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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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Hello guys,


I just want to thank you for this wonderful guide.


one more thing, I successfully use "T3nd0s Skyrim Redone" with this guide and it works almost perfectly, does anybody knows any major conflicts about the mod ?


Hello guys,


I just want to thank you for this wonderful guide.


one more thing, I successfully use "T3nd0s Skyrim Redone" with this guide and it works almost perfectly, does anybody knows any major conflicts about the mod ?

The thread under this one... ;) https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=2252


As for getting rid of the old esps... not worth a mention in the guide only because they aren't generated until you run the individual patcher (no longer in guide as is). Just growing pains for updating users.


Regarding missing masters(from Leviathan):

My guess is it's just badly managed load lists that are now popping up since SkyProc is more "strict" with it now.


The short answer is to make them all use SUM.


The long answer is that it's a bit of a pickle that I'm still attempting to figure out the best option for protocol.

Atm, patchers ran by themselves "absorb" -all- mods that are active on the load list, even mods that come AFTER their current position in the load order. (hence the instruction to put it at the END of the load order). This gets hairy with unrecognized mods that get shoved to the end by BOSS if the user doesn't handle it properly.


The reason it's currently handled this way is the initial case when a fresh new user downloads the patcher and runs it, the patcher's esp is currently NOT on the load order at all... so all the patcher can do is absorb all the mods as it has no reference of what to exclude. Then, the second time they run it and the esp is on the load order, the goal is to produce the same patch as last time -> use all the mods on the load order.


This however leads to issues if the esp ends up in the middle of the load order, but is then absorbing things after it... which is probably what you're running into right now. SUM will "fix" this because it runs BOSS, sorts the esps, and then makes the patchers exclude things that come after their esp. (because it ran BOSS, it has a frame of reference now, even if it's the first time running the patcher).


I'm leaning towards having each individual patcher run BOSS and place themselves on the load order, similar to how SUM does now. This would be a "convenience fix"... because in all reality EVERYONE should be running through SUM, it's just hard to enforce that.


I'll probably implement a SUM-style BOSS execution as part of every patcher. Until then and even after, suggest SUM for everyone.


As for getting rid of the old esps... not worth a mention in the guide only because they aren't generated until you run the individual patcher (no longer in guide as is). Just growing pains for updating users.

I deleted the old ESPs and they regenerated when I ran SUM. 

Do I install Spells Addon for FNIS or is it the main file ONLY?

As far as I know no mod in SR need the spell addon from FNIS.

I don't have it and everything works fine.


As for getting rid of the old esps... not worth a mention in the guide only because they aren't generated until you run the individual patcher (no longer in guide as is). Just growing pains for updating users.

I deleted the old ESPs and they regenerated when I ran SUM. 


Right, but they won't if you select merge... at least they don't for me...


Maybe I am misremembering the sequence of events (re. deleting old ESPs, running SUM, etc.), I'll try to check it again when I get a chance.  I saw it generates the new ESPs for AV & DSR while running SUM (during stages 2 and 3 respectively) - I thought that was odd but figured maybe it might delete them when it it created the merged patch (SUM.esp) but it did not.  Instead it left the AV and DSR esps active and created SUM.esp but did not activate it.  I deactivated the AV and DSR ESPs and activated SUM.esp and everything seemed to work fine in game.   AFAIK.


I would use SUM except it's not playing well with Lootification for me, and hasn't since Lootification was released actually. Doesn't work well with GELO either, so I've given up on having Diablo-style loot. :(


AV, ASIS, and I think DSR are fine, but those two loot-adding mods seem to make SUM fall over on my machine. I'm thinking it's possible memory issues-- ridiculous since I have 8GB, but given the memory limitations of 32-bit Java I do believe it might be a problem for the mods I want to run. Currently SUM keeps hanging as soon as it starts up LLI.jar, or gets to the importing stage, imports some mods and then hangs. And this happens, even if AV and presumably DSR work perfectly fine with SUM. It's irritating because if I just patch them one by one, everything works fine even if the waiting period is long.


ETA: I've managed to get everything working now-- apparently cleaning memory before patching seems to have done the trick. 11 minutes for all patches (AV, LLI, DSR) to complete. Same thing happened as with statmonster's results: SUM generated the individual AV, LLI and DSR patches, activated those, and also created a SUM.esp, which it left inactive. I'm hoping not to have to regenerate the patches anytime soon, to be honest; I can never tell if my system will cooperate and patch without kicking up a fuss on any given day. *sigh*


I'd appreciate if someone posted a screenshot of Chesko_WearableLantern.esp from TES5EDIT, along with Dawnguard.esm loaded, I'm interested to see Conditions for "Idle Animation" under Chesko_WearableLantern.esp and the "0002A9D3" node.


I'm having trouble with the following instruction from the SR guide and I would like to see the final effect of the below.



This mod does not carry forward changes from the various DLCs.

To resolve the problem(s), perform the following:


Open TES5Edit.

Select all Bethesda ESMs and Chesko_WearableLantern.esp then click [OK].

Expand "Idle Animation" under Chesko_WearableLantern.esp and select the "0002A9D3" node.

Right-click the "Condition" in Chesko_WearableLantern.esp regarding Torch01 and select "Remove".

Right-click the "Conditions" row in Chesko_WearableLantern.esp select "Add" twice.

Drag the two conditions from Dawnguard.esm, in order, to the two newly created condition spaces in Chesko_WearableLantern.esp.

Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].




As for getting rid of the old esps... not worth a mention in the guide only because they aren't generated until you run the individual patcher (no longer in guide as is). Just growing pains for updating users.

I deleted the old ESPs and they regenerated when I ran SUM.

Right, but they won't if you select merge... at least they don't for me...

I had the same behavior as statmonster. Deleted everything patch wise for AV and DSR prior to running SUM, it generates an esp for both as the patchers are running (yes, Merge was selected); and upon completion creates an AV, DSR and SUM.esp.


So it's safe then to just delete these newly created ones I'm going to assume, and leave SUM as the sole one.

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