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  1. I was searching of some with an ENB but thanks all for sharing!
  2. Was wondering where can I check somes prictures/videos of skyrim with a full step installation? Mind sharing some? Cheers!
  3. For my version I fixed the error message and it builds with success. My DLL size is 108KB and I've had no issues with the patch... perhaps VS2010 is just more efficient at optimization.I also had no issues with the 108KB dll but the guys from SKSE said "SKSE only supports building on VS2008" so... I donno..I kinda believe they know what they are talking about since they made the mod. Anyway how did you fix the error message on VS2010?
  4. Maybe you guys have noticed this but I'll report it anyway. The original skse_steam_loader.dll is 114KB in size, so if you're adding code to it then compile it, it should be larger size, no? If you compile the dll using VS2010 with no updates or service pack, the dll size is 107KB , witch is odd because you added code so it should be larger then 114KB . If you compile the dll using VS2010 with service pack and all updates, the dll size is 108KB , witch is still odd because you added code so it should be larger then 114KB. Also, when you compile using VS2010, if you look at the output log it shows: ========== Build: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Now, "PurpleLaunchBox" said "SKSE only supports building on VS2008 due to a language change from C++11." in the following post: https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1478879-wipz-skyrim-script-extender-skse/?p=23273343 So I went ahead and downloaded VS2008 90Trial from here: https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/1/d/81d3f35e-fa03-485b-953b-ff952e402520/VS2008ProEdition90dayTrialENUX1435622.iso Now when I compile the dll using VS2008 with service pack and all updates, the dll size is 122KB. It is now larger then the original dll since i've added code to it, witch makes sense. Also, when you compile using VS2008, if you look at the output log it shows: ========== Build: 3 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== So.. I say it's better to compile the dll using VS2008.
  5. Oh, sorry, didn't have the official name so I though it was something else, let it die or delete please. Was just spreading the good news :)
  6. Someone by the name of sheson over at the ENBdev forum found a way to make Skyrim stable as rock, even with high Ugrids. Go there, do as he says, and all your Infinite Loading Screens, uGrids CTD's, and freezes shall be gone! (For REAL, like... REALLY) https://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2729 I tested this myself and it works wonders. Here is my reply to the thread for you to see how excited I was from the testing I done. https://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2729&start=30#p45663
  7. I think I've tried that already and it still happened, not sure though because I've tried so many thing already in 2 days.... anyways I really wanted the full mod to work properly... Well I do use Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, but I don't get the stack problem if Skyre is turned off :S Just Skyrim dlc's and Skyre. Active Mod Files: I also use "coc riverwood" to test if changing anything fixes it.
  8. Hi everyone, I have the latest version of Skyrim with DG, HT and DB dlc's. I have NO MODS WHATSOEVER apart from the LATEST version of Skyre. I have started a NEW GAME and when I look at the papyrus log I see "Stack dumps" that create over 15000 lines in 1 second. Here's an example: Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] VM is freezing... [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] VM is frozen [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] Dumping stack 3242: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Type: Normal [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Return register: None [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Has stack callback: No [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Stack trace: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]        [Active effect 2 on (00013482)].xxxCombatBehaviourScript.OnHit() - (requested call) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 0]: [Actor < (00000014)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 1]: [sPELL < (00012FCD)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 2]: [PROJECTILE < (00012FCF)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 3]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 4]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 5]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 6]: False I tried unmodified ini settings,"Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patch","SkyRe ReProccer Compatibility Patches" and "Unofficial Skyrim Patches", none solved this issue. I also tried deleting the script file "xxxCombatBehaviourScript.pex" witch seems to fix the 15000 lines in 1 sec problem but now the log obviously tells that the file is missing and I'm sure this is going to brake stuff. From what I can tell it has to do with "xxxCombatBehaviourScript.pex", Me, using the "Flames" spell and when something gets hit... What can I possibly do to get rid of this issue?
  9. I'm very grateful for the fix you made it really works so thanks for sharing. But..... I have another problem, I have no knowledge about scripting and stuff... so hopefully you can help. I have the latest version of Skyrim with DG, HT and DB dlc's. I have NO MODS WHATSOEVER apart from the LATEST version of Skyre. I have started a NEW GAME and when I look at the papyrus log I see "Stack dumps" that create over 15000 lines in 1 second. Here's an example: Suspended stack count is over our warning threshold, dumping stacks: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] VM is freezing... [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] VM is frozen [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM] Dumping stack 3242: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Frame count: 0 (Page count: 0) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Type: Normal [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Return register: None [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Has stack callback: No [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]    Stack trace: [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]        [Active effect 2 on (00013482)].xxxCombatBehaviourScript.OnHit() - (requested call) [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 0]: [Actor < (00000014)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 1]: [sPELL < (00012FCD)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 2]: [PROJECTILE < (00012FCF)>] [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 3]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 4]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 5]: False [08/20/2013 - 02:13:54PM]            [param 6]: False I tried unmodified ini settings,"Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patch","SkyRe ReProccer Compatibility Patches" and "Unofficial Skyrim Patches", none solved this issue. I also tried deleting the script file "xxxCombatBehaviourScript.pex" witch seems to fix the 15000 lines in 1 sec problem but now the log obviously tells that the file is missing and I'm sure this is going to brake stuff. What can I possibly do to get rid of this issue?
  10. Before STEP I was playing with uExterior Cell Buffer=64 uGridsToLoad=7 no problems, only after STEP plus some more mods I already had before, it became a problem, but yeah, after I opened this thread I changed it to the default, uExterior Cell Buffer=36 uGridsToLoad=5 and actually played for 6 hours straight with no problems whatsoever, I even reached the same ram usage as before and it didn't freeze in Whiterun, so I guess that was my only problem, I'll came back if freezes or something else bad happens again. Thanks for the replies and to the whole crew who put STEP together, awesome mods.
  11. I did, however, I don't even reach 3gb Ram and I dont CTD, just freeze near Whiterun and also have a few infinite loadings. Here a Screenshot of when it crashed hope it helps.(uGridsToLoad=7) Could it be the "Virtual Size" thing since its over 3gb??
  12. Alright, how do I explain the situation..... Let's start by my system specs: I5 3570k Stock, Gtx 660 ti 3GB edition, 8 GB Ram, Z77 Mb, hx850w, crappy hdd. So, onto the problem. I installed all the mods, checked load order with BOSS, cleaned the install with TES5Edit, then onto some testing. I started at Riverwood, run a few minutes through it's nearest forest (to load some textures), through Riverwood again, until just outside Whiterun where I stop, look at a distance and the game freezes. While the game is working it's perfect, some minor hiccups, tree/texture popping and some late shadows, this is probably because of my slow hdd, but no big deal. However, after a few minutes of gameplay the game freezes just outside Whiterun (same location) at around 2650 vRam and just over 2.8 Ram usage, all this with uGridsToLoad=7.(If I load the game and go straight to the freeze location it doesn't freeze.) Changed to uGridsToLoad=5, did same exact test, game freezes (same location) but just for like 1.5 seconds then keeps on working. Ram usage never gets passed 2.6gb now, vram 2.3 gb.(Did both tests multiple times, same results) SO, could I be running out of vram, even tough I don't have the obvious BIG frame drops and crazy textures going on? or is this freeze related to ram?, because I read that skyrim may crash if over 3gb ram usage. HELP! as my PC is pretty new and I can still return this graphics card for a 670 4gb edition "IF" the problem is vram!
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