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Everything posted by tank_tmt

  1. Heya :),I'm trying to use TES5Edit to change the perks for requiem. And I was hoping someone here could help me clarify what the settings do.I'm trying to change the dagger Multipler for the first perk to be 1 & 2/3 which I believe I could do by having:Entry Point -- Mod Sneak Attack Mult ||| OR Function -- Multiply Value ||| Multiply 1 + Actor Value Mult. Func. Para -- 1.6667 ||| 0.6667But I don't like the inaccuracy of this method. So I wondering if I used "Set Value" for 5 or "Add Value" for +2, would this achieve the same effect without the trailing digits giving inaccuracy.As in would higher perks change it so that if I had a x2 mult higher up would that yield a total of sneak mult of x10?Ps. Apologies if this is the wrong spot for this and please tell me where would be?
  2. tank_tmt


    Hi guys,I've just started playing skyrim again after buying it cheap on sale and I just wanted to say hi (since I've been perusing the site for the last few days). I got bored of it the first time due to becoming the Arch mage and so forth after nearly no effort and the silliness with Paarthurnax. This time I've done a STEP install, with Requiem, and am determined to make it work even if I have to mod the hell out of it. So this is doubling as my 'learn to mod' self-exercise.I'll probably be up for mod testing after I've gotten used to the ropes, until then you won't see too much of me :PCheers and thanks for STEPP.S. If anyone can recommend a good tut. site or series to learn how to mod I'd be grateful (I want to be able to make compatibility patches for when there aren't any and I going through Bethesda's currently )
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