Latest Build (16241) Incompatible with Mod Organizer 1 MO is a tool for organizing mods for Bethesda games from Morrowind to Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4, and others. The build 16241 breaks this tool. It uses a file, "hook.dll" to create symlinks between plugins stored in subfolders of a mod folder. When the 32 bit games are launched these hooked symlinks fool the OS into using the mods as if they were all residing in the games data folder (i.e. where they would be normally). This method allows for more advanced mod management and specifically, installation without overwriting files from other mods and uninstallation while preserving files from other mods. In addition, for some reason, I can no longer install the Nexus Mod Manager, which is the standard, simpler to use mod manager. So, basically, I cannot play my games until this is resolved. Unfortunately, the author of the tool is no longer working on the application as he has been hired away by the developers of the NMM. Please offer a solution.