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Thane (4/12)




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  1. Okay, this time it was successful. Here's the link to the log (too big for pastebin): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vgGNprg0b0bSeu48Z71kJCIBJzBbSAaJ/view?usp=sharing If this version works, can I use it for my playthroughs?
  2. Log: https://pastebin.com/5rSmbrNQ Bug Report: https://pastebin.com/j39N9sNX
  3. Here's the bottom portion of the second screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ep8Bm4Z6EZsKB-UMZ-qR05yw0fFb102n/view?usp=sharing And here's the Smashed Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WDCJEBFQhMky8e2GlEVgDj5XEyi-81q_/view?usp=sharing So it looks like the Smashed Patch is using the records from Music Mods Merged and it changes the ZNAM Music record. But that's the only record I'm seeing that Music Mods also changes there.
  4. Here's 0001A280: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzJQI1KuUkd1Ncg7WoyPMNAd6bbW2tOh/view?usp=sharing And here's 0001A26F: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Tez7dlKmSg5zzen_4wurY_ykPwRqyt4/view?usp=sharing
  5. Okay, after weeks of being busy with other things, I was finally able to capture the debug logs: Log: https://pastebin.com/sBuRCzku Bug Report: https://pastebin.com/06TK0AdN
  6. Bug Report: https://pastebin.com/p1ccLAKJ Log: https://pastebin.com/ZYnak2nW I think this is Music Mods Merged (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4625), but I'm not sure exactly. Any ideas on how to resolve it?
  7. Whenever I run LOOT, Mod Organizer reactivates the plugins I deactivated. Those plugins were deactivated because they were merged into my bashed patch.
  8. I've seen this too. The current Wrye Bash that works for SSE doesn't recognize the virtual paths for some reason. When I ran it, the Bashed patch was placed in the Data folder. So the best thing to do for the time being is to make sure your Bashed patch is in a folder in your MO mods folder and uncheck the esps yourself.
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66882/? This mod adds new ways to combat the Undead in Skyrim. It adds more silver weapons to the game, but also adds various resistances to the undead for non-silver weapons. To sum up, you will be given a huge advantage with Silver weaponry against the undead and werewolves but you will find yourself at a slight disadvantage when using non-silver weapons. There are a lot of ways to acquire silver weaponry in the mod, as well as methods of enhancing your own weapons to make them useful against the undead, but you'll have to use your head when entering nordic ruins.
  10. Dynamic Things - Woodpiles and Barrels and More Oh My by dominoid This mod does a lot but the main idea behind it is to make various objects in Skyrim usable. As an example, woodpiles can be looted, crates can be searched, and keg barrels in bandit caves can be tapped (sometimes they contain skooma). It really adds a lot to the Skyrim experience in my opinion. A must-have if you use Frostfall also. But there is so much more to this mod and it seems to work well with existing mods, especially survival mods.
  11. I've seen this issue with a lot of Skyproc Patchers. Tendo's The Staff Machine and Spears by Soolie. Not sure what causes it but it would be nice if a solution is found.
  12. Here's a quick overview of what his SKSE plugin addresses. Looks like workarounds for bad engine coding:
  13. Just ran it successfully without Razor Cortex running. Everything was fine. So I'll just uninstall that program. I only use Steam anyway.
  14. SKSE crashes when I run it from Mod Organizer. It may be a plugin I'm running, I'm not sure yet, but here is the error in the Event Viewer: Also, here is the log contents referenced in the Error Viewer: So if anyone has any ideas on what is causing this, let me know. The only changes I've made in the past few weeks are actually updated graphics drivers. That's all.
  15. Mod that adds Earth, Water, and Wind destruction spells to Skyrim along with corresponding Atronachs. Basically, this mod combines Water Destruction Magic and Wind Destruction Magic while adding Earth Destruction Magic into the mix. The spells correspond to the same pattern that the Vanilla destruction spells do and have their own unique effects associated with them. From the mod's description page: (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69474/?) There are some updates planned for this mod as well, most revolving around adding unique perks as well as resistances.
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