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Everything posted by TheWatcher

  1. At the moment I cannot play it, so these videos are what I've got to work with. I vaguely remember deathneko wanting to play with AOS in a playthrough and showed it to me but I found it deafening when he neared any river, I could not think over it...but that may or may not have been because of a water mod. I'd have to ask him. Either way, when I get back I'll play it on my own and make a choice. The videos were more for 'waiting until a better comparison video appears', as Mr. Tech has suggested he might do. As with most art forms, sound is subjective to the viewer so my conclusion wouldn't be needful because it's only my own uneducated and biased examination with my impaired hearing. Forgot the first rule in aesthetics...So do not mind my conclusion, as it's based on my personal experience and not what you have personally experienced.
  2. I'm sorry if I was off topic. I've been following this discussion for the past week and it seemed intermittent with law and media handling. I could be wrong however. Oh the irony~ Anyway, I agree with you. an open-source environment would be the best option. Interestingly, as a student teacher in education, he or she does tend to receive decent discounts with certain programs and such...but I feel they're just as biased as the companies that only half-minded do it for show. Sometimes the discounted programs are 'available' to only the student teachers and not the teachers. At other times it would seem a program would only pertain to a elementary or secondary educator, not higher-level educator. Not exactly the fairest of ideas but there it is. Bought the student version of Microsoft office 2010 though. :3 I had to due after I had to replace the hard drive on this laptop when it gave out..I couldn't exactly work with Office. I guess my problem that I keep returning to in my rambling thoughts is the acceptance of an open-source. Take for example the Theodor Adorno quote in my previous post. The idea of the open-source is wonderful and a wholesome good, but throwing it at a mostly capitalistic society that runs on money would sent the idea into a firepit. I also think of the people within the society would baulk at the idea of sharing so...equally. But I concede that I like to advocate balance and neither open-source or unfair pay is my solid answer to the problem. Oh and while I agree on buying games, packaged differently or not. I dislike the movement into whatever Steam is suppose to be. I tend to be think like z929669 but with games. I want my physical copy because they can't take that away from me....Like I seriously think Steam can; freak accident or intentional. If this remains off-topic then tell me and I'll fix it...And probably stay away from this thread. It tends to be difficult to remove a simple matter like software due to the massive influences that infringe upon it.
  3. Thought that the lighting in the interiors was dark too but if you think about it, most of those places do not have adequate windows and are made of wood or solid stone (like Markarth). I would think that due to the nature of the surrounding accessible technology with lighting, dark interiors would persist throughout Skyrim. Think about it, fires would be a common occurrence in such building/roof materials. It certainly was in our universe, during the ancient civilizations like the Mesopotamians up to our own Great Chicago Fire in 1871 (Folklore stating it was started by a cow knocking down a lantern....Don't I wish that'd happen to the Thalmor. :|). So although the interiors are dark...and sometimes I had to walk with a torch inside....*Coughs*Markarth Silver-Blood Inn*Coughs*...I could understand why they could be that dark to begin with. Another idea to ponder about is the Skyrim engine to begin with. Most of these interiors would consist of a limited amount of meshes of which, if memory serves, only four light sources can 'touch' a given mesh. More than that have to be meticulously engineered to not coincide with the mesh or another light source. Hence a really really dark Inn in Markarth that forced me to use the torch to find my bed. :( So there is the technical aspect of Skyrim we cannot forget about when we ask for a 'realistic' lighting overhaul that is realistic in theory, resources and lore. (All of which are still technically relative and subjective to the viewer....except for the Skyrim engine)
  4. I happened to become interested in the subject earlier today and have researched various videos of both the mods. I spent most of the day today listening to all of the sounds showcased by the videos and taking scrupulous notes. At the moment I'll post the videos to you guys can see for yourselves, but at the moment my notes have gone into three pages into half of one of the videos, so I'll edit my conclusion into this post later when I'm finished (and spoil tag them so I don't kill anyone's eyesight...Fortunately for me I'm already blind as a bat. :P). Sounds of Skyrim Audio Overhaul for Skyrim
  5. That's just it, laws are as you exemplify; moderation. As the laws progress from their origination and become 'antiquated' or 'past', the reason for them is forgotten. The Concord Hymn comes to mind. While the current laws are unfortunately the necessity of the governments' need for 'micromanaging the people', it is not necessarily the laws' fault. Rather, call it the nature of the people behind the laws. What was once for the sake of 'moderation' is no longer so. :) Don't blame the messenger that is law. Blame human nature being the human's natural state of being. I completely agree with your assessment of media and art. Think of it from the perspective of the word media. It is to store and distribute the information, so to say that the creation of something is given freely to the masses only to be sold for monetary profit is theoretically incorrect. However, the solution do not quite make sense. If you trade/barter skill for skill, the willingness to give a work of art freely defeats the concept of bartering (Which you've mentioned). In this age it is inevitable that reproduction will occur, so long as the original exists. Think of the painter Thomas Kindade as an example. Money, unfortunately, rules. This time the philosopher Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" pops into my mind and reminds me of how you are conceptualizing yourself. It also seems like an explanation behind the 'non-stealing' you refer to. While I do not think I agree with the 'air' being no less steal-able as the physical soil, I think the idea of the time put into the 'air' can be steal worthy in the creator's mind. (The creator not being the corporation...Though as I proofread this before posting, the idea that a person can own the property but not the mineral rights below it comes to mind as an explanation. *Shrugs*) A quote by Theodor Adorno speaks, "This flight into a new order, however flimsy, is a reflection of the fact that absolute freedom in art - which is a particular - contradicts the abiding unfreedom of the social whole." I'm lead to think that "Unless we all agree to begin doing it at the same moment" is a little hard to accomplish. :P ///////////////// (Sorry, I didn't have the mind to remove my cat's absolute freedom of walking across my keyboard) While you are the dreamer, I'm the impractical thinker. So please forgive me if my sentences splay themselves everywhere and follow no common sense. My utopia requires the recognition that there isn't an attainable utopia. This coming from the ever so sarcastic optimist. My optomistic self believes in balance. Which as existed...May as well be my dystopia. I'll go back to my watching now. Don't mind me. :)
  6. I rather enjoy the element of this mod. It makes me think of the dialogue in Oblivion which I missed immensely. Definitely going to try it when I go back to college after the holidays. Now my remaining wish is to find something to fix the race heights. :D
  7. 'Mates' can mean two different things to people 'virtual Neko'. Let the people think more 'Life Partners' or whatever. Though boyfriend/girlfriend is subjective and does not accurately describe the relationship and we are passed the engaged stage, minus the ring. Anyway, yes he is correct. Don't mind us, this still pertains to learning how I tick. :P
  8. <.< Pfff~ Did you just call me Syd Neko? You don't even say my name in real life. Are you sure I'm not in trouble? :P
  9. Thank you so much for the welcome! I've hung around here for a while now so I've seen how friendly and fun this community is. It took me a week to finally decide to register...Then I had to ask deathneko if he thought my username was offensive, just in case. We actually came up with it on accident. It's a joke I couldn't pass up~ :3 Oh yay, cookies and milk?! So long as you guys don't mind my kitten (who's trying desprately to type and touch the laptop screen XD) can have some of the cookies and possibly help with making my posts along the way, I'm here to stay. >.> Now he's thrown my yarn off the desk in a fit of rage...He definitely wants a cookie. I know you're serious~ I appreciate it and thank you again! It is unusual and rather rare to be honest. Many people are surprised when I tell them that the library science is a master's degree. Not only that, it also requires that I teach at a school for at least three years. I came around to this choice when I realized how much I liked the idea of talking to people about books. Although my friends often tell me that they envision me being the librarian who plays metal and rock in the library. XD I can't bet a representation like that; it sounds too awesome to pass up! I think the music would be all the shush I need. ;P *Takes a cookie* I'll be going back to my half-finished hat! *Gets extra cookie for Mr. Kitty*....Just so he leaves my yarn alone.
  10. Jezz, how should I start this? Well, as it says, I'm TheWatcher. Please take that as I didn't intend~ HI! My name's Syd and I'm a 21 year old senior college student that just got suckered into an extra semester last week. My major is History my minors are secondary education and geography. Technically I want to be a librarian, but who's counting? What makes me tick is immersion and escapism. So throw books, manga, or a game at me and I can take it and no one will see me for a few weeks. I can literally see the world around me when I read...this frequently leads me to confusing a book as a movie when I recall it from memory. =__='' Off topic! Anyway, I've had computers around me since I was a toddler. My first memory is trying to remember how to spell the password to the old IBM computer we had so I could play Hocus Pocus. Beyond that...throw in the emerging internet and my everlasting curiosity together, what do you get? TheWatcher. :P I found modding about three years ago when I researched a peculiar bug I encountered while playing The Sims 2. Found out about the wonderful capabilities of a modder's tenacious diligence and now I can't help myself! It also doesn't help that my lovely partner deathneko over there, *Points*, decided to open the wrapping to Skyrim's CD case to play it. Then proceed to mention we should play the previous TES games first (Only I ended up doing so. They ended up scaring him back to Skyrim.) *Coughs*. Usually I tend to keep to myself hence only registering for STEP now, but I couldn't help myself because I like discovering things and reading all that I can about them and I couldn't fully do that unless I registered. It also doesn't help that I came back home for the holidays and can't play on deathneko's riggy computer. I will try to curb my gracious hermit manners and contribute to the forums in the best way that I can. I've read everything about etiquette, rules, researching, obligations...etc. etc. So please, don't mind me. I'm just a person who likes knowing and questioning! I swear~! That's it! Now, back to my crocheting. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
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