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    Fear and loathing in New vegas

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  1. I'd say with RWLE being hidden and the comment saying it's buggy and broken says there's something wrong with it. Good to know though as the alternate weather mods the guide gives is only RWL and Nevada Skies and I prefer how Project reality looks and it's features compared to Nevada skies.
  2. Couple quick questions. Anyone know if RoyBatterian is uploading CaliberX 5.x anytime soon? (Do know from the comments he had dental problems so not as active so hope he's okay). And can FNV Project Reality Mk1 be used instead of RWL/Project Nevada? As RWLE is down while it's being fixed.
  3. When Fast travelling and exiting cells I had a 50/50 chance of crashing ruining game play and immersion New Vegas isn't installed right now due to new hard drive but when it was I had followed the guide 1-1 no modifications which is why I'm posting this error when I reinstall new Vegas I probably will have a smaller mod pool due to not liking some of the mods but was wondering if there is a cause to this to prevent in future play throughs/mod installs is it just an overload on New Vegas with so many mods? The error occurred probably after fifteen minutes of playtime and was a straight CTD with no error message Pc specs GTX 980 i74790k 16 gigs of ram
  4. Keep crashing on fast travel after a while can't figure out why.
  5. Well with your current guide is there a fix for the double eyes?
  6. Anytime i load up Wrye it says this missing files have been removed from load list ILO - Merged Patches.esp and everytime i restart the game it disables the esp
  7. Always when i download the old version does this happen a minute later
  8. How do we fix the double iris issue with FCO?
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