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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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  'Neovalen said:
  'Luinithil said:
Regarding Werewolf Mastery: I opened up the combined version last night together with the Bethesda official ESMs and took a quick scan of Hearthfire's records: the only red conflict I saw was at 000FC1A2' date=' for PlayerSleepQuest-- all BYOHAdoption____ values in that record of course weren't forwarded as part of the stuff in Werewolf Mastery' date=' given the author doesn't own Hearthfire.[/quote'']

I have volunteered my services to RolandSir and he has agreed that I will be making the compatibility patches for Hearthfire to be hosted on his page. :) Just a matter of time. Never fear!


On another note - the new Alternate Start is AMAZING! Voiced Mara Statue, heck yeah!

Possible new conflict with some SR mod though? Or it might be one of the mods I have on top of SR obviously. The new Highelf start works great, the new Darkelf start doesn't work - she says her line etc but the quest doesn't update so I can't click on the bed.


OP says 85% completion, but thats from January or so. What would you say where you are now? You've got a timeframe till full release?


Any chance of keeping a drop box up to date with just the compatibility patches?

A clever idea - though perhaps a lot of work initially - having fewer people actually doing them might enable the odd bug/miswording to slip through - though there would be a lot fewer questions for Neo about how exactly to do some of the tricky or ambiguous ones.


I would have appreciated such a thing when I started doing it and it would make it much more inviting for newer players to adopt SR - but in hindsight I would not have learned about how to use some of the tools (here - TES5Edit mainly), which is proving to be useful when I look at other mods Neo did not include.  So in hindsight I'm glad this option did not exist. Of course I do seem to spend a lot more time now fiddling with mods than actually playing...


I wonder if it would violate Nexus's terms of use?  No idea.


There's also the problem that if more people start adopting Skyrim Revisited-- particularly if this guide ever DOES get incorporated, fully or partially into STEP proper, it might put people's Dropbox accounts under pressure from the bandwidth constraints incurred from all the downloading.


Non-Nexus options: I'd worry about Nexus TOS and modders' own Terms of Use. Otherwise a locker on multiple filehosts might be a better choice compared to Dropbox folders. Ideally a torrent on a (private?) tracker would be faster, but again there's that issue of Nexus TOS.


I'd say the best hope is still Nexus, with permission from the various authors to do so-- maybe get them to incorporate the patches into their own fix patches, to be released on their mod page, which also can then be submitted to BOSS's masterlist for sorting. Else there could be the option to do as Sharlikran does with his Compatibility Fixes, again with authorial permission?


Any chance of keeping a drop box up to date with just the compatibility patches?



I wonder if it would violate Nexus's terms of use?  No idea.

In short, yes, without a lot of extra work on an ongoing basis for Neovalen.


Most of the compatibility patches are created by copying records from a mod into the patch, then modifying that (usually with values from another mod.) This means the patch files you create all contain "code" belonging to the original mod's author. It's absolutely fine to do that if you just keep those files for your own use, but before you could (legally) upload them, you'd have to get permission to redistribute from the mod author. Repeat that for every mod where you need to create a patch, add to the mix the fact that people can sometimes be difficult to get hold of, and that some mod authors may simply not want any kind of 3rd party redistribution, and it quickly becomes impossible to keep up-to-date fast enough to stay in synch with the guide itself.  


On top of all that, it would mean a lot of dull and stressful work for Neovalen: not modding or even playing Skyrim, nor working on his own mods, but instead hunting down mod authors, writing emails, tracking permissions, maybe getting it all together for the Nexus, etc etc. Deathly, deathly dull work.


I hope Neo doesn't mind me putting words in his mouth, but the bottom line is that this is never going to happen.


Amen to that Kal.... permissions nightmare. On top of that, making the edits makes you learn the tools which is a secondary objective to the guide on top of making the "perfect" Skyrim.


Mod authors DO approach me and when they do I work with them to update their mods. Hence why most of the time mods eventually have edits removed over time. Obviously, for "abandoned" mods that isn't the case but not much we can do about this.


As for when it will be completed... I'm coming to realize it will never be 100%... the list keeps growing. That being said, with the popularity it's gained among people so far do I really need a release? Seems more and more people show up every day.


Well you can always just stop waiting for more updates... and just press that play button and never come back to the guide site until after your playthough! :P


I know I plan on doing that eventually :)


Well you can always just stop waiting for more updates... and just press that play button and never come back to the guide site until after your playthough! :P


I know I plan on doing that eventually :)

Or try and keep pace with the updates and play, and deal with any resulting instability as the cost of being on the bleeding edge! ;)



Well Moonlight Tales is working! I am level 6-7 and have Vilja and Janessa as followers. We attacked Halted Stream Camp and after overrunning it was three more bandits fighting a large white shaggy thing outside down by the ponds. It wiped out the bandits and headed after us. I hit it with half a dozen sneak attack arrows to little effect. Vilja then finished it off in close combat. (I have no idea where Janessa was off skulking while this happened.) I thought it was an SIC creature - but since I was using the Lore Purist MCM control wondered briefly if that was working right. Still there are bandits to be killed and a bounty to collect. In any case we head into the Mine, dispatch the lone guy up top and I snipe the head bandit (too little effect). All three bandits rush us and it breaks down into a general melee. While the chief bandit is pounding on my head I rear a roar and see this werewolf demolish a bandit (kind of cool when they fly across the cave!) and wonder what the hell just happened - is one of the bandits a werewolf? But then the werewolf turns back into Vilja. Strange! The NPC-NPC infection produces quite surprising results.

  'Luinithil said:
Bashed Patch weirdness with RND? Yeah' date=' there is some. Not game breaking or very noticeable, but it is there. I think that for mine at least, what I remember off hand is I was missing sweet rolls in the inns vendor lists.[/quote']


Add relev tag to RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp and that will be sorted (along with a few other missing items from vendor lists)


In the description of forwarding changes from the various DLCs there is a missing word. The description says:


- Expand the "00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3" under Rooster at Dawn v1.0.esp and select the "00042249" node.


while it should say:


- Expand "Worldspace">"00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3" under Rooster at Dawn v1.0.esp and select the "00042249" node.


Awesome guide btw!

  'Vond said:
  'Luinithil said:
Bashed Patch weirdness with RND? Yeah' date=' there is some. Not game breaking or very noticeable' date=' but it is there. I think that for mine at least, what I remember off hand is I was missing sweet rolls in the inns vendor lists.[/quote'']


Add relev tag to RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp and that will be sorted (along with a few other missing items from vendor lists)

Tried adding the relev tag via xEdit, but it didn't show up in Bash. How do I add the tag in Bash? Thanks!


Easier to explain via a picture so here you go. Just find the bottomright section, rightclick, and have it like this:


Posted Image


In the description of forwarding changes from the various DLCs there is a missing word. The description says:


- Expand the "00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3" under Rooster at Dawn v1.0.esp and select the "00042249" node.


while it should say:


- Expand "Worldspace">"00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3" under Rooster at Dawn v1.0.esp and select the "00042249" node.


Awesome guide btw!

Wording fixed.
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