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  1. Did that a while ago ... and had problems with Qt5 errors, so I rolled back to .3 . Will try again with fresh MO2 install. Ty. Edit: And thx for Discord info ... didn't even know there is one for MO2 Yes, that did it. No idea when or why I changed that. Feeling a bit ashamed now :) Ty.
  2. While trying to pinpoint the cause of sporadic CTD's , I've noticed that my MO2 (ver. 2.1.3) usvfs logs are a tad on the big side. From 600mb and up to 1.1Gb. And this line is being repeated like 100.000 times : 20:08:30.591 <24596:20136> [D] hook_GetCurrentDirectoryW [std::wstring(lpBuffer, res)=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4] [nBufferLength=260] [actualCWD.size()=0] [res=42] [callContext.lastError()=2] Any idea what would cause this ? --Neuro
  3. You've definitely put me on the right track. It was NVSR ini setting. One had only to do a bit of *cough* reading. Ini settings : bReplaceHeap = 1 . . . iHeapSize = 450 I was a bit misled by statement that the default ini setting are the most stable ones , so i didn't dig further ... down to fnv4b recommendations. Thanks a lot. 3 hours playtime without a single crash atm.
  4. First a confession : I didn't install all of F&L. Omitted some mods out of personal preference and included some of my own. But F&L is the best base for NV modding I've found so far and I've followed all relevant parts of the guide (i can hear someone grumbling right now). Not a total newb at modding, but this one has got me stumped. So, to the problem. I was getting seemingly random crashes while fast traveling/entering/exiting building. At the start of the game it could be two hours of playtime before I crashed. Then I got to Freeside (lots of cell transitions) and a pattern started emerging. Game would crash after 4-7 cell transitions without fail. Totally reproducible. Commence the mod debugging nightmare. Deactivate all non-F&L mods , rebuild bash , test , rinse repeat ... enb on/off ...the works. Fast forward a few days. Focus : NVSE plugins. And voila. Without NVAC i stopped testing transitions at 45+ successful ones. With NVAC enabled - 4-7 then CTD. Leaving it off made crashes in the open world quite annoying. Leaving it on made transitions a nightmare. I'm out of ideas here ... Setup: -i5,16gb,gtx6600,win10 x64 -fnv4gb -ENB Boost -fake fullscreen (game companion 2.4) -all relevant exes are run with elevated privileges Pastebins: Load order : https://pastebin.com/09F4Jtwb Activated Mods : https://pastebin.com/gXZsVCDF NVAC Log : https://pastebin.com/iVZZg46x EDIT : Same result if I disable stutter remover and leave NVAC enabled. No CTD's . I did something fishy there ... just no clue what.
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