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  1. I think the verification through steam itself may have been enough as it now launches correctly, I'm going to give it a while before I mark this as solved though just in case.
  2. 1.3.6 I just created a new profile (all the mods were still listed though inactive, is that correct?) and the issue persists.
  3. I was using ENBoost, unfortunately moving d3d9.dll out doesn't seem to have helped. FNVEdit also does not report any missing masters. I have found though that when I launch "Vanilla" New Vegas through Mod Organizer I get the crash, but not when launching directly from FalloutLauncher.exe, fnv4gb.exe crashes either way, so I'm thinking perhaps fallout.ini is messed up in some way.
  4. Done, the link to my own thread is: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/8161-new-vegas-hangs-on-a-black-screen-at-launch-then-goes-into-not-responding-state-and-has-to-be-closed/
  5. As per title, my game is hanging on startup, here is my modlist: https://pastebin.com/ibCknmJ5 I have attempted extracting all BSAs aside from FlashlightNVSE, ILO and Nevada Skies. I have also tried going through my plugins and disabling esps a handful at a time to narrow down the issue, but even when I was down to just the default ESMs the issue persisted. Could there be any stupid little thing I'm overlooking, such as a misconfigured ini somewhere with an NVSE plugin?
  6. I've just checked, automatic archive invalidation is enabled for the profile, about to try turning off blocks of plugins now unless there is some faster troubleshooting method. EDIT: I've just gone through slowly disabling all plugins (aside from the base game ESMs) with no improvements, what else could be wrong? Some mess up with an ini somewhere?
  7. I realise now that I might have forgotten to enable archive invalidation. Could this be the cause of the issue?
  8. Been having problems with this hanging immediately on startup, here is my load order for reference: https://pastebin.com/Bz0JdtZM I have searched through some old posts and discovered that some people were having problems with having too many BSAs, so I have extracted most aside from FlashlightNVSE, Nevada Skies and Interior Lighting Overhaul, unfortunately the issue still exists. Anything else I can try? Really not looking forward to the possible rebuild of this whole thing!
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