Immersive Animations, we haven't before and it's not in the guide but do we need to install the "Sword and Shield Wield" option during the install? Doubt it but saw it and wanted to ask. 2. For DSR - you state "1.6b (Main File + On Back Meshes)". Just to confirm, the On Back Meshes you refer to is the Optional File - "Sword on Back Pack" from May 5th. Right? Thanks!
statmonster Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 If you want to use the new Lore or Varianet options of aMidianBorn Glass armor you will need new meshes for the UNPB body. A quick solution is to use the UNP variant https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36370 based on Exter's UNP body. If you want to use a UNPB body you should take your existing meshes and modify them to replace your old mesh's BSLightingShaderProperty with the one from Cabal so they point to Cabal's new textures, then just rename your mesh to match Cabal's naming and folder conventions. This is pretty straightforward and can be done using delete copy and paste (Ctrl-Delete, Ctrl-C &Ctl-V) in NifSkope (which itself can be downloaded from Nexus). If anyone would like details on how to do this I can post the step by step instructions later tonight.
Neovalen Posted May 24, 2013 Author Posted May 24, 2013 Quote Neo - trying to fix the issue of my shield no longer appearing on my back so I'm reinstalling XP, IA and DSR. Two questions: 1. For Immersive Animations, we haven't before and it's not in the guide but do we need to install the "Sword and Shield Wield" option during the install? Doubt it but saw it and wanted to ask. 2. For DSR - you state "1.6b (Main File + On Back Meshes)". Just to confirm, the On Back Meshes you refer to is the Optional File - "Sword on Back Pack" from May 5th. Right? Thanks!1. No.2. Main file + the On Back Meshes update file right below it.
Luinithil Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Quote If you want to use the new Lore or Varianet options of aMidianBorn Glass armor you will need new meshes for the UNPB body. A quick solution is to use the UNP variant https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36370 based on Exter's UNP body. If you want to use a UNPB body you should take your existing meshes and modify them to replace your old mesh's BSLightingShaderProperty with the one from Cabal so they point to Cabal's new textures, then just rename your mesh to match Cabal's naming and folder conventions. This is pretty straightforward and can be done using delete copy and paste (Ctrl-Delete, Ctrl-C &Ctl-V) in NifSkope (which itself can be downloaded from Nexus). If anyone would like details on how to do this I can post the step by step instructions later tonight.Instructions-- or a link to easy to follow instructions on using Nifskope would be great, please and thank you. I find myself having to do some NIF tinkering recently, and don't know where to begin.
Solist Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Neo - your latest special instruction edit to Glass Armor needs a / after the shield folder.
Luinithil Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Valor Armor is now recognised by the BOSS masterlist.
dstansberry Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Quote Quote I may be missing something, but tn the instructions for SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, there appears to be a error. The instructions appear to indicate that the following correction should be made to the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Expand "Worldspace">"0000003C">"Block -1,0">"Sub-Block -1,3" and select the "00009292" node.Drag the "EDID - Editor ID", "MHDT - Unknown", and "XLCN - Location" record from HearthFires.esm to SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp. However, the node in question appears to be contained within the SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.espHmm, no, pretty sure it IS in Hearthfires.esm. Are you typing in the right FormID)The records we're moving ARE located in the Hearthfires.esm. However, the guide appears to indicate that we're to find the node we're asked to edit (Worldspace > 000003c > Block -1,0, etc) inside SkyTEST-RealsticAmimals&Predators.esp. In reality, it exists inside SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp Or perhaps I'm mistaken. It certainly wouldn't be the first time!
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