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Everything posted by Siwel187

  1. Ok i had an infinite load loop after finishing the keep and trying to load into Tamriel. This was after loading section 2.E. Currently trying to figure out what it is.
  2. Have you tried disabling/uninstalling non-STEP mods or even all mods to see if the crashes persist? With STEP mods installed and only them activated, i crash. Running it now with nothing installed. The next step is to go down the list installing/enabling mods in chunks and trying to find the problem mod. This needs to be the first thing on the Troubleshooting Guide :P Yeah i'm going to go through the list a section at a time and enable them until it crashes.
  3. Have you tried disabling/uninstalling non-STEP mods or even all mods to see if the crashes persist? With STEP mods installed and only them activated, i crash. Running it now with nothing installed.
  4. Hey everyone, i've been following STEP for the last week and following it to the letter. I've added Skyre to the end of the modding process provided by STEP and i have ran into some errors. I use Mod Organizer for all my modding. This is my mod list: From the top is the highest priority down to the bottom with the lowest. The mods in bold, in some way, create CTD's or complete lock ups of my system when loaded. I've narrowed it down to the above section of mods by loading a new game each time and running the intro sequence and trying to complete the intro (Exit out of the cave). Generally a crash will happen upon entering Helgen Keep or a little bit on while inside the keep. This is my load order (always Run BOSS when ever i add any mod regardless) and always run the reproccer too. What I'm hoping you guys might be able to do is provide me with some support in relation to the narrowing down of the mods that are causing the issue, so i can enjoy the other mods that i have had to deactivate. I have spent a lot of time over the last week working my way through this process, so I'm hoping you guys can finish the job :D Thanks.
  5. Still crashing lots, can't seem to complete the intro. Hmmm.
  6. Well i just loaded Skyre main.esp in TES5 Edit and it looks like there is about 5-6 different mods altering a certain ID, so i moved the MVA .esp's and the manny lanterns to be like what you said. Lets have a run through the intro sequence.
  7. Heh your making me doubt my self now , but i'm pretty sure it was running fine prior to the addition of anything else.
  8. The last 2 files in my load order are Reproccer and Reprocer Dragonborn. I've now moved the Reproc DB to the bottom of the load order as advised. As advised I've moved them. As a matter of priority, when ever i disable or enable, remove or install a mod I'll run BOSS (And make appropriate changes like the ones listed above), close MO, delete Reproccer.esp from the overwrite folder in MO's install directory, open MO, run ReProcces through the data section in MO, close MO and reopen it and activate Reproccer. I also use Balbors Skyre Patch. Balbors is after Reproccer in MO's installed mods field. Thanks for the link, reading through it now. Also disabled Ars Metallica. Appreciate the help
  9. Hey everyone, i've been following STEP for the last week and following it to the letter. I've added a few of the mods that i feel are essential to the end of the modding process provided by STEP and i have ran into some errors. I use Mod Organizer for all my modding. This is my mod list: From the top is the highest priority down to the bottom with the lowest. The mods in bold, in some way, create CTD's or complete lock ups of my system when loaded. I've narrowed it down to the above section of mods by loading a new game each time and running the intro sequence and trying to complete the intro (Exit out of the cave). Generally a crash will happen upon entering Helgen Keep or a little bit on while inside the keep. This is my load order (always Run BOSS when ever i add any mod regardless) and always run the reproccer too. What I'm hoping you guys might be able to do is provide me with some support in relation to the narrowing down of the mods that are causing the issue, so i can enjoy the other mods that i have had to deactivate. I have spent a lot of time over the last week working my way through this process, so I'm hoping you guys can finish the job :D Thanks.
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