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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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In Better Vampires, one ofthe unofficial patch changes seems to be unneeded:


Expand "Weapon" under Better Vampires.esp and select the "0010C6FB" node.

Drag the "Speed" record from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp to Better Vampires.esp.


How do you tag a mod with DELEV & RELEV tags if BOSS doesn't do it?

In wrye bash select plugin and right clik in lower-right tag window. Bash tags mods automatically if can find tags in masterlist.

Caution - aMidianBorn Book of Silence - It seems that the default install will install everything on the armor side but that it misses some textures if you use a custom install.


Thanks Iroha!


Caution - aMidianBorn Book of Silence - It seems that the default install will install everything on the armor side but that it misses some textures if you use a custom install.


Thanks Iroha!

Again? I thought 1.7 was supposed to fix this?! CaBaL just isn't having any luck.

After reviewing the current state of SR (and the Bash Patch created), I have decided to NOT use a Bash Patch. Will update the guide to this recommendation for now. It's currently not providing any benefit and is actually causing detriment with Trade and Barter.


Caution - aMidianBorn Book of Silence - It seems that the default install will install everything on the armor side but that it misses some textures if you use a custom install.


Thanks Iroha!

Again? I thought 1.7 was supposed to fix this?! CaBaL just isn't having any luck.
Someone else reported it in the comments.  I checked and a couple of armors were missing.  (Scale and one other.)

I can see why he has little tolerance for people sniping at him in the comments section.

  'Neovalen said:
After reviewing the current state of SR (and the Bash Patch created)' date=' I have decided to NOT use a Bash Patch. Will update the guide to this recommendation for now. It's currently not providing any benefit and is actually causing detriment with Trade and Barter.[/quote']

Interesting.  I've been having trouble with Trade and Barter. (The merchant golds does not re-spawn consistently correctly.)  What is the issue?  Is it specifically related to some other mod in SR or some other cause? 


Will the lack of a bashed patch cause issues with other mods that we might add to SR? High Level Enemies?

Skyrim Immerisve Creatures?

101 Bugs?

Diverse Guards?

Cloaks or Winter is Coming?

Deadly Dragons?

Coin Replacer?

Stealth Skills Reblanced?


How do you tell it is not needed?  (I'd like to look through the one I have and check.)


EDIT: I think I see what you mean about Trade and Barter - some of it's settings are being overwritten. The author thought it important that the Merchant Gold values all be set to "Use All", but the Bashed Patch is changing them to something else.

  'statmonster said:
  'Neovalen said:
After reviewing the current state of SR (and the Bash Patch created)' date=' I have decided to NOT use a Bash Patch. Will update the guide to this recommendation for now. It's currently not providing any benefit and is actually causing detriment with Trade and Barter.[/quote']

Interesting.  I've been having trouble with Trade and Barter. (The merchant golds does not re-spawn consistently correctly.)  What is the issue?  Is it specifically related to some other mod in SR or some other cause? 


Will the lack of a bashed patch cause issues with other mods that we might add to SR? High Level Enemies?

Skyrim Immerisve Creatures?

101 Bugs?

Diverse Guards?

Cloaks or Winter is Coming?

Deadly Dragons?

Coin Replacer?

Stealth Skills Reblanced?


How do you tell it is not needed?  (I'd like to look through the one I have and check.)


EDIT: I think I see what you mean about Trade and Barter - some of it's settings are being overwritten. The author thought it important that the Merchant Gold values all be set to "Use All"' date=' but the Bashed Patch is changing them to something else.


Skyrim Immerisve Creatures - Don't know, not using it yet.

101 Bugs - No Effect.

Diverse Guards - No Effect

Cloaks or Winter is Coming - No Effect

Deadly Dragons - No Effect

Coin Replacer - No Effect

Stealth Skills Reblanced - Don't know, not using it yet.

ASIS - Don't know.


How do you tell it is not needed? I simply made one and checked in TES5Edit if there were actually any conflicts resolved between the various mods. In the base SR, the answer was no and as you specify in your Edit, Trade and Barter was getting slammed.


Is Realistic Room Rental working correctly for others? I checked in TESEdit and am not seeing any indication of an overwrite but Riverwood Trader is still at default 10 gold.

  'statmonster said:
  'Neovalen said:
After reviewing the current state of SR (and the Bash Patch created)' date=' I have decided to NOT use a Bash Patch. Will update the guide to this recommendation for now. It's currently not providing any benefit and is actually causing detriment with Trade and Barter.[/quote']

Interesting.  I've been having trouble with Trade and Barter. (The merchant golds does not re-spawn consistently correctly.)  What is the issue?  Is it specifically related to some other mod in SR or some other cause? 


Will the lack of a bashed patch cause issues with other mods that we might add to SR? High Level Enemies?

Skyrim Immerisve Creatures?

101 Bugs?

Diverse Guards?

Cloaks or Winter is Coming?

Deadly Dragons?

Coin Replacer?

Stealth Skills Reblanced?


How do you tell it is not needed?  (I'd like to look through the one I have and check.)


EDIT: I think I see what you mean about Trade and Barter - some of it's settings are being overwritten. The author thought it important that the Merchant Gold values all be set to "Use All"' date=' but the Bashed Patch is changing them to something else.[/quote']

we must use bashed patch for Skyrim Immerisve Creatures and High level enemies and all that alter levelled lists (spawn of npc, loot, stats of items etc.), overwise we can lose some content. We don't need bashed patch if we have few mods that alters levelled lists (mods that alters LL listed in bashed patch.esp->right click->rebuild->levelled lists. Well, those that known by BOSS and/or those which have tags assigned by authors or by you). Technically, you can create bashed patch without trade and barter, rename it and move up, I don't know in which section trade barter placed by BOSS - never installed it - I already have much MCM mods and one more mod with settings I'll never tweak seems redundant for me. No offence. I think that skyrim economy is miserable too.


ASIS is post-bashed patch. and it benefits from bashed patch (if you've build it).

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