So far I've followed the SRLE guide exactly, but now I've got no idea of how to do these mod merges and Neovalen's instructions are a bit unclear. I'm hoping someone can help me.
What I'm confused about
The guide starts out telling you to run LOOT after every mod install.
Run LOOT after each mod with an ESM or ESP file to ensure the load order is correct.
My load order is all set up, but now the Merge Plugin guide is telling me to mess with the load order in order to create the merges.
Merge Plugins Standalone can only merge files that are contiguous, that is, there are no conflicting mods in between them.
Therefore, files to be merged should be at the bottom of your load order in the order specified.
The guide also does not tell you what to do with your load order after the merge has been created. It tells you where to place the merged mod in the left pane of Mod Organizer, but nothing about the load order. I'm also unsure of what to do with the files that were used to create the merge. Do I deactivate them from the load order? Do I delete them completely? Do I move them back to where they were originally in the load order before I moved them to the end?
Bash Tagging
When I create the bash for the Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul merge, "bashed patch, 0.esp" shows up in my load order in italics. The file is placed in Mod Organizer's "Overwrite" folder. Do I create a mod from the Overwrite folder contents? Do I run LOOT on the .esp, or is there somewhere I should place it in the load order?
My current step-by-step process
1. Create a backup Mod Organizer profile I can revert to if I screw something up.
2. Drag the Bathing in Skyrim mod .esps to the bottom of the load order.
3. Merge them. Place the mod where specified in the left pane. De-activate the unmerged versions. Run LOOT to place the new merged .esp where it should be in the load order.
4. Repeat steps 2&3 for the Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul merge.
5. Run Wrye Bash. Add the specified tags to the new merged .esm as the Bash Tagging guide says.
6. Create a mod for the bashed patch from the Overwrite folder. Activate it and run LOOT to place it in the load order.
7. Freak out and stop because this wasn't in the guide and I'm flying blind on too many things. Revert to the backup I made. Ask for help.
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