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Groovtama last won the day on December 13 2017

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  1. All scripts run event driven. So between 0 and alot. Cloak is just, OnHit add the magic effect to the actor, if it is already on the actor it does nothing. Magic Effect, runs on alot of Events, some are triggered by the player like changing something in RaceMenu or MCM that affects PC\NPCs, also the actor equipping objects (the script jumps over almost all code if there is no change needed), or when an update was delayed because the player was in first person so on the swtich from first to third person.
  2. The "(HDT)" at the default rig map was added because people complained that they could not figure out from the installer what rig map they should use for HDT PE and because in the files it had "(HDT)" and people said it is so much easier to find it out to use that option that way instead of reading the descriptionm so I added the "(HDT)". The default rig map is for HDT-PE, HDT-SMP, if you want to use HDT-PE\SMP without xml data for body physics, or if you don't want to use no HDT-PE\SMP or T\BBP at all. Because people are getting confused when I have an option for HDT and not for HDT at the same time, they would not realize that the rig map is not that important for HDT you just have to have a non-T\BBP one (and the skeleton nifs not screwed up that is why you can't use HDT PE with XPMS), they would ask me constantly what rig map to use, that is why I used the term "disabled body-physics" Creature Skeletns have nothing to do with the FNIS Creature stuff, they are basically compatibility stuff for many Creature skeleton editing mods, like Mighty Beasts, some Vampire Lord bugfixes, some general bugfixes like potema with BBP enabled clothing, and transformation fixes for XPMSE RaceMenu NiO so when you transform from Human to Werewolves\Vampire Lord and back that the nodes are staying correctly scaled, otherwise NiO would cause some messups, because of node missmatching. Vampire Lord and Werewolf skeletons are basically fully required, but when I set anything required people complain that they have to install it.
  3. The reason for the longer saving times is simple, the renderer\scripting runs on auto\quicksaves while on normal saves it does not (menu = renderer and papyrus freeze, visible by the freezing statement in your papyrus log), significally stealing CPU processing time for gathering NetImmerse Override and other SKSE plugins data (PapyrusUtil\JContainer depending on the mods also increase the time, they just do not havie heavy usage mods like XPMSE). The two factors are basically: Number of SKSE plugins that need to save data and amount of data they have to save, for XPMSE with NiO a typical ugrid 5 save with XPMSE it is roughly 500KB to 1MB, around max 2MB if you go with ugrid7, around 4-8MB with ugrid 9 and if you have to save 2MB with the renderer\scripting running that is pretty harsh for SKSE. Dynamic XPMSE NiO data is depended on have many NPCs are in your current loaded area, which you as close as one cell radius. All of their dynamic generated data by XPMSE edits gets thrown away when they are unloaded from the game (CellDetach\3DUnload\Uninstallation). The only stuff semi-permanently (removed on removing XPMSE only) is the data you manually changed, for example you want your one follower to have a specific style for swords than everyone else via EFF. If you increase the loaded grid of Skyrim, more NPCs are kept loaded and thus their data is not removed from NetImmerse Override saving tasks. Static XPMSE NiO data are edits you did manually, which is permanent and needs to be removed manually, like racemenu scale\position\location edits you do in racemenu for your character or follower via EFF, which is pretty small. From my discussions with Expired, NiO only takes a relly small part of a second to save data on a quicksave even with 2-6MB of data, the renderer\scripting just extends it to oblivion, making it take seconds and making the save process take a long time. That is also why I can't fix the issue, because the data needs to be saved and I can't change skyrims saving behaviour and I am not considering moving data from NiO to the magic effect because somehow I get better feedback on performance\stability with data in NiO rather than the save. Because of the remove on uninstall luxus I have with NiO while on saves it is more the workaround with the skse garbage collector and not all people have that enabled by default.
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