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Everything posted by T0PS1D3

  1. Yes it is but hes a REALLY big fan of ancient Rome... What do you think of PCEA 2 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71055/? Would it be difficult to get that to play well with DSR. Also the NPC animations are still weird arn't they wouldn't this help?
  2. It took me HOURS to figure this out... not really but you should make some kind of note which version to use or that it doesn't matter if that's the case... Some of us do need you to hold our hand through EVERY step... lol
  3. This was effecting me like ALOT... The only way I was able to fix it was by uninstalling NVR3 anyone have any ideas about how to get it to work?
  4. Thanks for the speedy reply! Also I'm probly too new to be giving advice but in the ModOrganizer plugin settings you can disable certain checks from the "Basic diagnosis plugin" so MO wont suggest you change your load order useful if your OCD prevents you from being satisfied till the warnings go away like me I disabled the overwrite as well since having the TES5EditBackups folder in there creates a warning I only pointed this out since I saw someone had asked about ModOrganizer suggesting a different load order
  5. Its probly foolish to ask but the RS Children Mod Merge is the only one that doesn't say: I just wanted to confirm that FormIDs are supossed to be renumbered for this merge.
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