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Everything posted by fortunequacker

  1. Regarding my previous post. The batch file runs great for me until it reaches a large BSA file, then it hangs. I tried some different ROBOCOPY flags with no joy. In other news, after a complete Windows 10 reinstall to IP 16237, I still cannot get Wrye Bash to run through MO2. I can also confirm the same issue with FO4. I firmly believe, at this point, something in Windows 10 is causing this issue. Unfortunately, at some point, all users of Windows 10, MO2, and Wrye Bash will be affected. We can only hope that Tannin and the NMM Team will come through with a better solution with a new and improved NMM. F.Q.
  2. I have the same error. What I found in addition to everything you all have noted already. Is that even though, I manually set all of the paths in bash.ini to child directories of my Mopy folder, Win 10 is still insisting on using Appdata\Local when Wrye Bash is run though MO2. With all the same bash.ini settings, WB runs perfectly outside of MO2. I am on Win 10 Insider Build 16237, rolled back from 16241. 16241 will not let you run MO1 games with mods. I verified this myself. So, I have modified the batch file submitted above and will try this work-around. Thanks for the batch coding work. Appreciate it. F.Q.
  3. I have rolled back and paused my updates for now. But, eventually I will be forced to move forward because I deleted the files that would be needed in order to roll back to the last stable public build. So, once I am back in 16241, I will test the Windows Defender theory. I am monitoring this thread and some others in other forums and will report back here if anyone identifies the problem, or find a solution or work-around.
  4. You are correct. I should not have used the term symlink. I should have said simulate links or something. However, you are missing the point by quibbling over my wording. The fact is, the update renders Mod Organizer worthless. I find it ironic that the update that is supposed to help us with retaining the use of these older games, actually may be the very thing that renders them obsolete. Hope someone figures this out. Where is Tannin when you need him? I suppose if we could figure out what is causing the issue, we could work around it. But, I spent 8 hours yesterday trying all kinds of different approaches with no luck. I will continue to poke around.
  5. Interesting. I just installed Free Commander, ran it from inside MO. And the mods are all in the data folders, just where they should be. So, why are my games no longer seeing the mods? Very strange. But still something caused by MS Win 10 build 16241. I know, because I rolled back and my games work perfectly again.
  6. Latest Build (16241) Incompatible with Mod Organizer 1 MO is a tool for organizing mods for Bethesda games from Morrowind to Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4, and others. The build 16241 breaks this tool. It uses a file, "hook.dll" to create symlinks between plugins stored in subfolders of a mod folder. When the 32 bit games are launched these hooked symlinks fool the OS into using the mods as if they were all residing in the games data folder (i.e. where they would be normally). This method allows for more advanced mod management and specifically, installation without overwriting files from other mods and uninstallation while preserving files from other mods. In addition, for some reason, I can no longer install the Nexus Mod Manager, which is the standard, simpler to use mod manager. So, basically, I cannot play my games until this is resolved. Unfortunately, the author of the tool is no longer working on the application as he has been hired away by the developers of the NMM. Please offer a solution.
  7. WARZONES Compatibility Patch for Helgen Reborn had the values as -1024 and 448. How does that happen(Rhetorical)? Set them to the default for Skyrim.esm. Trying the patcher again presently. Thank you for your quick response.
  8. I'm using the latest releases of TES4Edit, TESVLODGen, and DYNDOLOD as of 8AM. I have tried searching for this error message in the forums and in Google. As you can see, it is almost 20 minutes into the process. Here is the error. Any ideas what to do to fix this? I can't get past it. What is the broken mod? [00:19:12.668] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...[00:19:12.866] World Sovngarde ... [00:19:36.259] Doing LOD for Tamriel added by Skyrim.esm[00:19:36.486] Options 01000010011111010001000003010300[00:19:36.504] Dimensions -57, 448, -43, 448[00:19:36.520] ERROR: Worldspace bounds of Tamriel outside +- 128 cells, please remove or fix the broken mod.[Apply Script done] Processed Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 19:55 Please let me know what other info you need and I will provide.
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